blob: 914360229fb3723060cef93b8f9026d540ae8534 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
'use strict';
var assert = require('assert');
describe('A user of the Apache Sling Resource Editor', function() {
// see
var homeURL = 'http://'+process.env.SLING_SERVER+':'+process.env.SLING_PORT+'/reseditor/.html';
var client = browser.url(homeURL);
client.timeouts("script", 1000);
client.timeouts("implicit", 1000);
client.timeouts("page load", 1000);
describe('can open the add node dialog with', function() {
it('the icon', function(done) {
click('#root_anchor i.add-icon').waitForVisible('#addNodeDialog', function(err, visible) {
assert(typeof err === "undefined" || err === null);
assert(true === visible);
it('the shortcut', function(done) {
.click('#root_anchor i.jstree-themeicon')
.keys("c").waitForVisible('#addNodeDialog', function(err, visible) {
assert(typeof err === "undefined" || err === null);
assert(true === visible);
it('can login as admin', function(done) {
.setValue('#login_form input[name="j_username"]', 'admin')
.setValue('#login_form input[name="j_password"]', 'admin')
.click('#login_submit').waitForExist('#login .logout')
.getText('#login_tab', function(err, text) {
assert(typeof err === "undefined" || err === null);
assert("Logout admin" === text);
it('can add an unstructured node to the root node', function(done) {
.click("#root i.add-icon").waitForVisible('#addNodeDialog.add-node-finished .node_name_dd_container input')
.setValue('.node_name_dd_container input', "aTestNode")
.addValue('.node_name_dd_container input', 'Return') // presses the 'return' key
.click('#addNodeDialog .btn.btn-primary.submit').waitForExist("#root li[nodename=\"aTestNode\"]", function(err, existed) {
assert(typeof err === "undefined" || err === null);
assert(existed === true);
it('can add a node with an encoded name on the second level ', function(done) {
.click("#root li[nodename=\"aTestNode\"] i.add-icon").waitForVisible('#addNodeDialog.add-node-finished .node_name_dd_container input')
.setValue('.node_name_dd_container input', "täßt ?<>")
.addValue('.node_name_dd_container input', 'Return') // presses the 'return' key
.click('#addNodeDialog .btn.btn-primary.submit').waitForExist("#root li[nodename=\"aTestNode\"].opened li[nodename=\"täßt ?&lt;&gt;\"]", function(err, existed) {
assert(typeof err === "undefined" || err === null);
assert(existed === true);
it('can link to a node with an encoded name', function(done) {
var encodedNodeNameSelector = '#root li[nodename="aTestNode"].opened li[nodename="täßt ?&lt;&gt;"]';
var encodedNodeNameOpenSelector = encodedNodeNameSelector +'';
.click("#root li[nodename=\"aTestNode\"] i.jstree-ocl").waitForExist(encodedNodeNameOpenSelector)
.click(encodedNodeNameOpenSelector).waitForExist(encodedNodeNameSelector+' a.jstree-clicked', function(err, existed) {
assert(typeof err === "undefined" || err === null);
assert(existed === true);
it('can add a node with a specific node type ', function(done) {
client.waitForExist('#last-element').click("#root li[nodename=\"aTestNode\"] i.add-icon").waitForVisible('#addNodeDialog.add-node-finished .node_name_dd_container', 1000)
.setValue('.node_name_dd_container input', "aFolder")
.addValue('.node_name_dd_container input', 'Return')
.click(".form-group.node-type .select2-chosen").waitForExist('.node_type_dd_container input')
.setValue('.node_type_dd_container input', "sling:Folder")
.addValue('.node_type_dd_container input', 'Return')
.click('#addNodeDialog .btn.btn-primary.submit').waitForExist('#root li[nodename="aTestNode"] li[nodename="aFolder"][nodetype="sling:Folder"]', function(err, existed) {
assert(typeof err === "undefined" || err === null);
assert(existed === true);
it('can add a node with a resource type on the second level ', function(done) {
var nodeName = "a node with a resource type";
var resourceType = "test/resource-editor/resource-type";
var resourceTypeSelector = '#root li[nodename="aTestNode"].opened li[nodename="a node with a resource type"] span.node-type';
client.waitForExist('#last-element').click("#root li[nodename=\"aTestNode\"] i.add-icon")
.waitForVisible('#addNodeDialog.add-node-finished .node_name_dd_container', 1000)
.setValue('.node_name_dd_container input', nodeName)
.addValue('.node_name_dd_container input', 'Return') // presses the 'return' key
.click(".form-group.resource-type .select2-chosen").waitForExist('.resource_type_dd_container input', 1000)
.setValue('.resource_type_dd_container input', resourceType)
.addValue('.resource_type_dd_container input', 'Return') // presses the 'return' key
.click('#addNodeDialog .btn.btn-primary.submit').waitForExist(resourceTypeSelector, 1000)
.getText(resourceTypeSelector, function(err, text) {
assert(typeof err === "undefined" || err === null);
assert(text === resourceType);
it('can rename a node with an encoded name', function(done) {
client = client.url(homeURL);
client.waitForExist('#last-element', function(err) {"#root li[nodename=\"aTestNode\"] i.jstree-ocl", function(err, res) {
var encodedNodeNameSelector = '#root li[nodename="aTestNode"].opened li[nodename="täßt ?&lt;&gt;"]';
var encodedNodeNameAnchorSelector = encodedNodeNameSelector +' a .node-type';
// The open node animation will take longer than 500ms thus setting 2000ms as max.
