| import org.apache.sling.jenkins.SlingJenkinsHelper; |
| |
| def call(Map params = [:]) { |
| |
| def globalConfig = [ |
| availableJDKs : [ 8: 'jdk_1.8_latest', 9: 'jdk_1.9_latest', 10: 'jdk_10_latest', 11: 'jdk_11_latest', |
| 12: 'jdk_12_latest', 13: 'jdk_13_latest', 14: 'jdk_14_latest', 15: 'jdk_15_latest', |
| 16: 'jdk_16_latest', 17: 'jdk_17_latest', 18: 'jdk_18_latest', 19: 'jdk_19_latest', |
| 20: 'jdk_20_latest', 21: 'jdk_21_latest', 22: 'jdk_22_latest'], |
| mvnVersion : 'maven_3_latest', |
| // maps values to node labels (available ones in https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/INFRA/ci-builds.apache.org) |
| availableOperatingSystems : ['windows' : 'Windows', 'linux': 'ubuntu', 'linux-arm': 'arm', 'ubuntu': 'ubuntu'], |
| mainNodeLabel : 'ubuntu', |
| githubCredentialsId: 'sling-github-token' |
| ] |
| |
| def jobConfig = [ |
| jdks: [11,17], |
| operatingSystems: ['linux','windows'], |
| upstreamProjects: [], |
| archivePatterns: [], |
| mavenGoal: '', |
| additionalMavenParams: '', |
| rebuildFrequency: '@weekly', |
| enabled: true, |
| emailRecipients: [], |
| sonarQubeEnabled: true, |
| sonarQubeUseAdditionalMavenParams: true, |
| sonarQubeAdditionalParams: '' |
| ] |
| boolean shouldDeploy = false |
| node(globalConfig.mainNodeLabel) { |
| timeout(time:5, unit: 'MINUTES') { |
| stage('Init') { |
| checkout scm |
| def url |
| if (isUnix()) { |
| sh "git clean -fdx" |
| url = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'git config remote.origin.url').trim() |
| } else { |
| bat "git clean -fdx" |
| url = bat(returnStdout: true, script: 'git config remote.origin.url').trim() |
| } |
| jobConfig.repoName = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1).replace('.git', ''); |
| if ( fileExists('.sling-module.json') ) { |
| overrides = readJSON file: '.sling-module.json' |
| echo "Jenkins overrides: ${overrides.jenkins}" |
| overrides.jenkins.each { key,value -> |
| jobConfig[key] = value; |
| } |
| } |
| echo "Final job config: ${jobConfig}" |
| shouldDeploy = getShouldDeploy() |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| node(globalConfig.mainNodeLabel) { |
| timeout(time:30, unit: 'MINUTES', activity: true) { |
| stage('Configure Job') { |
| def upstreamProjectsCsv = jobConfig.upstreamProjects ? |
| jsonArrayToCsv(jobConfig.upstreamProjects) : '' |
| def jobTriggers = [] |
| if ( isOnMainBranch() ) |
| jobTriggers.add(cron(jobConfig.rebuildFrequency)) |
| if ( upstreamProjectsCsv ) |
| jobTriggers.add(upstream(upstreamProjects: upstreamProjectsCsv, threshold: hudson.model.Result.SUCCESS)) |
| |
| properties([ |
| pipelineTriggers(jobTriggers), |
| buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '10')) |
| ]) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if ( jobConfig.enabled ) { |
| def helper = new SlingJenkinsHelper() |
| helper.runWithErrorHandling(jobConfig, { |
| // the reference build is always the first one, and the only one to deploy, archive artifacts, etc |
| // usually this is the build done with the oldest JDK version, to ensure maximum compatibility |
| boolean isReferenceStage = true |
| |
| // contains the label as key and a closure to execute as value |
| def stepsMap = [failFast: true] // fail-fast, https://stackoverflow.com/a/37356318 |
| def referenceJdkVersion |
| // parallel execution of all build jobs |
| jobConfig.jdks.each { jdkVersion -> |
| jobConfig.operatingSystems.each { operatingSystem -> |
