Experimental CompositeNodeStore setup

This setup is an example of how the CompositeNodeStore can be used with Apache Sling. It is intended as an example that passes a smoke test, and not as something that is robust or supported.

High-level flow

The process used to setup the CompositeNodeStore is the following

  1. Create a composite-seed instance that is used to populate the /libs and /apps mounts
  2. Copy the resulting segmentstore under a well-known location for the composite-run instance so that it can be used as a read-only mount
  3. Launch the composite-run instance, which picks up the mount repository and uses the Oak InitialContentMigrator to populate the default mount as well

Steps to launch a composite setup

Note 1: all work is done under the sling directory, and the oak.txt provisioning model file has some hardcoded paths. These could be removed with some effort.

Note 2: as of 2020-04-01, this depends on the unreleased org.apache.sling.jcr.oak.server bundle at version 1.2.4. You can rebuild it from the tag or download it from the staging repository at https://repository.apache.org/content/groups/staging/org/apache/sling/org.apache.sling.jcr.oak.server/1.2.4/ .

Prepare the composite-seed instance

$ ./create-seed.sh

Once Sling has started, shut it down.

Prepare the composite-run directory structure

$ ./prepare_composite.sh

Launch the composite instance

$ ./run_composite.sh

You should be running a CompositeNodeStore-backed instance at this point. You can validate this by accessing Composum and trying to create a node under /libs - it will fail.


In addition to verifying the logs, the explore_repo.sh script will allow you to inspect the content of a local SegmentNodeStore. Usage

$ ./explore_repo.sh segment_store_dir
# example: ./explore_repo.sh sling/sling-composite/repository-libs/segmentstore-composite-mount-libs/