Apache Sling JUnit Performance

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  1. 81a00a1 SLING-11709 - Set up Jira autolinks to all Sling Github projects by Robert Munteanu · 1 year, 1 month ago master
  2. 0af01b3 SLING-11051 - Fixing JavaDoc badge by Dan Klco · 2 years, 3 months ago
  3. a7f65a5 SLING-10691 - use parent pom 43 by Bertrand Delacretaz · 2 years, 9 months ago
  4. de3fe7c SLING-10676 - remove SECURITY.md which is not needed by Bertrand Delacretaz · 2 years, 9 months ago
  5. 756cabe SLING-10676 - add or update SECURITY.md by Bertrand Delacretaz · 2 years, 9 months ago

Apache Sling

Build Status Test Status Coverage Sonarcloud Status junit License

Apache Sling JUnit Performance

This module is part of the Apache Sling project.

Provides utilities for JUnit to run performance tests and report results