title=Repository Initialization (repoinit) type=page status=published tags=repoinit,jcr,repository

The `SlingRepositoryInitializer` mechanism allows for running code before the `SlingRepository` service is registered. This is useful for initialization and content migration purposes. Please be aware of potential clustering and coordination issues when using this mechanism, if your environment lets several Sling instances access the same content repository you'll need to implement a synchronization mechanism for such operations. ## SlingRepositoryInitializer The `SlingRepositoryInitializer` is a very simple service interface, available from version 2.4.0 of the `org.apache.sling.jcr.api` and `org.apache.sling.jcr.base` bundles. public interface SlingRepositoryInitializer { public void processRepository(SlingRepository repo) throws Exception; } Services that implement this interface are called when setting up the JCR-based `SlingRepository` service, before registering it as an OSGi service. They are called in increasing order of their `service.ranking` service property, which needs to be an `Integer` as usual. If any of them throws an Exception, the `SlingRepository` service is not registered. ## The 'repoinit' Repository Initialization Language The `org.apache.sling.repoinit.parser` implements a mini-language meant to create paths, service users and manage access control in a content repository, as well as registering JCR namespaces, node types and privileges. Defining access control content consists of setting and deleting policies of type access control lists (ACL) for which individual access control entries (ACE) can be added and removed. The source code consists of [three modules](https://github.com/apache?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=sling+repoinit): the parser, the JCR repoinit adapter module and the integration tests. The language grammar is defined (using the JavaCC compiler-compiler, which has no runtime dependencies) in the `RepoInitGrammar.jjt` file in that module, and the automated tests provide a number of [test cases](https://github.com/apache/sling-org-apache-sling-repoinit-parser/tree/master/src/test/resources/testcases) which demonstrate various features. The companion `org.apache.sling.jcr.repoinit` module implements those operations on an Oak JCR repository, using a `SlingRepositoryInitializer` registered by default with a service ranking of 100. It also provides a `JcrRepoInitOpsProcessor` service to explicitly apply the output of the repoinit parser to a JCR repository. The language is mostly self-explaining, the test suite listed below in Appendix A exposes all language constructs and options. A [jbang script in the Sling whiteboard repository](https://github.com/apache/sling-whiteboard/blob/master/jbang/RepoinitValidator.java) can be used to test the syntax of repoinit statements by running a specific version of the repoinit parser on them. ### Notes on Repository Initializer Config Files If the Repository Initializer is defined inside a **.config** file then according to the .config file definition found [here](/documentation/bundles/configuration-installer-factory.html#configuration-files-config) these rules apply: * Quotes that start / end a String literal need to be escaped with a backslash like this: **\\\"** * Quotes inside a String literal need to be escapped with a double backslash like this: **\\\\\"** * Equals Sign inside a String need to be escaped with a backslash like this: **\\=** ## Providing repoinit statements from the Sling provisioning model or other URLs All bundles required for this feature need to be active before the `SlingRepository` service starts. From version 1.0.2 of the `org.apache.sling.jcr.repoinit` bundle, the `o.a.s.jcr.repoinit.RepositoryInitializer` component uses an OSGi configuration as shown in this example to define where to read repoinit statements: <pre class="language-no-highlight"> org.apache.sling.jcr.repoinit.impl.RepositoryInitializer references=["model:context:/resources/provisioning/model.txt","model@repoinitTwo:context:/resources/provisioning/model.txt"] </pre> This example