| stageDefinition = defineStage(globalConfig, jobConfig, jdkVersion, operatingSystem, isReferenceStage, shouldDeploy) |
| if ( isReferenceStage ) { |
| referenceJdkVersion = jdkVersion |
| } |
| stepsMap["Build (Java ${jdkVersion} on ${operatingSystem})"] = stageDefinition |
| isReferenceStage = false |
| currentBuild.result = "SUCCESS" |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // do a quick sanity check first without tests if multiple parallel builds are required |
| // the stepsMap has at least one entry due to the failFast entry |
| if ( stepsMap.size() > 2 ) { |
| node(globalConfig.mainNodeLabel) { |
| stage("Sanity Check") { |
| checkout scm |
| withMaven(maven: globalConfig.mvnVersion, |
| jdk: jenkinsJdkLabel(referenceJdkVersion, globalConfig), |
| publisherStrategy: 'EXPLICIT') { |
| String mvnCommand = "mvn -U -B -e clean compile ${additionalMavenParams(jobConfig)}" |
| if (isUnix()) { |
| sh mvnCommand |
| } else { |
| bat mvnCommand |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // execute the actual Maven builds |
| parallel stepsMap |
| |
| // last stage is deploy |
| def goal = jobConfig.mavenGoal ?: "deploy" |
| if ( goal == "deploy" && shouldDeploy ) { |
| node(globalConfig.mainNodeLabel) { |
| stage("Deploy to Nexus") { |
| deployToNexus(globalConfig) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| }) |
| } else { |
| echo "Job is disabled, not building" |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def jenkinsJdkLabel(int jdkVersion, def globalConfig) { |
| def label = globalConfig.availableJDKs[jdkVersion] |
| if ( !label ) |
| error("Unknown JDK version ${jdkVersion}. Available JDKs: ${globalConfig.availableJDKs}") |
| return label |
| } |
| |
| def jenkinsNodeLabel(String operatingSystem, def jobConfig, def globalConfig) { |
| def branchConfig = jobConfig?.branches?."$env.BRANCH_NAME" ?: [:] |
| if ( branchConfig.nodeLabel ) { |
| echo "Using branch specific node label ${branchConfig.nodeLabel}" |
| return branchConfig.nodeLabel |
| } else { |
| def label = globalConfig.availableOperatingSystems[operatingSystem] |
| if ( !label ) |
| error("Unknown operating system ${operatingSystem}. Available operating systems: ${globalConfig.availableOperatingSystems}") |
| echo "Using operating-system ${operatingSystem} specific node label ${label}" |
| return label |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def additionalMavenParams(def jobConfig) { |
| def branchConfig = jobConfig?.branches?."$env.BRANCH_NAME" ?: [:] |
| return branchConfig.additionalMavenParams ? |
| branchConfig.additionalMavenParams : jobConfig.additionalMavenParams |
| } |
| |
| def defineStage(def globalConfig, def jobConfig, def jdkVersion, def operatingSystem, boolean isReferenceStage, boolean shouldDeploy) { |
| |
| def goal = jobConfig.mavenGoal ? jobConfig.mavenGoal : ( isReferenceStage ? "deploy" : "verify" ) |
| def additionalMavenParams = additionalMavenParams(jobConfig) |
| def jenkinsJdkLabel = jenkinsJdkLabel(jdkVersion, globalConfig) |
| |
| // do not deploy artifacts built from PRs or feature branches |
| // also do not deploy non-SNAPSHOT versions |
| if ( goal == "deploy" && !shouldDeploy ) { |
| goal = "verify" |
| echo "Maven goal set to ${goal} since branch is not master ( ${env.BRANCH_NAME} ) or version is not snapshot" |
| } |
| |
| def invocation = { |
| if ( isReferenceStage ) { |
| if ( goal == "deploy" && shouldDeploy ) { |
