title=How to Convert a Provisioning Model to a Feature Model type=page status=published tags=feature model,sling,kickstarter

### About this How-To <div style="background: #cde0ea; padding: 14px; border-left: 10px solid #f9bb00;"> #### What we'll explore: * We'll convert the Sling Starter project to a Feature Model using a Maven plugin * We'll visit our old friend, the Kickstarter, and start Sling using the generated Feature Model #### What you should know: * Skill Level: Intermediate * Environment: Windows/Unix * Time: 20 minutes </div> * Back To: [How to Create a Composite NodeStore](/documentation/feature-model/howtos/create-sling-composite.html) * Back Home: [Feature Model](/documentation/feature-model/feature-model-overview.html) ### Prerequisites In order to follow this how-to you'll need the following on your computer: * Java 8 * Maven 3 * Bash shell ### Create a Feature Model <div style="background: #cde0ea; padding: 14px; border-left: 10px solid #f9bb00;"> **Note:** At the time of this writing, the Feature Model is not officially used by Sling. Until Sling is fully converted to the Feature Model, we'll have to use the _Provisioning to Feature Model Converter Plugin_. The plugin will create a Feature Model from each Provisioning Model file. The plugin will then assemble all the Feature Models into a single Feature Model file using the Feature Aggregate. </div> ### Step 1: Get Sling Starter and the Kickstarter projects Start by creating a directory called `myfeaturemodel`. We'll use this directory as our project workspace. $ mkdir myfeaturemodel We'll add two projects to this workspace: * The Sling Starter source code * The Sling Kickstarter source code $ cd myfeaturemodel $ git clone https://github.com/apache/sling-org-apache-sling-starter.git $ git clone https://github.com/apache/sling-org-apache-sling-kickstart.git Your workspace should now look like this: $ ls -l drwxr-xr-x 15 user group 480 Jun 8 16:16 sling-org-apache-sling-kickstart drwxr-xr-x 13 user group 416 Jun 8 16:10 sling-org-apache-sling-starter ### Step 2: Run the Provisioning Model Conversion The Kickstarter provides a Maven POM file called `sling-fm-pom.xml` that converts the Sling Starter Provisioning Models to Feature Models. It then aggregates them into a single Feature Model. $ cd sling-org-apache-sling-kickstart $ mvn -f sling-fm-pom.xml install -Dsling.starter.folder=../sling-org-apache-sling-starter <div style="background: #cde0ea; padding: 14px; border-left: 10px solid #f9bb00;"> Once the build is complete, you'll find a Feature Model file at `sling-org-apache-sling-kickstart/target/slingfeature-tmp/feature-sling12.json`. </div> Before continuing, run one more Maven build in this directory as we will need a copy of the Kickstarter JAR in the next section. $ mvn clean install ### Step 3: Run Sling using the Feature Model Now that we have a Feature Model file for Sling and a Kickstarter JAR, we are ready to create a new directory to execute Sling using the Kickstarter and the Feature Model we just created. Begin, by changing into the parent workspace (`myfeaturemodel`) and create a new directory to run the Kickstarter. Then, copy the Feature Model file and Kickstarter JAR. $ cd .. $ mkdir kickstart-run && cd kickstart-run $ cp ../sling-org-apache-sling-kickstart/target/slingfeature-tmp/feature-sling12.json . $ cp ../sling-org-apache-sling-kickstart/target/org.apache.sling.kickstart-0.0.3-SNAPSHOT.jar . Lastly, let's start Sling using the Feature Model. $ java -jar org.apache.sling.kickstart-0.0.3-SNAPSHOT.jar -s feature-sling12.json ## Mission Accomplished <div style="background: #cde0ea; padding: 14px; border-left: 10px solid #f9bb00; margin-bottom: 1em;"> #### What we learned: * Learned that the _Provisioning to Feature Model Converter Plugin_ can be used to convert Provisioning Models to Feature Models * Converted the Provisioning Models in the Sling Starter project to a single Feature Model * Started Sling using the newly created Feature Model file with the Kickstarter </div> <div style="background: #cde0ea; padding: 14px; border-left: 10px solid #f9bb00; margin-bottom: 1em;"> * Back To: [How to Create a Composite NodeStore](/documentation/feature-model/howtos/create-sling-composite.html) </div>