defines two _references_ to URLs that supply repoinit statements. Their syntax is described below. By default the `RepositoryInitializer` uses the first URL shown in the above example, which points to the provisioning model that's embedded by default in the Sling Launchpad runnable jar. Note that previous versions of the `org.apache.sling.jcr.repoinit` bundle used different configuration parameters. From version 1.0.2 on, warnings are logged if those old parameters (_text.url,text.format,model.section.name_) are used. ### References to Sling Provisioning Model additional sections The `slingstart-maven-plugin`, from V1.4.2 on, allows for embedding so-called "additional sections" in the Sling provisioning model by starting their name with a colon. At runtime this requires the `org.apache.sling.provisioning.model` bundle, version 1.4.2 or later. The `o.a.s.jcr.repoinit` bundle can use this feature to execute `repoinit` statements provided by Sling provisioning models, as in this provisioning model example fragment: <pre class="language-no-highlight"> [:repoinit] create path /repoinit/provisioningModelTest create service user provisioningModelUser </pre> To read repoinit statements from such an additional provisioning model section, the `RepositoryInitializer` configuration shown above uses references like <pre class="language-no-highlight"> model@repoinitTwo:context:/resources/provisioning/model.txt </pre> Where _model_ means "use the provisioning model format", _repoinitTwo_ is the name of the additional section to read statements from in the provisioning model (without the leading colon) and _context:/resources/..._ is the URL to use to retrieve the provisioning model. In this example the URL uses the _context_ scheme defined by the Sling Launchpad, but any scheme can be used provided a suitable URL handler is active. The section name in that reference is optional and defaults to _repoinit_. If it's not specified the `@` should be omitted as well. ### References to URLs providing raw repoinit statements Using a `RepositoryInitializer` reference like in this example, with the _raw_ prefix, means that its content is passed as is to the repoinit parser: <pre class="language-no-highlight"> raw:classpath://some-repoinit-file.txt </pre> Which points to a `classpath:` URL to provide the raw repoinit statements in this example, but again any valid URL scheme can be used. ## Providing repoinit statements from OSGi factory configurations From version 1.1.6 of the `org.apache.sling.jcr.repoinit` bundle, repoinit statements can also be provided by OSGi factory configurations which use the `org.apache.sling.jcr.repoinit.RepositoryInitializer` factory PID. Such configurations have two optional fields: * A multi-value `references` field with each value providing the URL (as a String) of raw repoinit statements. * A multi-value `scripts` field with each value providing repoinit statements as plain text in a String. # Appendix ## Appendix A: repoinit syntax: parser test scenarios A concatenation of all test scenarios from the [repoinit parser module](https://github.com/apache/sling-org-apache-sling-repoinit-parser/tree/master/src/test/resources/testcases) follows. Assuming that test suite is complete, this exposes all the language constructs and options, with descriptive comments where needed. If something's unclear, please ask or provide patches for these tests to make them easier to understand. The following output is generated by the [concatenate-test-scenarios.sh](https://github.com/apache/sling-org-apache-sling-repoinit-parser/tree/master/concatenate-test-scenarios.sh) script found in the repoinit parser repository. ### Repoinit parser test scenarios # test-1.txt create service user bob,alice, tom21 create service user lonesome create service user pathA with path some/relative/path create service user pathA with path /some/absolute/path # test-2.txt create service user Mark-21 delete service user Leonardo,Winston_32 # test-3.txt # # single-word # We're testing the comments now # This is A COMMENT with other things like 12, 34 # And now for a tag, <ok> ? # And some punctuation: .,;-_[]+"*ç%&/()=?