| // this must be an absolute path to always refer to the same directory (for each Maven module in a reactor) |
| String localRepoPath = "${pwd()}/.local-snapshots-dir" // must also be outside target, as target is cleaned too late |
| // Make sure the directory is wiped. |
| dir(localRepoPath) { |
| deleteDir() |
| } |
| // deploy to local directory (all artifacts from a reactor) |
| additionalMavenParams = "${additionalMavenParams} -DaltDeploymentRepository=snapshot-repo::default::file:${localRepoPath}" |
| } |
| // calculate coverage with jacoco (for subsequent evaluation by SonarQube) |
| additionalMavenParams = "${additionalMavenParams} -Pjacoco-report" |
| // generate javadocs to detect illegal javadoc markup in sources |
| additionalMavenParams = "javadoc:javadoc ${additionalMavenParams}" |
| } |
| checkout scm |
| withMaven(maven: globalConfig.mvnVersion, jdk: jenkinsJdkLabel, |
| mavenLocalRepo: '.repository', // use dedicated Maven repository as long as proper locking is not supported, https://lists.apache.org/thread/yovswz70v3f4d2b5ofyoqymvg9lbmzrg |
| options: [ |
| artifactsPublisher(disabled: !isReferenceStage), |
| junitPublisher(disabled: !isReferenceStage), |
| openTasksPublisher(disabled: !isReferenceStage), |
| dependenciesFingerprintPublisher(disabled: !isReferenceStage) |
| ] ) { |
| String mvnCommand = "mvn -U -B -e clean ${goal} ${additionalMavenParams} -Dci" |
| if (isUnix()) { |
| sh mvnCommand |
| } else { |
| bat mvnCommand |
| } |
| } |
| if ( isReferenceStage && jobConfig.archivePatterns ) { |
| archiveArtifacts(artifacts: SlingJenkinsHelper.jsonArrayToCsv(jobConfig.archivePatterns), allowEmptyArchive: true) |
| } |
| if ( isReferenceStage && goal == 'deploy' && shouldDeploy ) { |
| // Stash the build results from the local deployment directory so we can deploy them on another node |
| stash name: 'local-snapshots-dir', includes: '.local-snapshots-dir/**' |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def jenkinsNodeLabel = jenkinsNodeLabel(operatingSystem, jobConfig, globalConfig) |
| return { |
| node(jenkinsNodeLabel) { |
| dir(jenkinsJdkLabel) { // isolate parallel builds on same node |
| timeout(time: 30, unit: 'MINUTES') { |
| checkout scm |
| stage("Maven Build (Java ${jdkVersion}, ${goal})") { |
| echo "Running on node ${env.NODE_NAME}" |
| invocation.call() |
| } |
| } |
| if ( isReferenceStage ) { |
| // SonarQube must be executed on the same node in order to reuse artifact from the Maven build |
| if ( jobConfig.sonarQubeEnabled ) { |
| stage('Analyse with SonarCloud') { |
| timeout(time: 30, unit: 'MINUTES') { |
| analyseWithSonarCloud(globalConfig, jobConfig) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def analyseWithSonarCloud(def globalConfig, def jobConfig) { |
| // this might fail if there are no jdks defined, but that's always an error |
| // also, we don't activate any Maven publisher since we don't want this part of the |
| // build tracked, but using withMaven(...) allows us to easily reuse the same |
| // Maven and JDK versions |
| def additionalMavenParams = additionalMavenParams(jobConfig) |
| def isPrBuild = env.BRANCH_NAME.startsWith("PR-") |
| |
| // As we don't have the global SonarCloud conf for now, we can't use #withSonarQubeEnv so we need to set the following props manually |
| def sonarcloudParams="-Dsonar.host.url=https://sonarcloud.io -Dsonar.organization=apache -Dsonar.projectKey=apache_${jobConfig.repoName} -Dsonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths=target/site/jacoco-merged/jacoco.xml ${jobConfig.sonarQubeAdditionalParams}" |