client.waitForExist(encodedNodeNameAnchorSelector, 2000, function(err, existed) {
client.doubleClick(encodedNodeNameAnchorSelector, function(err) {
var encodedNodeNameInputSelector = encodedNodeNameSelector+' input.jstree-rename-input';
client.waitForExist(encodedNodeNameInputSelector, function(err, existed) {
client.setValue(encodedNodeNameInputSelector, 'täßt2& <>');
client.execute(function() {
$('#root li[nodename="aTestNode"] li[nodename="täßt ?&lt;&gt;"] input.jstree-rename-input').blur();
$('#root li[nodename="aTestNode"] li[nodename="täßt ?&lt;&gt;"] input.jstree-rename-input').blur();
client.waitForExist('#root li[nodename="aTestNode"].opened li[nodename="täßt2&amp; &lt;&gt;"]', 2000, function(err, existed) {
assert(typeof err === "undefined" || err === null);
assert(true === existed);
it('can delete nodes via multi selection and shortcut', function(done) {
client = client.url(homeURL);
.waitForExist('#last-element').click("#root li[nodename=\"aTestNode\"] i.add-icon")
.waitForVisible('#addNodeDialog.add-node-finished', 1000).click('#addNodeDialog .btn.btn-primary.submit')
// The open node animation will take longer than 500ms thus setting 2000ms as max.
.waitForExist('#root li[nodename="aTestNode"].opened', 2000).elements('#root li[nodename="aTestNode"].opened li a .jstree-themeicon', function(err, res) {
.moveTo(res.value[0].ELEMENT, 0, 0)
.moveTo(res.value[1].ELEMENT, 0, 0)
client.keys('Shift'); // release the Shift key
// On Mac the ctrl key opens the context menu in the browser
// this is why the Cmd key should be used in this case.
if ('darwin' === process.platform){
} else {
client.moveTo(res.value[3].ELEMENT, 0, 0)
client.keys('NULL'); // release all keys
var confirmationOkBtn = 'div.bootbox-confirm div.modal-footer button[data-bb-handler="confirm"]';
var openTestNodeIcon = '#root li[nodename=\"aTestNode\"]';
.waitForExist('#last-element').elements('#root li[nodename="aTestNode"] li a .jstree-themeicon', function(err, res) {
assert(typeof err === "undefined" || err === null);
assert(1 === res.value.length);
it('can delete a node with the icon', function(done) {
client = client.url(homeURL);
client.waitForExist('#last-element', function(err) {'li[nodetype="rep:root"] li[nodename="aTestNode"] a i.remove-icon', function(err, res) {
client.waitForText('div.bootbox-confirm div.bootbox-body', function(err, result, third, fourth){'div.bootbox-confirm div.modal-footer button[data-bb-handler="confirm"]', function(err, res) {
client.waitForExist('li[nodetype="rep:root"] li[nodename="aTestNode"]', true/*reverse*/, function(err, existed) {
assert(typeof err === "undefined" || err === null);
assert(existed === false);