^`" # Also with leading whitespace. # blank lines work, of course create service user comments_test_passed # test-4.txt # trailing comments test create service user comments_test_passed # something # test-5.txt # trailing comments test without following blank lines create service user comments_test_passed # something # test-10.txt # Set ACL example from SLING-5355 # Without the "with glob" option, we're not planning to support # that at this time. set ACL on /libs,/apps, /, /content/example.com/some-other_path remove * for user1,user2 allow jcr:read for user1,user2 allow privilege_without_namespace for user4 deny jcr:write,something:else,another:one for user2 deny jcr:lockManagement for user1 deny jcr:modifyProperties for user2 restriction(rep:itemNames,prop1,prop2) end set ACL on /no-indentation allow jcr:read for userA,userB end # test-11.txt # Test multiple remove lines # Although the repoinit language includes a remove statement, # it is not generally supported by the current version of the # o.a.s.jcr.repoinit module. Only the "remove *" variant is # supported starting with o.a.s.jcr.repoinit V1.1.34 set ACL on /libs,/apps remove * for user1,user2 allow jcr:read for user1,user2 remove * for another allow x:y for another remove jcr:ACL for userTestingSpecificRemove end # test-12.txt # Test path-centric Set Acl with options (SLING-6423) set ACL on /libs,/apps (ACLOptions=merge) remove * for user1,user2 allow jcr:read for user1,user2 remove * for another allow x:y for another end # Multiple options set ACL on /libs,/apps (ACLOptions=mergePreserve,someOtherOption,someOther123,namespaced:option) remove * for user1,user2 allow jcr:read for user1,user2 remove * for another allow x:y for another end # test-13.txt # Test for repository-level ACL (SLING-7061), requires # o.a.s.repoinit.parser 1.2.0, o.a.s.jcr.repoinit 1.1.6 set repository ACL for user1,user2 remove * allow jcr:read,jcr:lockManagement deny jcr:write end # test-14.txt # Test allowed path characters, see SLING-6774 set ACL on /one:name,/two+name,/three@name remove * for user1 allow jcr:read for user1 end # test-15.txt # Mixing paths and repo-level ACL set ACL on /content,:repository allow jcr:all for user1 end # test-20.txt # Various "create path" tests # Nodetypes: # A nodetype in brackets right after "create path", like # sling:Folder below, sets the default type for all path # segments of this statement. # A nodetype in brackets at the end of a path segment, like # nt:unstructured below, applies just to that path segment. # If no specific nodetype is set, the repository uses its # default based on node type definitions. create path (sling:Folder) /var/discovery(nt:unstructured)/somefolder # more tests and examples create path /one/two/three create path /three/four(nt:folk)/five(nt:jazz)/six create path (nt:x) /seven/eight/nine create path /one(mixin nt:art)/step(mixin nt:dance)/two/steps create path (nt:foxtrot) /one/step(mixin nt:dance)/two/steps create path /one/step(mixin nt:dance,nt:art)/two/steps create path /one/step(nt:foxtrot mixin nt:dance)/two/steps create path /one/step(nt:foxtrot mixin nt:dance,nt:art)/two/steps create path /one:and/step/two:and/steps create path /one@home/step/two@home/steps create path /one+tap/step/two+tap/steps # test-30.txt # Test the principal-centered ACL syntax set ACL for user1,u2 remove * on /libs,/apps allow jcr:read on /content deny jcr:write on /apps # Optional nodetypes clause deny jcr:lockManagement on /apps, /content nodetypes sling:Folder, nt:unstructured # nodetypes clause with restriction clause deny jcr:modifyProperties on /apps, /content nodetypes sling:Folder, nt:unstructured restriction(rep:itemNames,prop1,prop2) remove jcr:understand,some:other on /apps # multi value restriction allow jcr:addChildNodes on /apps restriction(rep:ntNames,sling:Folder,nt:unstructured) # multiple restrictions allow jcr:modifyProperties on /apps restriction(rep:ntNames,sling:Folder,nt:unstructured) restriction(rep:itemNames,prop1,prop2) # restrictions with glob patterns allow jcr:addChildNodes on /apps,/content restriction(rep:glob,/cat,/cat/,cat) allow jcr:addChildNodes