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Apache Sling

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Apache Sling Server Setup Tools

This module is part of the Apache Sling project.

Sling Server Setup utilities.

Related System Properties

Property NameDefaultPurpose
test.server.urlIf the server is already running, this is the full address of your target server.
test.server.hostnamelocalhostThe hostname for the sling server that will be started
test.server.usernameadminThe username to use to login for interacting with the OSGi Web Console
test.server.passwordadminThe password of the user to use for interacting with the OSGi Web Console
server.ready.timeout.seconds60The maximum amount of time in seconds to wait for the server to become ready
server.ready.timeout.initial.delay.seconds0The duration to wait in seconds before checking if the server is ready
server.ready.timeout.delay.seconds1The duration of the delay in seconds between attempts to check if the server is ready
server.ready.quiet.period.seconds0The duration of a quiet period in seconds after the server has become ready and the tests begin running
server.ready.path.*Prefix for properties whose value describe how to check if the server is ready.
The syntax of each value is one of: PatternDescription[relative_url]:[response_content_contains]Load the page and check if the response contains the content string[relative_url]:[response_content_pattern]:regexpLoad the page and check if the response contains the regex pattern
keepJarRunningfalseSet to true if you want the server to remain running - you can then run tests against it from another VM.
additional.bundles.pathThe value is a comma-separated list of additional bundles to install (or uninstall)
additional.bundles.uninstallfalseValueDescriptiontrueuninstall the additional bundlesfalseinstall the additional bundles
sling.additional.bundle.*Prefix for properties whose value describes additional bundles to install
start.bundles.timeout.seconds30The maximum amount of tiem to wait for the additional bundles to start
bundle.install.timeout.seconds10The maximum amount of tiem to wait for the additional bundles to install
jar.executor.server.port8765The port number for the sling server that will be started
jar.executor.jar.folderThe folder that contains the executable jar name of the executable jar file
jar.executor.vm.optionsAdditional options to pass along to the jvm working directory for the executable jar
jar.executor.jar.optionsAdditional options for the jar execute command line
jar.executor.exit.timeout.seconds30The maximum time in seconds to wait for for the executor process to exit
jar.executor.wait.on.shutdownfalseTrue to wait for the executor process to exit normally, false to not wait path to the java executable
jar.executor.synchronous.execTrue to execute synchronous, false otherwise
jar.executor.synchronous.exec.expected.result0The exit code expected from the executor