SLING-5078 Missing indexes on MongoDBResourceProvider (patch supplied by Norberto Leite)
update path to ignore error when index already exists - log error if it could not be created
do some refactoring on provided integration test to make sure the mongodb connection parameters passed via command line are used
update to latest table mongodb java driver

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
3 files changed
tree: 4be97fd316d48c2d8be0d1566e207bff267593b6
  1. src/
  2. pom.xml

Apache Sling NoSQL MongoDB Resource Provider

Sling ResourceProvider implementation that uses MongoDB NoSQL database as persistence.

Based on the “Apache Sling NoSQL Generic Resource Provider”.

All resource data is stored in one MongoDB database and one collection, using the path of the resource as “_id” property.

Configuration on deployment

  • Create a factory configuration for “Apache Sling NoSQL MongoDB Resource Provider Factory” to define the root of the resource tree that should be stored in MongoDB, and MongoDB connection string, database name and collection name.

Run integration tests

To run the integration tests you have to set up a real MongoDB server and run the tests with this command line (inserting the correct parameters):

mvn -Pmongodb-integration-test -DconnectionString=localhost:27017 -Ddatabase=sling -Dcollection=resources integration-test