title=Apache Sling 11 released type=page status=published tags=launchpad

The Sling 11 release adds better support for present and future Java versions, upgrades to the latest stable Oak and OSGi specification releases and features improved ACL setup for out-of-the-box. To find out more about running Sling, see our [getting started page](/documentation/getting-started.html). ## Removed the need to use '--add-modules' Sling 10 worked just fine on Java 9 or newer but required the addition of the _--add-modules java.se.ee_ flag. This is no longer needed, and Sling is validated to work on all Java versions from 8 to 11. ## Update to Oak 1.8.8 We use the latest stable Oak version from the 1.8 stream, bringing in over 1200 fixes and improvements. See the [full list of resolved issues for Oak 1.8.0 to 1.8.8][oak-fixes]. ## Update to OSGi R7 implementations The Config Admin, SCR, Event Admin, Metatype and HTTP bundles are now at the R7 level. These updates bring numerous improvements and fixes, such as: - constructor injection for declarative services components - improved Java 9 support - bundle annotations - activation fields for declarative services components For more details, see [A summary of the OSGi r7 release][osgi-r7]. ## Update to HTL 1.4 The 1.4 version of the HTML Template Language Specification brings the following enhancements: * `data-sly-list` and `data-sly-repeat` iteration control * the introduction of the `in` relational operator * support for negative Number literals * attribute identifier for the `data-sly-unwrap` block statement * an extended list of attributes for which the `uri` display context is applied automatically * a new block statement - `data-sly-set` For more details, see the [HTL 1.4 release][htl-release] ## Starter content moved to /content The Sling Starter application now installs all content under `/content/starter` to prevent clashes with other applications. ## Anonymous access restricted to /content Moving all content under `/content` has made it possible for the Sling Starter to have a more secure setup out-of-the-box, where only `/content` is accessible to unauthenticated users. ## Repoinit enhancements Repoinit, the repository initialisation language, has received a number of enhancements: * definition of intermediate paths when creating users * registration of custom privileges * support for empty `rep:glob` restrictions See the [repoinit documentation][repoinit] for more details. ## Form-based login for Web Console The Web Console and regular Sling login experiences have been unified, and if a user accesses the web console without being authenticated the configured Sling login mechanism is used. By default this mechanism is the form-based one. [oak-fixes]: https://issues.apache.org/jira/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20OAK%20AND%20resolution%20is%20not%20empty%20and%20fixVersion%20in%20(1.8.0%2C%201.8.1%2C%201.8.2%2C1.8.3%2C1.8.4%2C1.8.5%2C1.8.6%2C1.8.7%2C1.8.8)%20ORDER%20BY%20priority%20DESC%2C%20updated%20DESC [osgi-r7]: https://blog.osgi.org/2018/02/osgi-r7-highlights-proposed-final-draft.html [htl-release]: https://github.com/Adobe-Marketing-Cloud/htl-spec/releases/tag/1.4 [repoinit]: https://sling.apache.org/documentation/bundles/repository-initialization.html