| if ( jobConfig.sonarQubeUseAdditionalMavenParams ) { |
| sonarcloudParams="${sonarcloudParams} ${additionalMavenParams}" |
| } |
| // Params are different if it's a PR or if it's not |
| // Note: soon we won't have to handle that manually, see https://jira.sonarsource.com/browse/SONAR-11853 |
| if ( isPrBuild ) { |
| sonarcloudParams="${sonarcloudParams} -Dsonar.pullrequest.branch=${CHANGE_BRANCH} -Dsonar.pullrequest.base=${CHANGE_TARGET} -Dsonar.pullrequest.key=${CHANGE_ID}" |
| } else if ( isOnMainBranch() ) { |
| sonarcloudParams="${sonarcloudParams} -Dsonar.branch.name=${BRANCH_NAME}" |
| } |
| static final String SONAR_PLUGIN_GAV = 'org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin:' |
| // Alls params are set, let's execute using #withCrendentials to hide and mask Robert's token |
| withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'sonarcloud-token-rombert', variable: 'SONAR_TOKEN')]) { |
| // always build with Java 17 (that is the minimum version supported: https://docs.sonarcloud.io/appendices/scanner-environment/) |
| withMaven(maven: globalConfig.mvnVersion, |
| jdk: jenkinsJdkLabel(17, globalConfig), |
| publisherStrategy: 'EXPLICIT') { |
| try { |
| String mvnCommand = "mvn -B -e ${SONAR_PLUGIN_GAV}:sonar ${sonarcloudParams}" |
| if (isUnix()) { |
| sh mvnCommand |
| } else { |
| bat mvnCommand |
| } |
| } catch ( Exception e ) { |
| // TODO - we should check the actual failure cause here, but see |
| // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55742773/get-the-cause-of-a-maven-build-failure-inside-a-jenkins-pipeline/55744122 |
| echo "Marking build unstable due to mvn sonar:sonar failing. See https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/SLING/SonarCloud+analysis for more info." |
| currentBuild.result = 'UNSTABLE' |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def deployToNexus(def globalConfig) { |
| node('nexus-deploy') { |
| timeout(60) { |
| echo "Running on node ${env.NODE_NAME}" |
| // first clear workspace |
| deleteDir() |
| // Nexus deployment needs pom.xml |
| checkout scm |
| // Unstash the previously stashed build results. |
| unstash name: 'local-snapshots-dir' |
| // https://www.mojohaus.org/wagon-maven-plugin/merge-maven-repos-mojo.html |
| static final String WAGON_PLUGIN_GAV = "org.codehaus.mojo:wagon-maven-plugin:2.0.2" |
| String mavenArguments = "${WAGON_PLUGIN_GAV}:merge-maven-repos -Dwagon.target=https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/snapshots -Dwagon.targetId=apache.snapshots.https -Dwagon.source=file:${pwd()}/.local-snapshots-dir" |
| withMaven(maven: globalConfig.mvnVersion, |
| jdk: jenkinsJdkLabel(11, globalConfig), |
| publisherStrategy: 'EXPLICIT') { |
| String mvnCommand = "mvn ${mavenArguments}" |
| if (isUnix()) { |
| sh mvnCommand |
| } else { |
| bat mvnCommand |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| boolean getShouldDeploy() { |
| // check branch name |
| if ( !isOnMainBranch() ) { |
| return false |
| } |
| // check version |
| def mavenPom = readMavenPom() |
| def mavenVersion = mavenPom.version ?: mavenPom.parent.version |
| def isSnapshot = mavenVersion.endsWith('-SNAPSHOT') |
| if ( !isSnapshot ) { |
| return false |
| } |
| return true |
| } |
| |
| boolean isOnMainBranch() { |
| return env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master' |
| } |