Apache Sling Mini - Demo Project

The Apache Sling Mini - Demo Project showcases how to build a Sling instance capable of rendering a website based on remote resources stored in a Dropbox folder.

This feature extends Apache Sling Mini with the bundles found in ./src/main/features, which can be summarised to:

  1. the Dropbox Remote Storage Provider
  2. the Apache Sling Scripting Bundle Tracker, which allows executing precompiled scripts for rendering
  3. the HTL script engine and runtime, with support for precompiled scripts
  4. the actual application code (in this case only HTL scripts)

In order to run the application, first follow the steps from org-apache-sling-remote-resourceprovider-dropbox to set up a Dropbox application. Copy the generated access token into the dropbox.accesstoken file.

Copy the content from org-apache-sling-mini-demo-content into the Dropbox application folder you created above. Make sure the .sling.json files are present in your Dropbox folder when copying the content.

Run docker-compose up from this folder and go to http://localhost/content/demo/menu.html.