Renamed Quickstart to Kickstart
12 files changed
tree: 0bcc49cad28d6f025b3bef9ca74620e8a27d746c
  1. src/
  2. pom.xml

Sling Feature Starter

This project is the Feature Model based version of the sling-org-apache-sling-starter module and creates an executable JAR file for now. It is also a test case for the Slingstart Feature Maven Plugin as it uses it to launch a Launchpad Ready Rule and Smoke tests.


This plugin depends on the Sling Start Feature Maven Plugin (also in the Sling Whiteboard) which is then used to run the IT tests:

  1. Go to sling-slingstart-feature-maven-plugin module in Sling Whiteboard
  2. Build with: mvn clean install
  3. Go back to sling-org-apache-sling-feature-starter
  4. Build and Launch it with: mvn clean install
  5. Sling will come up and run the IT tests and then shut down. Sling can be kept running after the end of the IT tests by providing the property with the value true


After the resulting jar file can be executed with:

java -jar<version>.jar ...