Apache Sling NoSQL Generic Resource Provider

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Apache Sling

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Apache Sling NoSQL Generic Resource Provider

This module is part of the Apache Sling project.

Generic implementation of a Sling ResourceProvider that helps writing ResourceProviders using NoSQL databases as persistence.

The generic implementation helps mapping the resource data to document-oriented key-value NoSQL databases like MongoDB or Couchbase.


  • Defines a simplified “NoSqlAdapter” concept that is implemented for each NoSQL database. It boils down to simple get/put/list operations. Query support is optional.
  • Complete implementation of Resource, ResourceProvider, ResourceProviderFactory and ValueMap based on the NoSqlAdapter
  • “Transaction management” of Sling CRUD (commit/revert methods) is implemented
  • ValueMap supports String, Integer, Long, Double, Date, Calendar and InputStream/byte[] (binary data) and arrays of them. Date/Calendar and binary data is serialized to a string before storing, so the NoSQL databases have not to support them directly.
  • Sends resource notifications via OSGi EventAdmin
  • Provides a “tests” JAR that can be used for integration tests with NoSQL databases to test the own adapter implementation
  • Can be mounted as root provider without any JCR at all