title=Content-Package based development type=page status=published tags=development

# Content-Package based development Sling offers first-class support for [Apache Jackrabbit FileVault](https://jackrabbit.apache.org/filevault/) content packages. FileVault offers a way of mapping content on filesystem to the JCR repository and the other way around. Content packages are an alternative to [the content loader mechanism](/documentation/bundles/content-loading-jcr-contentloader.html), offering a richer tool set and better support for deploying additional entities, such as users, groups, and access control entries. There are three components of the content packages support: - client-side tooling for building and installing content packages - server-side support for installing content packages at runtime - server-side support for installing content packages at build time The server-side support for Apache Sling is made of: - the [Composum Package Manager](https://www.composum.com/home/nodes/pckgmgr.html), implementing the HTTP API that receives and installs content packages - the [Apache Sling Content Package Installer Factory](/documentation/bundles/content-package-installer-factory.html), allowing the deployment of content packages at build time. Content packages can be included at build time using either the [provisioning model](/documentation/development/slingstart.html) or the [feature model](/documentation/development/feature-model.html). The client-side support depends on the toolset used to build the project. For Maven projects, this support consists of - the [filevault-package-maven-plugin](https://jackrabbit.apache.org/filevault-package-maven-plugin/) builds content packages from Maven projects - the [wcmio-content-package-maven-plugin](https://wcm.io/tooling/maven/plugins/wcmio-content-package-maven-plugin/) uploads content packages at runtime to a Sling instance using an HTTP API For Javascript projects, the suport consists of the [Sling Packager](https://github.com/apache/sling-slingpackager/). ## Creating a content package ### Maven projects The [Sling Project Archetype](https://github.com/apache/sling-project-archetype) creates a multi-module project that includes content packages as part of its output. To use it, run the following command $ mvn archetype:generate -Dfilter=org.apache.sling:sling-project-archetype then select the latest version of the archetype and fill in the required information. ### Node projects An example project using the Sling Packager can be found at [peregrine-cms/simple-sling-vue-example](https://github.com/peregrine-cms/simple-sling-vue-example) on GitHub. ## Deploying a content package at runtime ### Maven projects Building a content package is achieved using the Maven command line $ mvn package After starting up Sling, the resulting file can then be deployed using the wcmio-content-package-maven-plugin $ mvn wcmio-content-package:install ### Node projects Content packages are built with $ npx slingpackager package <folder> After starting up Sling, the resulting file can then be deployed with $ npx slingpackager upload <content-package.zip> -i ### Notes Inspecting the content package reveals that is is just a ZIP file with additional metadata. After deploying the content package, ensure that you are logged in to the Sling Starter, and then navigate to the Composum Package Manager at [http://localhost:8080/bin/packages.html](http://localhost:8080/bin/packages.html). You will see the content package as listed and will be able, for instance, to uninstall it. The [Sling IDE Tooling](/documentation/development/ide-tooling.html) has support for exporting and importing content incrementally to a Sling instance, and can be used alongside the Maven-based tooling. ## Installing a content package at build time For the content package to be installed at build time, it must be available in a Maven repository at the time when the Sling application is built. For the provisioning model, the content package must be added to an `artifacts` section, with the zip extension. [feature name=my-app] [artifacts] org.apache.sling.sample/org.apache.sling.sample001/1.0-SNAPSHOT/zip For the feature model, the content package must be added to the `content-packages` section, also with a zip extension: { "id": "...", "content-packages:ARTIFACTS|true": [ "org.apache.sling.sample:org.apache.sling.sample001:zip:1.0-SNAPSHOT" ] }