1. efbad8b [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration by Radu Cotescu · 8 years ago
  2. f84baa1 [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.apache.sling.scripting.sightly.compiler.java-1.0.0 by Radu Cotescu · 8 years ago
  3. ff13419 releng: updated dependency by Radu Cotescu · 8 years ago
  4. 522ca83 trivial: configured javadoc plugin by Radu Cotescu · 8 years ago
  5. dc7c4d4 trivial: corrected JavaDoc by Radu Cotescu · 8 years ago
  6. 495fb6d SLING-6033 - Update Sightly bundles to parent pom 28 by Radu Cotescu · 8 years ago
  7. 30a698f SLING-6028 - Replace Sightly references with HTL in both code and documentation by Radu Cotescu · 8 years ago
  8. 7df537b SLING-5825 - Add support for implicit conversion of Enum to String by Radu Cotescu · 8 years ago
  9. 25ffd02 trivial: added scm info + updated readme for sightly modules by Radu Cotescu · 8 years ago
  10. ccb2c05 SLING-5787 - Modularise the Sightly script engine by Radu Cotescu · 8 years ago