title=Commons Crypto type=page status=published tags=commons,crypto

[TOC] **[Commons Crypto](https://github.com/apache/sling-org-apache-sling-commons-crypto) provides a simple API to encrypt and decrypt messages and an extensible implementation based on [Jasypt](http://www.jasypt.org).** The Jasypt implementation and Web Console plugin are optional. ## API ### Crypto Service Encrypt a secret message (e.g. service password) and decrypt the ciphertext. The used crypto method is up to the implementation. ::java public interface CryptoService { String encrypt(String message); String decrypt(String ciphertext); } Use a reference target to get a particular crypto service, e.g. by *names* (names should be meaningful e.g. mail or database). ::java @Reference( target = "(names=sample)" ) private volatile CryptoService cryptoService; ### Password Provider Password providers are useful when dealing with password-based encryption (PBE, see also [RFC 2898](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2898)). ::java public interface PasswordProvider { char[] getPassword(); } #### File Password Provider The file-based password provider reads the password for encryption/decryption from a given file. <img src="commons-crypto/FilePasswordProvider~sample.png" alt="JasyptStandardPBEStringCryptoService Sample Configuration" style="width: 50%; border: 1px solid silver"> ## Jasypt implementation The Commons Crypto module provides a crypto service implementation based on the [Jasypt](http://www.jasypt.org) `StandardPBEStringEncryptor`. The `JasyptStandardPBEStringCryptoService` requires at least a password provider and an initialization vector (IV) generator (`IvGenerator`) to set up the internal `StandardPBEStringEncryptor`. <img src="commons-crypto/JasyptStandardPBEStringCryptoService~sample.png" alt="JasyptStandardPBEStringCryptoService Sample Configuration" style="width: 50%; border: 1px solid silver"> <img src="commons-crypto/JasyptRandomIvGeneratorRegistrar~sample.png" alt="JasyptRandomIvGeneratorRegistrar Sample Configuration" style="width: 50%; border: 1px solid silver"> ## Web Console Plugin The plugin (`/system/console/sling-commons-crypto-encrypt`) allows message encryption with a selected crypto service. <img src="commons-crypto/sling-commons-crypto-encrypt-webconsole-plugin.png" alt="Sling Commons Crypto Encrypt Web Console Plugin" style="width: 50%; border: 1px solid silver"> ## Sample configurations A module with (minimal) sample configurations can be found in [Sling's samples Git repo](https://github.com/apache/sling-samples/tree/master/sling-commons-crypto-configuration). `org.apache.sling.commons.crypto.internal.FilePasswordProvider~sample.json` { "jcr:primaryType": "sling:OsgiConfig", "names": ["sample"], // names is optional "path": "/var/sling/password" } `org.apache.sling.commons.crypto.jasypt.internal.JasyptRandomIvGeneratorRegistrar~sample.json` { "jcr:primaryType": "sling:OsgiConfig", "algorithm": "SHA1PRNG" } `org.apache.sling.commons.crypto.jasypt.internal.JasyptStandardPBEStringCryptoService~sample.json` { "jcr:primaryType": "sling:OsgiConfig", "names": ["sample"], // names is optional "algorithm": "PBEWITHHMACSHA512ANDAES_256" }