on /apps,/content restriction(rep:glob,cat/,*,*cat) allow jcr:addChildNodes on /apps,/content restriction(rep:glob,/cat/*,*/cat,*cat/*) allow jcr:something on / restriction(rep:glob) end # test-31.txt # Principal-centered ACL syntax with options (SLING-6423) set ACL for user1,u2 (ACLOptions=mergePreserve) remove * on /libs,/apps allow jcr:read on /content end # With multiple options set ACL for user1,u2 (ACLOptions=mergePreserve,someOtherOption,someOther123,namespaced:option) remove * on /libs,/apps allow jcr:read on /content end # test-32.txt # repo-level permissions in "set ACL for" set ACL for user1 allow jcr:all on :repository,/content end # test-33.txt # Set principal-based access control (see SLING-8602), requires # o.a.s.repoinit.parser 1.2.8 and # o.a.s.jcr.repoinit 1.1.14 # precondition for o.a.s.jcr.repoinit: # repository needs to support 'o.a.j.api.security.authorization.PrincipalAccessControlList' # Also, this only works for users selected by the Jackrabbit/Oak FilterProvider, see # https://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/security/authorization/principalbased.html#configuration set principal ACL for principal1,principal2 remove * on /libs,/apps allow jcr:read on /content deny jcr:write on /apps # Optional nodetypes clause deny jcr:lockManagement on /apps, /content nodetypes sling:Folder, nt:unstructured # nodetypes clause with restriction clause deny jcr:modifyProperties on /apps, /content nodetypes sling:Folder, nt:unstructured restriction(rep:itemNames,prop1,prop2) remove jcr:understand,some:other on /apps # multi value restriction allow jcr:addChildNodes on /apps restriction(rep:ntNames,sling:Folder,nt:unstructured) # multiple restrictions allow jcr:modifyProperties on /apps restriction(rep:ntNames,sling:Folder,nt:unstructured) restriction(rep:itemNames,prop1,prop2) # restrictions with glob patterns allow jcr:addChildNodes on /apps,/content restriction(rep:glob,/cat,/cat/,cat) allow jcr:addChildNodes on /apps,/content restriction(rep:glob,cat/,*,*cat) allow jcr:addChildNodes on /apps,/content restriction(rep:glob,/cat/*,*/cat,*cat/*) allow jcr:something on / restriction(rep:glob) end # Principal-based ACL syntax with options (SLING-6423) set principal ACL for principal1,principal2 (ACLOptions=mergePreserve) remove * on /libs,/apps allow jcr:read on /content end # With multiple options set principal ACL for principal1,principal2 (ACLOptions=mergePreserve,someOtherOption,someOther123,namespaced:option) remove * on /libs,/apps allow jcr:read on /content end # repository level set principal ACL for principal1,principal2 allow jcr:namespaceManagement on :repository end set principal ACL for principal1 allow jcr:all on :repository,/content end # test-34.txt # Functions at the beginning of path names (SLING-8757) set ACL on home(alice) allow jcr:one for alice, bob, carol end set ACL on home(jack),/tmp/a,functionNamesAreFree(bobby) allow jcr:two for alice end set ACL for fred allow jcr:three on /one,home(Alice123),/tmp end set ACL on /a/b,home(jack),/tmp/a,square(bobby) allow jcr:four for alice end set ACL for austin allow jcr:five on /one,home(Alice123),/tmp end set ACL on home( spacesAreOk ) allow jcr:six for spaceman end set ACL on home(alice)/sub/folder, /anotherPath, home(fred)/root allow jcr:seven for mercury end # test-35.txt # Removal of individual access control entries (see SLING-11160), requires # o.a.s.repoinit.parser 1.6.14 and # o.a.s.jcr.repoinit 1.1.38 # remove entries by path remove ACE on /libs,/apps, /, /content/example.com/some-other_path allow jcr:read for user1,user2 allow privilege_without_namespace for user4 deny jcr:write,something:else,another:one for user2 deny jcr:lockManagement for user1 deny jcr:modifyProperties for user2 restriction(rep:itemNames,prop1,prop2) end # remove entries by principal remove ACE for user1,u2 allow jcr:read on /content allow jcr:addChildNodes, jcr:modifyProperties on /content restriction(rep:glob) deny jcr:read on /etc, /var restriction(rep:ntNames,sling:Folder,nt:unstructured) restriction(rep:itemNames,prop1,prop2) end # remove principal-based entries remove principal ACE for