title=Configuration Installer Factory type=page status=published tags=installer

The configuration installer factory provides support for configurations to the [OSGI installer](/documentation/bundles/osgi-installer.html). The provisioning of artifacts is handled by installer providers like the [file installer](/documentation/bundles/file-installer-provider.html) or the [JCR installer](/documentation/bundles/jcr-installer-provider.html). ## Configurations Configuration file names are related to the PID and factory PID. The structure of the file name is as follows: filename ::= <pid> ( ( '-' | '~' ) <subname> ) ? ( '.cfg' | '.config' | '.cfg.json') If the form is `<pid>('.cfg'|'.config'|'.cfg.json')`, the file contains the properties for a Managed Service. The `<pid>` is then the PID of the Managed Service. See the Configuration Admin service for details. When a Managed Service Factory is used, the situation is different. The `<pid>` part then describes the PID of the Managed Service Factory. You can pick any `<subname>`, the installer will then create an instance for the factory for each unique name. For example: com.acme.xyz.cfg // configuration for Managed Service // com.acme.xyz com.acme.abc-default.cfg // Managed Service Factory, // creates an instance for com.acme.abc Since Installer Configuration Factory 1.2.0 ([SLING-7786](https://jira.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-7786)) you should use the tilde `~` as separator between `<pid>` and `<subname>` instead of the `-`. If a configuration is modified, the file installer will write the configuration back to a file to ensure persistence across restarts (if `sling.fileinstall.writeback` is enabled). A similar writeback mechanism is supported by the [JCR installer](jcr-installer-provider.html). The code for parsing the configuration files is in [InternalResource#readDictionary](https://github.com/apache/sling-org-apache-sling-installer-core/blob/7b2e4407baa45b79d954dd20c53bb2077c3a5e49/src/main/java/org/apache/sling/installer/core/impl/InternalResource.java#L230). ### Configuration Files (.cfg.json) This is the preferred way to specify configurations as it is an official format specified by OSGi in the [OSGi R7 Service Configurator Spec](https://osgi.org/specification/osgi.cmpn/7.0.0/service.configurator.html) and is also used by the [Feature Model](https://github.com/apache/sling-org-apache-sling-feature/blob/master/readme.md). The detailed JSON format is described in that specification. It allows for typed values, allowing all possible types including Collections and comments. There are some differences to the [resource format specification](https://osgi.org/specification/osgi.cmpn/7.0.0/service.configurator.html#service.configurator-resources) as outlined below: * Each file contains exactly one configuration, therefore it only contains the properties of the configuration. * Keys starting with `:configurator:` should not be used (in general they are validated but not further evaluated) * The PID is given via the file name (the part preceeding the `.cfg.json`) instead of `:configurator:symbolic-name` * There is no version support i.e. `:configurator:version` should not be used either This is an example file { "key": "val", "some_number": 123, // This is an integer value: "size:Integer" : 500 } #### Limitations * No writeback support yet ([SLING-8419](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-8419)) * This is only supported since Installer Configuration Factory 1.2.0 ([SLING-7787](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-7787)). ### Configuration Files (.config) Configuration files ending in `.config` use the format of the [Apache Felix ConfigAdmin implementation](http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/felix/releases/org.apache.felix.configadmin-1.8.12/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/cm/file/ConfigurationHandler.java?view=markup) (in version 1.8.12). This format allows to specify the type and cardinality of a configuration property and is not limited to string values. It must be stored in UTF-8 encoding. This format is preferred over properties files and nodes stored in the repository. The first line of such a file might start with a comment line (a line starting with a `#`). Comments within the file are not allowed. The format is: file ::= (comment) (header) * comment ::= '#' <any> header ::= prop '=' value prop ::= symbolic-name // 1.4.2 of OSGi Core Specification symbolic-name ::= token { '.' token } token ::= { [ 0..9 ] | [ a..z ] | [ A..Z ] | '_' | '-' } value ::= [ type ] ( '[' values ']' | '(' values ')' | simple ) values ::= ( simple { ',' simple } | '\' <nl> simple { ', \' <nl> simple } <nl> ) simple ::= '"' stringsimple '"' type ::= <1-char type code> stringsimple ::= <quoted string representation of the value where both '"' and '=' need to be escaped> The quoted string format is equal to the definition from HTTP 1.1 ([RFC2616](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec2.html)), except that both '"' and '=' need to be escaped. The 1 character type code is one of: * `T` : `String` * `I` : `Integer` * `L` : `Long` * `F` : `Float` * `D` : `Double` * `X` : `Byte` * `S` : `Short` * `C` : `Character` * `B` : `Boolean` or for primitives * `i` : `int` * `l` : `long` * `f` : `float` * `d` : `double` * `x` : `byte` * `s` : `short` * `c` : `char` * `b` : `boolean` For Float and Double types the methods [Float.intBitsToFloat](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/Float.html#intBitsToFloat%28int%29) and [Double.longBitsToDouble](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/Double.html#longBitsToDouble%28long%29) are being used to convert the numeric string into the correct type. These methods rely on the IEEE-754 floating-point formats described in [Single-precision floating-point format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single-precision_floating-point_format) and [Double-precision floating-point format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-precision_floating-point_format). A more user-friendly format is not yet supported for these types ([SLING-7757](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-7757)). Multiple values enclosed by `[` and `]` lead to an array while those enclosed by `(` and `)` lead to a `Collection` in the underlying `java.util.Dictionary` of the `org.osgi.service.cm.Configuration` and vice-versa. Although both objects and primites are supported, in case you use single-value entries or collections the deserialization will autobox primitives. A number of such .config files exist in the Sling codebase and can be used as examples. #### Limitations * No support for collections containing different types * No support for nested multivalues (arrays or Collections) * No user-friendly (readable) values for floating points ([SLING-7757](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-7757)) ### Property Files (.cfg) Configuration files ending in `.cfg` are plain property files (`java.util.Property`). The format is simple: file ::= ( header | comment ) * header ::= <header> ( ':' | '=' ) <value> ( '\<nl> <value> ) * comment ::= '#' <any> Notice that this model only supports string properties. For example: # default port ftp.port = 21 In addition the XML format defined by [java.util.Property](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/Properties.html#loadFromXML%28java.io.InputStream%29) is supported if the file starts with the character `<`. #### Limitations * Only String types are supported * Only ISO 8859-1 character encoding supported * No multi-values * No writeback support ### sling:OsgiConfig resources Only the [JCR Installer](/documentation/bundles/jcr-installer-provider.html#configuration-and-scanning) supports also configurations given as resources with properties of type `sling:OsgiConfig`. Internally those are converted directly into the Dictionary format being supported by the [OSGi Configuration Admin](https://osgi.org/javadoc/r4v42/org/osgi/service/cm/Configuration.html#update%28java.util.Dictionary%29) in [ConfigNodeConverter](https://github.com/apache/sling-org-apache-sling-installer-provider-jcr/blob/fcb77de40973672548e79f3a42c19f5decd95651/src/main/java/org/apache/sling/installer/provider/jcr/impl/ConfigNodeConverter.java#L44). While this way of specifying configurations in a JCR repository seems like a natural fit, it should be avoided as it neither supports all required types nor is it portable. #### Limitations * Not all types supported ([SLING-2477](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-2477)) * No writeback support * Only array multivalue support ([SLING-4183](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-4183)) # Project Info * Configuration installer factory ([org.apache.sling.installer.factory.configuration](https://github.com/apache/sling-org-apache-sling-installer-factory-configuration))