blob: 6e8230efb05f416606988ccd18993516991457ca [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.script.ScriptException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
* provides generic utilities for a pipe, is also a dummy pipe (outputs its input, without changing anything)
public class BasePipe implements Pipe {
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BasePipe.class);
public static final String SLASH = "/";
public static final String RT_PREFIX = "slingPipes/";
public static final String RESOURCE_TYPE = RT_PREFIX + "base";
public static final String DRYRUN_KEY = "dryRun";
public static final String READ_ONLY = "readOnly";
public static final String PN_STATUS = "status";
public static final String PN_STATUS_MODIFIED = "statusModified";
public static final String PN_BEFOREHOOK = "beforeHook";
public static final String PN_AFTERHOOK = "afterHook";
public static final String STATUS_STARTED = "started";
public static final String STATUS_FINISHED = "finished";
protected static final String DRYRUN_EXPR = String.format("${%s}", DRYRUN_KEY);
protected ResourceResolver resolver;
protected ValueMap properties;
protected Resource resource;
protected SuperPipe parent;
protected String distributionAgent;
protected PipeBindings bindings;
protected String beforeHook;
protected String afterHook;
// used by pipes using complex JCR configurations
public static final List<String> IGNORED_PROPERTIES = Arrays.asList(new String[]{"jcr:lastModified", "jcr:primaryType", "jcr:created", "jcr:createdBy", "jcr:uuid"});
protected Boolean dryRunObject;
public SuperPipe getParent() {
return parent;
public void setParent(SuperPipe parent) {
this.parent = parent;
public Resource getResource() {
return resource;
protected Plumber plumber;
private String name;
* Pipe Constructor
* @param plumber plumber
* @param resource configuration resource
* @param upperBindings already set bindings, can be null
* @throws Exception in case configuration is not working
public BasePipe(Plumber plumber, Resource resource, PipeBindings upperBindings) throws Exception {
this.resource = resource;
properties = resource.adaptTo(ValueMap.class);
resolver = resource.getResourceResolver();
this.plumber = plumber;
name = properties.get(PN_NAME, resource.getName());
distributionAgent = properties.get(PN_DISTRIBUTION_AGENT, String.class);
bindings = upperBindings == null ? new PipeBindings(resource) : upperBindings;
beforeHook = properties.get(PN_BEFOREHOOK, String.class);
afterHook = properties.get(PN_AFTERHOOK, String.class);
public boolean isDryRun() {
if (dryRunObject == null) {
dryRunObject = false;
try {
Object run = bindings.isBindingDefined(DRYRUN_KEY) ? bindings.instantiateObject(DRYRUN_EXPR) : false;
if (run != null) {
dryRunObject = true;
if (run instanceof Boolean) {
dryRunObject = (Boolean) run;
} else if (run instanceof String && String.format("%s", Boolean.FALSE).equals(run)) {
dryRunObject = false;
} catch (ScriptException e){
logger.error("error evaluating {}, assuming dry run", DRYRUN_EXPR, e);
return dryRunObject;
public String toString() {
return name + " " + "(path: " + resource.getPath() + ", dryRun: " + isDryRun() + ", modifiesContent: " + modifiesContent() + ")";
public boolean modifiesContent() {
return false;
public String getName(){
return name;
* @return configured expression (not computed)
public String getRawExpression() {
return properties.get(PN_EXPR, "");
* Get pipe's expression, instanciated or not
* @return configured expression
* @throws ScriptException in case computed expression goes wrong
public String getExpr() throws ScriptException {
return bindings.instantiateExpression(getRawExpression());
* @return configured input path (not computed)
protected String getRawPath() {
return properties.get(PN_PATH, "");
* Get pipe's path, instanciated or not
* @return configured path (can be empty)
* @throws ScriptException in case computed path goes wrong
public String getPath() throws ScriptException {
String rawPath = getRawPath();
return bindings.instantiateExpression(rawPath);
* @return computed path: getPath, with relative path taken in account
* @throws ScriptException in case computed path goes wrong
protected String getComputedPath() throws ScriptException {
String path = getPath();
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(path)) {
if (!isRootPath(path) && getPreviousResource() != null) {
path = getPreviousResource().getPath() + SLASH + path;
return path;
* @param path path to be checked
* @return true if path is root (aka not relative)
protected boolean isRootPath(String path){
return path.startsWith(SLASH);
* Retrieves previous pipe if contained by a parent, or referrer's
* @return pipe before this one or the referrer's can be null in case there is no parent
protected Pipe getPreviousPipe(){
return parent != null ? parent.getPreviousPipe(this) : null;
* @return previous pipe's output if in a container, null otherwise
protected Resource getPreviousResource(){
if (parent != null){
Pipe previousPipe = getPreviousPipe();
if (previousPipe != null) {
return bindings.getExecutedResource(previousPipe.getName());
return null;
public Resource getInput() throws ScriptException {
String path = getComputedPath();
Resource input = null;
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(path)){
input = resolver.getResource(path);
if (input == null) {
logger.warn("configured path {} is not found, expect some troubles...", path);
} else {
//no input has been configured: we explicitly expect input to come from previouse resource
input = getPreviousResource();
if (input == null) {
logger.warn("no path has been configured, and no previous resource to bind on, expect some troubles...");
logger.debug("input for this pipe is {}", input != null ? input.getPath() : null);
return input;
public Object getOutputBinding() {
if (parent != null){
Resource output = bindings.getExecutedResource(getName());
if (output != null) {
return output.adaptTo(ValueMap.class);
return null;
public PipeBindings getBindings() {
return bindings;
* default execution, just returns current resource
* @return output of this pipe, which is here the input resource
public Iterator<Resource> getOutput() {
try {
return computeOutput();
} catch (Exception e){
String path = getRawPath();
if (StringUtils.isBlank(path)){
Resource input = getPreviousResource();
if (input != null){
path = resource.getPath();
logger.error("error with pipe execution from {}", path, e);
public void before() throws Exception {
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(beforeHook)){
public void after() throws Exception {
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(afterHook)){
* @return outputs of the pipe, as an iterator of resources
* @throws ScriptException if any exception has occured
protected Iterator<Resource> computeOutput() throws Exception {
Resource input = getInput();
if (input != null) {
return Collections.singleton(input).iterator();
* Get configuration node
* @return configuration node if any
public Resource getConfiguration() {
return resource.getChild(NN_CONF);
public String getDistributionAgent() {
return distributionAgent;
* Empty resource iterator
public static final Iterator<Resource> EMPTY_ITERATOR = Collections.emptyIterator();