SLING-9260 : Aggregation of features might modify source extension
2 files changed
tree: 75fdf074791367fe927ba5f40d0da3fd2fd5dd20
  1. diagrams/
  2. src/
  3. .gitignore
  5. bnd.bnd
  8. Jenkinsfile
  10. pom.xml

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The Sling OSGi Feature Model

OSGi is a platform capable of running large applications for a variety of purposes, including rich client applications, server-side systems and cloud and container based architectures.

As these applications are generally based on many bundles, describing each bundle individually in the application definition becomes unwieldy once the number of bundles reaches a certain level. Additionally, OSGi has no mechanism to describe other elements of the application definition, such as configuration or custom artifacts.

While bundles already provide a good way to define rather small, coherent modules, there is often a need to distribute or provision a set of such bundles together with some configuration. Or if you want to build a set of applications (for example microservices) which share certain parts (like a foundation) the need for a higher level building block arises.

The Sling OSGi Feature Model introduces such a higher level building block to describe OSGi applications or parts of it that encapsulates the details of the various components that the feature is built up from. It allows the description of an entire OSGi-based application based on reusable components and includes everything related to this application, including bundles, configuration, framework properties, capabilities, requirements and custom artifacts.


Features are the central concept of the Feature Model. Features are typically defined in a Feature file which is a JSON file. An example feature file can be found here: and the JSON Schema for feature files is available from here: Serialization/Deserialization into/from this format is available from

All features have a unique identity. Features can have an optional title, description, vendor name, license.

Features typically reference one or more bundles that provide the behaviour of the feature. These bundles may have external dependencies. Dependencies can be satisfied by other features or bundles.

Features can define OSGi Configurations that will be provided into the runtime and features can also declare additional requirements and capabilities over and above the ones coming from the bundles that are part of the feature.

Features can be declared from scratch or they can use another pre-existing feature as a prototype. In this case the new feature starts off as a feature identical to its prototype, with some exceptions:

  • it does not get the prototype's identity.
  • bundles, configurations and framework properties can be removed from the prototype, in the removals section.
  • anything declared in the feature definition of a feature based on a prototype adds or overrides to what came from the prototype.

Features can also be marked as final and/or complete. A final feature cannot be used as a prototype for another feature. A feature marked as complete indicates that all its dependencies are met by capabilities inside the feature, i.e. it has no external dependencies.

A Feature Launcher can be used to launch features into a running process with an OSGi Framework. The launcher is typically fed with a number of feature files that should be launched together. Overrides for variables defined in the feature models can be provided on the launcher commandline.

Tooling exists to analyze and validate features, and to aggregate and merge multiple features into a single feature, which can be used to create higher level features from a combination of lower-level ones. Most of the tooling is accessible through the slingfeature-maven-plugin:

The following diagrams show a typical workflow when working with feature files:

Features are authored as JSON Feature Files. The slingfeature-maven-plugin provides analyzers and aggregators that check features and can combine them into larger features. The maven plugin can also be used to publish features to a Maven Repository.

To create a running system from a number of feature files, features are selected from a Maven Repository, they are validated for completeness and optionally additional features are pulled in through the OSGi Resolver (not yet implemented). A final system feature has no unresolved dependencies. It is passed to the Feature Launcher along with optional additional features the provide functionality on top of what is defined in the system feature. The Feature Launcher creates a running process containing an OSGi Framework provisioned with the feature's contents.

Feature Identity

A feature has a unique id. Maven coordinates ( provide a well defined and accepted way of uniquely defining such an id. The coordinates include at least a group id, an artifact id, a version and optionally a type and classifier.

While group id, artifact id, version and the optional classifier can be freely choosen for a feature, the type/packaging is defined as slingosgifeature.

Maven Coordinates

Maven coordinates are used to define the feature id and to refer to artifacts contained in the feature, e.g. bundles, content packages or other features. There are two supported ways to write down such a coordinate:

  • Using a colon as a separator for the parts: groupId:artifactId[:type[:classifier]]:version as defined in
  • Using a mvn URL: 'mvn:' group-id '/' artifact-id [ '/' [version] [ '/' [type] [ '/' classifier ] ] ] ]

In some cases only the coordinates are specified as a string in one of the above mentioned formats. In other cases, the artifact is described through a JSON object. In that case, the id property holds the coordinates in one of the formats.


A feature normally declares a number of bundles that are provided through the feature. The bundles are not stored inside the feature but referenced via their Maven Coordinates in the bundles section of the feature model.

