title=Run Modes type=page status=published tags=runmodes,configuration

<div markdown="1" class="note"> As of Sling 6 the <code>org.apache.sling.runmode</code> bundle is replaced by the new <a href="/documentation/bundles/sling-settings-org-apache-sling-settings.html">Sling Settings (org.apache.sling.settings)</a> Bundle. For backwards compatibility this bundle may still exist in your environment. New code should use the API of the new Sling Settings Bundle, though. </div> # Overview Run modes are meant to define different sets of configuration parameters for various Sling instances. In a web publishing environment, for example, one could use run modes like *staging, production, dev, dmz* or combinations of such values. The *[org.apache.sling.runmode]({{ refs.http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/sling/trunk/contrib/extensions/runmode.path }})* bundle provides a simple way of defining and querying a list of run modes. # Installation The run mode service is not present in the default Sling launchpad builds, to activate it install and start the *org.apache.sling.runmode* bundle. # Configuration Run modes can only be configured using a system property, or via the *sling.properties* file. Using *-Dsling.run.modes=foo,bar* on the JVM command-line, for example, activates the *foo* and *bar* run modes. This command-line parameter takes precedence over a similar definition (*sling.run.modes=dev,staging*) that might be present in the *sling.properties* file found in the Sling home directory. # Getting the current list of run modes The [RunMode service]({{ refs.http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/sling/trunk/contrib/extensions/runmode/src/main/java/org/apache/sling/runmode/RunMode.java.path }}) provides the current list of run modes, examples: ::java RunMode r = ...get from BundleContext... String [] currentRunModes = r.getCurrentRunModes(); String [] expectedRunModes = { "foo", "wii" }; if(r.isActive(expectedRunModes)) { // at least one of (foo,wii) run modes // is active } # See also The RunMode service is used by the [jcrinstall]({{ refs.jcr-installer-provider.path }}) services.