principal1,principal2 allow jcr:read on /content deny jcr:modifyProperties on /apps, /content restriction(rep:itemNames,prop1,prop2) allow jcr:addChildNodes on /apps restriction(rep:ntNames,sling:Folder,nt:unstructured) allow jcr:modifyProperties on /apps restriction(rep:ntNames,sling:Folder,nt:unstructured) restriction(rep:itemNames,prop1,prop2) allow jcr:addChildNodes on /apps,/content restriction(rep:glob,/cat,/cat/,cat) allow jcr:addChildNodes on /apps,/content restriction(rep:glob,cat/,*,*cat) allow jcr:addChildNodes on /apps,/content restriction(rep:glob,/cat/*,*/cat,*cat/*) allow jcr:something on / restriction(rep:glob) allow jcr:all on :repository,home(alice) end # test-40.txt # Register namespaces, requires # o.a.s.repoinit.parser 1.0.4 # and o.a.s.jcr.repoinit 1.0.2 register namespace (foo) uri:some-uri/V/1.0 register namespace ( prefix_with-other.things ) andSimpleURI # test-42.txt # Register privileges register privilege withoutabstract_withoutaggregates register privilege ns:withoutabstract_withoutaggregatesNS register abstract privilege withabstract_withoutaggregates register abstract privilege ns:withabstract_withoutaggregatesNS register privilege withoutabstract_withaggregate with bla register privilege withoutabstract_withaggregates with bla,blub register privilege withoutabstract_withaggregates with bla,ns:namespacedA register privilege ns:withoutabstract_withaggregates with bla,ns:namespacedB register abstract privilege withabstract_withaggregate with foo register abstract privilege withabstract_withaggregates with foo,bar register abstract privilege withabstract_withaggregates with foo,ns:namespacedC register abstract privilege ns:withabstract_withaggregates with foo,ns:namespacedD register privilege priv with declared_aggregate_priv1,declared_aggregate_priv2 register privilege priv with declared_aggregate_priv1,namespaced:_priv4 # test-50.txt # Embedded CNDs for nodetype definitions register nodetypes <<=== <slingevent='http://sling.apache.org/jcr/event/1.0'> <nt='http://www.jcp.org/jcr/nt/1.0'> <mix='http://www.jcp.org/jcr/mix/1.0'> [slingevent:Event] > nt:unstructured, nt:hierarchyNode - slingevent:topic (string) - slingevent:application (string) - slingevent:created (date) - slingevent:properties (binary) [slingevent:Job] > slingevent:Event, mix:lockable - slingevent:processor (string) - slingevent:id (string) - slingevent:finished (date) [slingevent:TimedEvent] > slingevent:Event, mix:lockable - slingevent:processor (string) - slingevent:id (string) - slingevent:expression (string) - slingevent:date (date) - slingevent:period (long) ===>> register nodetypes <<=== Just one line, not indented ===>> register nodetypes <<=== << Using line prefixes << to avoid conflicts with Sling provisioning model parser ===>> # test-60.txt # Create/delete users delete user userB create user userB create user userC with password some_password # Although the following syntax is valid for encrpyted passwords, # the o.a.s.jcr.repoinit module only supports plain text # ones, see SLING-6219 create user userD with password {SHA-256}dc460da4ad72c create user userE with password {someEncoding} afdgwdsdf create user one_with-more-chars.ok:/123456 with password {encoding_with.ok-:/12345} pw-with.ok-:/13456 create user userF with path /thePathF create user userG with path /thePathG with password {theEncoding} userGpwd create user userH with path thePathH create user userJ with path thePathJ with password {theEncoding} userJpwd # test-61.txt # Disable service users disable service user svcA : "This message explains why it's disabled. Whitespace is preserved." disable service user svcB : "Testing escaped double \"quote\" in this string." disable service user svcC : "Testing escaped backslash \\ in this string." disable service user svcD : "Testing quoted escaped backslash \"\\\" in this string." disable service user svcE : "Testing unescaped single backslash \ in this string." # test-62.txt # Create groups create group groupa create group groupb with path /thePathF # test-63.txt # Delete groups delete group groupa # test-64.txt # Add members to groups add user1,user2 to group grpA # test-65.txt # Remove members from group remove user3,user5 from group grpB # test-66.txt # Add and remove group members add user1,user2 to group grpA add user3 to group grpB add user4,user5 to group grpB remove user1 from group grpA remove user3,user5 from group grpB # test-67.txt # Set properties set properties on /pathA, /path/B set sling:ResourceType{String} to /x/y/z set cq:allowedTemplates to /d/e/f/*, m/n/* default someInteger{Long} to 42 set aDouble{Double} to 3.14 set someFlag{Boolean} to true default someDate{Date} to "2020-03-19T11:39:33.437+05:30" set customSingleValueStringProp to test set customSingleValueQuotedStringProp to "hello, you!" set customMultiValueStringProp to test1, test2 default threeValues to test1, test2, test3 set quotedA to "Here's a \"double quoted string\" with suffix" set quotedMix to "quoted", non-quoted, "the last \" one" end set properties on /single/path set someString to "some string" end set properties on /test/curly/brackets set curlyBracketsAndDoubleQuotes{String} to "{\"one, two\":\"three, four\"}" set curlyBracketsAndSingleQuotes{String} to "{'five, six':'seven,eight'}" end set properties on /endkeyword # using "end" instead of "endS" below causes parsing to fail set endS to one set two to endS end set properties on /forcedMultiValue set singleMultiValue{String[]} to "single" set emptyMultiValue{String[]} to set singleLongMultiValue{Long[]} to 1243 set emptyLongMultiValue{Long[]} to end set properties on /blankLinesInList set one to two set two to four set three to five end # SLING-10252: set properties on the user or group profile set properties on authorizable(bob) set stringProp to "hello, you!" end set properties on authorizable(bob)/nested set stringProp to "hello, you nested!" end set properties on authorizable(bob), authorizable(alice) set stringProp to "hello, you again!" end set properties on authorizable(bob)/nested, authorizable(alice)/nested set stringProp to "hello, you nested again!" end # test-68.txt # SLING-9857: "with forced path" option create user A with path /path/user/A create user AF with forced path /path/user/AF create service user B with path /path/service/B create service user BF with forced path /path/service/BF create group G with path /path/group/G create group GF with forced path /path/group/GF # test-69.txt # Disable users, with various messages disable user A : "This message explains why it's disabled. Whitespace is preserved." disable user uB : "Testing escaped double \"quote\" in this string." disable user userC : "Testing escaped backslash \\ in this string." disable user D : "Testing quoted escaped backslash \"\\\" in this string." disable user E : "Testing unescaped single backslash \ in this string." # test-70.txt # Remove AC policies entirely (not just individual entries) delete ACL for ana delete ACL for alice, aida delete ACL on :repository, home(anni), functionNamesAreFree(aendu) delete ACL on /, /var, /etc delete ACL on /content delete principal ACL for ada, amy delete principal ACL for adi # test-71.txt # Support quoted Group IDs create group "Test Group" create group "Test Group With Spaces" with path /thePathF delete group "Test Group" set ACL on /content allow jcr:read for "Test Group",user1 end set ACL on /content allow jcr:read for "Test Group- Cool People","Test Group",user1 end set ACL for user1,"Test Group",u2 allow jcr:read on /content end set principal ACL for user1,"Test Group" (ACLOptions=mergePreserve) remove * on /libs,/apps allow jcr:read on /content end set ACL on /test (ACLOptions=merge) remove * for user1,"Test Group",user2 end set properties on authorizable(bob), authorizable("Test Group") set stringProp to "hello, you again!" end set properties on authorizable(bob)/nested, authorizable("Test Group")/nested set stringProp to "hello, you nested again!" end add user1,"Test Group 2000",user2 to group "Parent Group" remove user1,"Test Group 2000",user2 from group "Parent Group" # Test other escaped characters create group "Tab Group" create group "Untrimmed Group " create group " Really Untrimmed Group " create group "Group\With\Backslash" create group "Group Newline"