WIP - on-the-fly creation of oak_tar feature aggregate
1 file changed
tree: 1d5f8bc82522bacf710a1c733111cf02a79ccfd2
  1. src/
  2. .gitignore
  3. .sling-module.json
  6. Jenkinsfile
  8. pom.xml
  9. README.md
  10. set-sling-snapshots.sh

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Apache Sling Starter

This module is part of the Apache Sling project.

The starter project produces both a Standalone Java Application which contains everything needed to run the Launchpad in a single JAR file and a Web Application.

It is not meant to be a production-ready setup, more as a way to facilitate experimenting and learning Sling.

See Releasing a new version of the Sling starter for how to create a release of this module.

How to run the Sling Starter module in Standalone mode

NOTE: “mvn clean” deletes the “sling” work directory in the project base directory. It is advisable to use a work directory outside of the project directory.

  1. Build the Sling Starter using

    mvn clean install

in the current directory.

  1. Start the generated jar with

    java -jar target/org.apache.sling.starter-10-SNAPSHOT.jar

Use the correct version number instead of 10-SNAPSHOT, if needed.

  1. Browse Sling in:


How to run the Sling Starter module in webapp mode

  1. Build the Sling Starter using

    mvn clean install

in the current directory.

  1. Deploy target/org.apache.sling.starter-10-SNAPSHOT.war to your favorite application server or servlet container. Servlet 3.1 is a minimum requirement for the web app.