tree: cd569f9f8f8752e299e9a5f4b15dd8ace14ed4b9 [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. pom.xml

Localhost Setup

Procedure for localhost testing

Start and Configure an External Identity Provider

  1. Start a Keycloak Server docker run -p 8484:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_USER=admin -e KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=admin jboss/keycloak
  2. Login using http://localhost:8484/auth/admin/
    • username: admin, password: admin
  3. Configure a Realm
    • Click “Add Realm”
    • Select the file located at saml-example/src/main/resources/sling-realm-export.json Note. The preconfigured realm contains configuration for the client and the groups, but does not contain users.
  4. Add user(s)
    • Select Users under the “Sling” Realm
    • Set user attributes; specifically “userid”
    • Set user password
    • Set user groups; specifically join “pcms-authors”

Sling SAML2 Service Provider Setup

  1. Start Sling (Assuming a new instance of Sling 12)
  2. Run mvn clean install -P autoInstallBundle from saml-handler project
    Note: saml-handler is the core bundle offering SAML2 Sign on
  3. Run mvn clean install -P autoInstallPackage from saml-example project
    Note: saml-example is example setup package containing: OSGI configurations, service-user and ACL's. This setup is detailed in the section below.