Apache Sling Testing Rules

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Apache Sling Testing Rules

This module is part of the Apache Sling project.

The Sling Http Testing Rules allow writing integration tests easily. They are primarily meant to be used for tests that use http against a Sling instance and make use of the org.apache.sling.testing.clients which offer a simple, immutable and extendable way of working with specialized http clients.

The junit rules incorporate boiler-plate logic that is shared in tests and take the modern approach of using junit rules rather than inheritance. The SlingRule (for methods) or SlingClassRule are base rules, chaining other rules like TestTimeoutRule, TestDescriptionRule, FilterRule or CustomUserAgentRule. The SlingInstanceRule extends that and starts a Sling instance if needed and also allows instantiating a SlingClient pointing to the instance - base url, credentials, etc.

Starting an Integration Test

Starting an integration is very simple out of the box, but is very extendable, both by combining or configuring the junit rules and by using the versatile SlingClient (which can be extended or adapted by calling adaptTo(MyClient.class) without losing the client configuration)

Simple Example using SlingInstanceRule

    public class MySimpleIT {
        public static SlingInstanceRule instanceRule = new SlingInstanceRule();
        public SlingRule methodRule = new SlingRule(); // will configure test timeout, description, etc.
        public void testChangeOSGiConfig() {
           SlingClient client = instanceRule.getAdminClient();
           client.createNode("/content/myNode", "nt:unstructured");
           Assert.assertTrue("Node should be there", client.exists("/content/myNode"));

Example using SlingInstanceRule and the clients

    public class MyOSGiIT {
        public static SlingInstanceRule instanceRule = new SlingInstanceRule();
        public SlingRule methodRule = new SlingRule(); // will configure test timeout, description, etc.
        public void testChangeOSGiConfig() {
           OsgiConsoleClient osgiClient = instanceRule.getAdminClient(OsgiConsoleClient.class);
           // Save osgi config for pid (to be restored later) 
           InstanceConfig osgiConfig = new OsgiInstanceConfig(osgiClient, "MYPID").save();
           // edit the config for this test
           osgiClient.editConfigurationWithWait(20, "MYPID", null, myMap);
           SlingHttpResponse response = osgiClient.adaptTo(MyClient.class).myClientMethod();
           response.checkContentContains("my expected content");