SLING-9670: make the extension optional in case of the converter
1 file changed
tree: bc1c39bfb33e6e23d9f8695254a9cae57924a914
  1. src/
  2. .asf.yaml
  3. .gitignore
  4. bnd.bnd
  5. pom.xml

Apache Sling Featuremodel - Unpack Extension

This module provides support for a generic “unzip” extension for the feature model. It allows you to have feature model artifact extensions unzipped to the file system.

The jar can be used in the following ways:

Feature model launcher extension

When added to the classpath of the feature launcher it will unzip extensions according to a framework property (see below).

OSGi installer extension

When installed as a bundle into sling, it will act as a extension to the OSGi installer and handle zip files that get installed as well as extensions in feature models that get installed (both, again, according to a framework property).


When invoked on the commandline, there is a converter main class that can be used to wrap a list of urls into a feature with an extension.

It looks like this:

java -cp ${HOME}/.m2/repository/org/apache/sling/${HOME}/.m2/repository/org/apache/sling/ \ \
 <mvn-id-of-resulting-feature> \
 <name-of-extension-in-feature> \
 <path-to-resulting-feature-file> \
 <path-to-mvn-repository-to-store-artifacts> \
 key=<optional-key-for-manifest> \
 <space separated list of urls>


The framework property can be used to give an OSGi header clause configuring which extensions to unzip, to which dir, and with what required manifest header.

It looks like this:<extension-name>;dir:=<path-to-dir-on-disc>;default:=<[true|false]>;key:=<optional-key-in-manifest>;value:=<optional-value-for-key-in-manifest>;index:=<path-header-in-manifest><[,<clause>]*>