#Integration tests for the server testing annotation @TestReference This bundle provides server-side junit test TestReferenceJITest.java which can be run with SlingAnnotationsTestRunner via a POST request to /system/sling/junit/org.apache.sling.junit.tests.TestReferenceJTest.html with a debugging breakpoint set with ReferenceIT.java waitForSling() method.

Note: If additional tests of this type are needed, name the test class such that it satisfies the configured regular expression found in bnd.bnd Sling-Test-Regexp: .*JITest

##To run or debug the tests from this folder, use:


mvn clean verify -Dannotations.bundle.version=VVV

Where VVV is the version of the junit-core bundle to test.


Two separate remote debugger clients may be needed: ReferenceIT.java is a junit test class which runs outside of Sling, which can be debugged using the following commands...

  • cd sling-org-apache-sling-junit-core/src/it/annotations-it
  • mvn clean verify -Dannotations.bundle.version=1.1.1-SNAPSHOT -Dmaven.failsafe.debug -Dbnd.baseline.skip
  • The test will wait for debugger to connect before continuing.
  • Set a breakpoint in waitForSling within ReferenceIT.java
  • Connect a debugger client over 5005 (default) or the selected port [1]
  • Make note of the localhost URL and port (which is dynamically selected) by inspecting the URI url variable

With the test paused via this debugger, it is now possible to connect a browser to the running (temporary) Sling test instance, or connect another debugger to access classes such as TestReferenceJITest.java or other classes, which run within Sling.

  • Configure annotations-it/pom.xml with the following or equivalent
  • Reconnect the ReferenceIT.java debugger as described above

[1] https://maven.apache.org/surefire/maven-failsafe-plugin/examples/debugging.html