title=Documentation type=page status=published tags=documentation,community,pmc

[TOC] #Overview The documentation is split into different parts: * [Getting Started](/documentation/getting-started.html), the right place to start! * [The Sling Engine](/documentation/the-sling-engine.html), all about the heart of Sling * [Development](/documentation/development.html), how do I get and develop with Sling * [Bundles](/documentation/bundles.html), which bundle delivers which features to Sling * [Tutorials & How-Tos](/documentation/tutorials-how-tos.html) * [Wiki](http://cwiki.apache.org/SLING/) * [Configuration](/documentation/configuration.html) * [API Doc](http://sling.apache.org/apidocs/sling8/index.html) # How you can contribute We're on the way to improve the documentation, but it's a long way. If you would like to contribute to the documentation you are very welcome. Please directly post your proposals to the [public wiki](http://cwiki.apache.org/SLING/) or post your suggestions to the [mailing list](/project-information.html). # How the documentation is generated The basic documentation of Sling is made up of four parts: 1. The Sling Site at http://sling.apache.org/ (you are here) 1. The Public Wiki at http://cwiki.apache.org/SLING 1. The JavaDoc 1. The Maven plugin documentation This page is about how this documentation is maintained and who is allowed to do what. ## The Sling Website The website is built from a dedicated repository as described [Project Information](/project-information.html#documentation-repository). ## The Public Wiki The public wiki of Sling is available at [http://cwiki.apache.org/SLING](http://cwiki.apache.org/SLING) and is maintained in the Confluence space *SLING*. Everyone can create an account there. To gain edit rights please ask via the [mailing list](/project-information.html). Any of the administrators listed in the [Space Overview](https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/spaces/viewspacesummary.action?key=SLING&showAllAdmins=true) can give you access. ## The JavaDoc With every major release of Sling the JavaDoc of all containing bundles are published below [http://sling.apache.org/apidocs/](http://sling.apache.org/apidocs/). The script for generating this aggregation JavaDoc is in the sling-tooling-release repo, at [generate_javadoc_for_release.sh](https://github.com/apache/sling-tooling-release/blob/master/generate_javadoc_for_release.sh). In addition every released bundle is released together with its JavaDoc (which is also pushed to Maven Central). ## The Maven Plugin Documentation For the most important Maven Plugins the according Maven Sites (generated with the `maven-site-plugin`) are published at [http://sling.apache.org/components/](http://sling.apache.org/components/). The description on how to publish can be found at [Release Management](/documentation/development/release-management.html).