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Here are some links to other resources ## Articles * [Is Adobe AEM a valid Content Services Platform? Part one](https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager-blogs/is-adobe-aem-a-valid-content-services-platform-part-one-by-yuri/ba-p/559647) - by Yuri Simione on Adobe Experience League Blog site * [Is Adobe AEM a valid Content Services Platform? Part two](https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager-blogs/is-adobe-aem-a-valid-content-services-platform-part-two-by-yuri/ba-p/559648) - by Yuri Simione on Adobe Experience League Blog site * [Java Content Repository: The Best Of Both Worlds](http://java.dzone.com/articles/java-content-repository-best) - by Bertrand Delacretaz on Javalobby - uses the Sling HTTP interface to demonstrate JCR features. * [Accessing Relational Data as SLING RESTful URLs](http://www.lucamasini.net/Home/sling-and-cq5/accessing-relational-data-as-sling-restful-urls) - by Luca Masini * [Your First Day With Sakai Nakamura](http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/KERNDOC/Your+First+Day+With+Sakai+Nakamura) - Sakai Nakamura is based on Sling, that introductory article has very good explanations of REST and Sling basics, and on why hierarchies are useful on the Web. ## About Sling * [Sling on dev.day.com](http://dev.day.com/microsling/content/blogs/main.html?category=sling) - Day's developers blog, regularly includes articles on Sling and JCR. Powered by Sling, of course. * [Sling on Lars Trieloff's Blog](http://weblogs.goshaky.com/weblogs/lars/tags/sling) - Lars regularly writes on his experiences with Sling. Most notably the mini series of three entries introducing Sling and microsling. * [Sling links at del.icio.us](http://del.icio.us/tag/sling+jcr) - If you're a del.icio.us user, please tag Sling-related posts with both *sling* and *jcr* tags, so that they appear in that list. * [Sling on Fisheye](http://fisheye6.atlassian.com/browse/sling) - code repository viewer, activity statistics, etc. * [Sling on ohloh](https://www.ohloh.net/p/sling) - activity and community statistics. * [Sling on MarkMail](http://sling.markmail.org/) - searchable mailing list archives. ## Projects using Sling * Gert Vanthienen succeeded in installing Sling into the new Apache ServiceMix kernel and documented his experience [Sling On ServiceMix Kernel](http://servicemix.apache.org/SMX4KNL/running-apache-sling-on-servicemix-kernel.html) ## Sling Presentations and Screencasts * [Presentations tagged with "sling" at slideshare](http://www.slideshare.net/tag/sling) * [Videos from adaptTo conferences at YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/c/adaptTo) * [Talks from adaptTo conferences](https://adapt.to/2021/en/archive.html). ## From ApacheCon EU 08 * [ApacheCon EU 08 Fast Feather Track Presentation on Sling](/docs/ApacheConEU08_FFT_Sling.pdf) * [JCR Meetup Presentation on Sling Architecture](/docs/ApacheConEU08_JCR_Meetup_Sling_Architecture.pdf) ## From ApacheCon US 07 * [ApacheCon US 07 Fast Feather Track Presentation on Sling](/docs/ApacheConUS07_FFT_Sling.pdf) * [Feathercast On Day 4 with an interview on Sling with Felix](http://feathercast.org/?p=59) ## Technology used by Sling ### JSR 170 - Content Repository for Java{tm} technology API The specification of the repository API: [JSR 170: Content Repository for Java{tm} technology API](http://www.jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=170). ### Apache Jackrabbit The main purpose of Sling is to develop a content-centric Web Application framework for Java Content Repository (JCR) based data stores. Sling is implemented - with the notable exception of JCR Node Type management - purely in terms of the JCR API and as such may use any JCR compliant repository. The default implementation for [Apache Jackrabbit](http://jackrabbit.apache.org) is provided out of the box. This is also the reference implementation of the Content Repository for Java (JCR) Specification. ### The OSGi Alliance [The OSGi Alliance](http://www.osgi.org) is the specification body defining the OSGi specifications, namely the Core, Compendium, Enterprise and IoT specifications. These specifications are at the center of making Sling possible. Sling is implemented as a series of OSGi modules (called bundles) and makes extensive use of the OSGi functionality, such as lifecycle management and the service layer. In addition, Sling requires several OSGi compendium services to be available, such as the Log Service, Http Service, Configuration Admin Service, Metatype Service, and Declarative Services. ### Apache Felix While Sling does not require a specific OSGi framework implementation to run in, Sling is being developed using [Apache Felix](http://felix.apache.org) as the OSGi framework implementation. It has not been tested yet, but it is expected that Sling also operates perfectly inside other OSGi frameworks such as [Equinox](http://www.eclipse.org/equinox) and [Knopflerfish](http://www.knopflerfish.org).