blob: b69471e83549e26f6c44305314f3913b75c791b8 [file] [log] [blame]
def rawUrlPrefix = ""
def repoUrl = rawUrlPrefix + "/sling-aggregator/master/default.xml"
def repoBase = ""
// Repositories are read from the repo definition file. Customizations must be
// placed in a .sling-module.xml file in the git repository root. See
// for a description of the format
// This is a Jenkins DSL script, I don't think you can run it standalone.
// See that wiki page for how to setup a local Jenkins test instance.
def modules = []
def manifest = new XmlParser().parse(repoUrl)
manifest.project.each { project ->
jobName = project.@name.toString().replace(".git","")
def slingMod = []
def createJob = true
try {
slingMod = new XmlParser().parse(rawUrlPrefix + "/" + jobName + "/master/.sling-module.xml")
println "${jobName}: found custom .sling-module.xml"
} catch ( FileNotFoundException e) {
println "${jobName}: no .sling-module.xml found, using defaults"
def module = [ location: jobName ]
def connection = new URL(rawUrlPrefix + "/" + jobName + "/master/Jenkinsfile").openConnection()
module.pipeline = connection.responseCode == 200
if ( module.pipeline ) {
println "${jobName}: Jenkinsfile found, skipping as they are now managed by a Github org folder."
createJob = false
if ( slingMod?.jenkins?.jdks ) {
def jdks = []
slingMod.jenkins.jdks.jdk.each { jdks.add it.text() }
module.jdks = jdks
println "${jobName}: overriding JDKs list to be ${jdks}"
if ( slingMod?.jenkins?.enabled ) {
createJob = Boolean.valueOf(slingMod.jenkins.enabled.text())
println "${jobName}: overriding job creation with value ${createJob}"
if ( slingMod?.jenkins?.enableXvfb ) {
module.enableXvfb = Boolean.valueOf(slingMod.jenkins.enableXvfb.text())
println "${jobName}: overriding xvfb support with value ${module.enableXvfb}"
if ( slingMod?.jenkins?.mavenGoal ) {
module.mavenGoal = slingMod.jenkins.mavenGoal.text()
println "${jobName}: overriding default maven goal with value ${module.mavenGoal}"
if ( slingMod?.jenkins?.additionalMavenParams ) {
module.extraGoalsParams = slingMod.jenkins.additionalMavenParams.text()
println "${jobName}: overriding additional maven parameters with value ${module.extraGoalsParams}"
if ( slingMod?.jenkins?.rebuildFrequency ) {
module.rebuildFrequency = slingMod.jenkins.rebuildFrequency.text()
println "${jobName}: overriding default rebuild frequency with value ${module.rebuildFrequency}"
if ( slingMod?.jenkins?.archivePatterns ) {
module.archivePatterns = []
slingMod.jenkins.archivePatterns.archivePattern.each { module.archivePatterns.add it.text() }
println "${jobName}: overriding archive patterns to be ${module.archivePatterns}"
if ( slingMod?.jenkins?.downstreamProjects ) {
module.downstreamProjects = []
slingMod.jenkins.downstreamProjects.downstreamProject.each { module.downstreamProjects.add it.text() }
println "${jobName}: overriding downstream projects to be ${module.downstreamProjects}"
if ( createJob ) {
modules += module
// should be sorted from the oldest to the latest version
// so that artifacts built using the oldest version are
// deployed for maximum compatibility
def defaultJdks = ["1.8"]
def defaultMvn = "Maven (latest)"
def defaultSlave = "ubuntu"
def jdkMapping = [
"1.7": "JDK 1.7 (latest)",
"1.8": "JDK 1.8 (latest)",
"9" : "JDK 1.9 (latest)",
"10" : "JDK 10 (latest)",
"11" : "JDK 11 (latest)"
modules.each { module ->
def jdks = module.jdks ?: defaultJdks
def deploy = true
def downstreamProjects = module.downstream?: []
def downstreamEntries = modules.findAll { downstreamProjects.contains(it.location) }
def downstreamJobs = []
downstreamEntries.each { downstreamEntry ->
def downstreamJdks = downstreamEntry.jdks?: defaultJdks
def downstreamLocation = downstreamEntry.location
downstreamJdks.each { downstreamJdk ->
jdks.each { jdkKey ->
mavenJob(jobName(module.location, jdkKey)) {
<p>This build was automatically generated and any manual edits will be lost.</p>
<p>See <a href="">Sling Jenkins Setup</a>
for more details</p>''')
logRotator {
scm {
git {
remote {
github('apache/' + module.location)
triggers {
scm('H/15 * * * *')
def rebuildFrequency = module.rebuildFrequency ? module.rebuildFrequency : '@weekly'
// timeout if the job takes 4 times longer than the average
// duration of the last 3 jobs. Defaults to 30 minutes if
// no previous job executions are found
wrappers {
timeout {
elastic(400, 3, 30)
if ( module.enableXvfb ) {
// INFRA-17090
// we have no use for archived artifacts since they are deployed on
// so speed up the build a bit (and probably
// save on disk space)
// ensure that only one job deploys artifacts
// besides being less efficient, it's not sure which
// job is triggered first and we may end up with a
// mix of Java 7 and Java 8 artifacts for projects which
// use these 2 versions
def extraGoalsParams = module.extraGoalsParams ?: ""
def goal = module.mavenGoal ? module.mavenGoal : ( deploy ? "deploy" : "verify" )
goals( "-U clean ${goal} ${extraGoalsParams}")
publishers {
if ( deploy && downstreamJobs ) {
if (module.archivePatterns) {
archiveArtifacts() {
module.archivePatterns.each { archiveEntry ->
// TODO - can we remove the glob and rely on the defaults?
archiveJunit('**/target/surefire-reports/*.xml,**/target/failsafe-reports/*.xml') {
// send emails for each broken build, notify individuals as well
mailer('', false, true)
deploy = false
String jobName(String location, String jdk) {
return location + '-' + jdk;