SLING-7161 list all new Git repositories

leveraging Github API, still WIP as often you get issues with rate
limiting ( 
diff --git a/src/main/jbake/content/project-information/ b/src/main/jbake/content/project-information/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac5a46e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/jbake/content/project-information/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+title=List of Apache Sling SCM Locations
+# Repository information
+Both the Github and ASF's Gitbox Sling repositories contain the latest version of Sling. Gitbox is being executed in the multi-master mode, i.e. each commit landing in the Github repo ends up in Gitbox and vice-versa.
+# How to contribute
+## Non-Committers
+Please fork the according repository from Github and then create a [Pull-Request from the fork towards the original repository]( Please make sure to also open an accompanying issue in  the [Sling issue tracker](
+## Committers
+Either use the Github or the Gitbox URL to clone the repository. Then just commit and push. For pushing to the ASF Gitbox use the Apache LDAP user and password with https. Further information is available at [Committer's documentation](
+To be able to directly push to the Github repo you must [link your Github account with your Apache account](
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diff --git a/src/main/jbake/ b/src/main/jbake/
index a81e14d..abe6974 100644
--- a/src/main/jbake/
+++ b/src/main/jbake/
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
diff --git a/src/main/jbake/templates/scm-projects.tpl b/src/main/jbake/templates/scm-projects.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b0f383
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/jbake/templates/scm-projects.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
+def expandVariables(str, config) {
+    def pageVariables = [
+        sling_tagline : config.blog_subtitle,
+        sling_minJavaVersion : "8",
+        sling_minMavenVersion : "3.5.0",
+        sling_releaseVersion : "9"
+    ]
+	// Use a closure to avoid exception on missing variable
+	str = str.replaceAll(/\$\{(\w+)\}/) { key -> pageVariables[key[1]] ?: "MISSING_PAGE_VARIABLE:${key[0]}" }
+def processBody(content, config) {
+	def str = content.body
+	// Temporarily disable the TOC macro, replace with a comment
+	def replacement ='<!-- TODO reactivate TOC once JBake moves to flexmark-java -->\n'
+	str = str.replaceAll('\\[TOC\\]', replacement)
+	// Temporarily disable the syntax markers (of which there are two flavors, for some reason)
+	str = str.replaceAll('(::|#\\!)(java|jsp|xml|sh|javascript|html) *\\n', '<!-- TODO syntax marker ($1$2) disabled -->')
+	// Optionally expand variables
+	if("true".equals(content.expandVariables)) {
+		str = expandVariables(str, config)
+	}
+	return str
+// Is parent an ancestor of child?
+def isAncestor(parent, child) {
+	// assuming .html extension
+	return child.uri[0..-6].contains(parent.uri[0..-6]) && !child.uri.equals(parent.uri)
+// Return the parents of supplied content, sorted by
+// their depth in the tree, root first
+def getSortedParents(content, published_content) {
+	def result = new TreeMap()
+	result.put(0, [ uri:"", title:"Home" ])
+	published_content.each { item ->
+		if(isAncestor(item, content)) {
+			result.put(item.uri.length(), item)
+		}
+	}
+	return result
+def exec(cmd, defaultText) {
+	try {
+ 	    def p = cmd.execute()
+	    p.waitFor()
+  	    return p.text
+	} catch(Exception e) {
+		return defaultText
+	}
+def getRevisionInfo(filename) {
+    def lastCommit = "444eb637ff1ddcf11a0f37f02dd4b3fe89eb149f"
+	def gitCmd = 'git log -1 --format=%h####%ad####%an####%s ' + filename
+	def defaultText = "0####0000####<MISSING>####<MISSING>"
+	def gitInfo = exec(gitCmd, defaultText).split("####")
+	return [
+		lastCommit : gitInfo[0],
+		date : gitInfo[1],
+		author : gitInfo[2],
+		comment : gitInfo[3]
+	]
+def getApacheRepos(url, apacheRepos) {
+	def connection = url.openConnection() as HttpURLConnection
+	// implicitly executes request
+	if ( connection.responseCode == 200 ) {
+		// get the JSON response
+    		def json = connection.inputStream.withCloseable { inStream ->
+        		new JsonSlurper().parse( inStream as InputStream )
+		}
+		apacheRepos.addAll(json);
+		// evaluate link header (
+		String link = connection.getHeaderField("Link")
+		def matcher = link =~ /<(.*)>; rel="next"/
+		if (matcher.find()) {
+			println "Found next page"
+			return new URL(matcher[0][1])
+		}
+	} else {
+		throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid response code '$connection.responseCode' for url '$url'. Response body: '$connection.errorStream.text'. Response headers: '$connection.headerFields'")
+	}
+	return null
+def getSlingRepos() {
+	 URL url = new URL("")
+	 def apacheRepos = []
+	 while ({
+       	url = getApacheRepos(url, apacheRepos)
+		url != null
+	}()) continue
+	 // filter all sling names
+	 print apacheRepos
+	 def slingRepos = apacheRepos.findAll {'sling') }
+	 println "Found $slingRepos.size repositories"
+	 return slingRepos
+layout 'layout/main.tpl', true,
+        projects: projects,
+		breadcrumbs : contents {
+			div(class:"breadcrumbs") {
+				def separator = "&nbsp;&raquo;&nbsp;"
+				getSortedParents(content, published_content).each { item ->
+					a (href:"${config.site_contextPath}${item.value.uri}") {
+						yield item.value.title
+					}
+					yieldUnescaped separator
+				}
+			}
+		},
+        bodyContents: contents {
+            div(class:"row"){
+                div(class:"small-12 columns"){
+                    section(class:"wrap"){
+                        yieldUnescaped processBody(content, config)
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            def slingRepos = getSlingRepos();
+            div(class:"repos") {
+                h2(class:"repos") {
+                    yield "Repository Locations"
+                }
+                table {
+                		tr {
+                			th {
+                				yield "Description"
+                			}
+                			th {
+                				yield "Apache Gitbox URL"
+                			}
+                			th {
+                				yield "Github URL"
+                			}
+                		}
+                		slingRepos.each { repo ->
+                		    tr {
+		                    td {
+		                         yield "$repo.description"
+		                    }
+		                    td {
+		                    		a(href:"${}.git") {
+		                         	yield "${}.git"
+		                         }
+		                    }
+		                    td {
+		                         a(href:"$repo.html_url") {
+		                         	yield "$repo.clone_url"
+		                         }
+		                    }
+	                    }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
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