Individual bundles are either referenced as a string value in the bundles array in the feature model, or they can be specified as objects in the bundles array. In that case the id for the bundle must be specified. Additional metadata can also be placed here. It is possible to mix bundles specified by just the id (string) and object in a single array.

Multiple versions of a bundle with the same group ID and artifact ID are allowed. In this case both must be specified in the bundles section.


OSGi Configuration Admin configuration is specified in the configurations section of the feature model.

The configurations are specified following the format defined by the OSGi Configurator specification:

Variables declared in the Feature Model variables section can be used for late binding of variables, they can be specified with the Launcher, or the default from the variables section is used.

Factory configurations can be specified using the named factory syntax, which separates the factory PID and the name with a tilde ‘~’.

Requirements and Capabilities

In order to avoid a concept like “Require-Bundle” a feature does not explicitly declare dependencies to other features. These are declared by the required capabilities, either explicit or implicit. The implicit requirements are calculated by inspecting the contained bundles (and potentially other artifacts like content packages).

Features can also explicitly declare additional requirements they have over and above the ones coming from the bundles. This is done in the requirements section of the Feature Model.

Features can declare additional capabilities that are provided by the feature in addition to the capabilities provided by the bundles. For example a number of bundles might together provide an osgi.implementation capability, which is not provided by any of those bundles individually. The Feature can be used to add this capability to the provided set.

Additional capabilities are specified in the capabilities section of the Feature Model.


A feature can be defined based on a prototype. This means that the feature starts out as a copy of the feature prototype. Everything in the prototype is copied to the new feature, except for its id. The new feature will get a new, different ID. The prototype is processed with regard to the defined elements of the feature itself.

This processing happens as follows:

  • Removal instructions for a prototype are handled first.
  • A clash of artifacts (such as bundles) between the prototype and the feature is resolved by picking the version defined last, which is the one defined by the feature, not its prototype. Artifact clashes are detected based on Maven Coordinates, not on the content of the artifact. So if a prototype defines a bundle with artifact ID and the feature itself declares in its bundles section, the bundle with version 1.0.1 is used, i.e. the definition in the feature overrides the one coming from the prototype.
  • Configurations will be merged by default, later ones potentially overriding newer ones:
    • If the same property is declared in more than one feature, the last one wins - in case of an array value, this requires redeclaring all values (if they are meant to be kept).
  • Later framework properties overwrite newer ones.
  • Capabilities and requirements are appended - this might result in duplicates, but that doesn't really hurt in practice.
  • Extensions are handled in an extension specific way, by default the contents are appended. In the case of extensions of type Artifact these are handled just like bundles. Extension merge plugins can be configured to perform custom merging.

Prototypes can provide a useful way to manipulate existing features. For example to replace a bundle in an existing feature and deliver this as a modified feature.


The Feature Model is extensible, meaning that it can be augmented with custom content in a number of ways.

Custom content can have one of the following formats:

  • Plain text
  • a JSON array
  • An array of Artifacts

Custom content be useful to co-locate metadata with its associated feature or to enhance the feature model with new functionality. The API Regions described in is an example of enhancing the feature functionality.

When creating aggregates, extensions are merged into the resulting aggregate feature. There are default rules for aggregating extension content, which essentially is appending all the extension content of a given type. However custom merge plugins can also be provided. After the merge a postprocessor is always run which can perform additional operations based on the extension content. Note that both the aggregate task of the slingfeature-maven-plugin as well as the launcher perform merge operations on all the feature models these are provided with.

Extensions are declared in the JSON Feature file using the following syntax:

"extention-name:<type>|{optional|required|transient]": [ json array ]

For example, the following declaration defines an extension with name api-regions which is specified as JSON. The declaration also states that if no plugin is present that knows about this extension it should be ignored and execution should continue.

"api-regions:JSON|optional" : [
   {"name": "global"}

Built-in extension: content-packages

This extension of type ARTIFACTS allows listing content packages which will be installed by the launcher. Example:


Built-in extension: repoinit

This extension is of type TEXT. It allows the specification of Sling Repository Initialization statements which will be executed on the repository at startup. Example:

  "create path /content/ mix:referenceable)",
  "create path (nt:unstructured) /var"

As initializing the repository is usually important for Sling based applications the extension should be marked as required as in the example above.

Further extensions


A launcher for feature models is available in this project:


The primary tooling around the feature model is provided through Maven by the Sling Feature Maven Plugin:

See the readme of the plugin for more information.


The links below provide additional information regarding the Feature Model.