
Apache Sling API Regions extension

This component contains extensions relating to the API Regions component. The following extensions are registered via the ServiceLoader mechanism:

Merge handlers are called when features are merged during the aggregation process.

APIRegionMergeHandler - This handler knows how to merge API Regions extensions and adds the org-feature key to the api-regions sections to record what feature this section originally belonged.

PostProcessHandlers are called when a feature contains an api-regions section.

BundleMappingHandler - This handler creates a mapping file that maps the Artifact ID to a bundle symbolic name and version. A tilde ~ is used in the value of the map to separate BSN and version.

BundleArtifactFeatureHandler - This handler creates 3 mapping files:

  • maps bundles to the original feature they were in. A bundle could be from more then one feature.
  • maps features to regions. A feature can be in more than one region.
  • maps regions to packages. A region can expose more than one package.

The location of the files created by the BundleArtifactFeatureHandler handler is stored in a system property with name apiregions. + filename. So to obtain the file name of the file, make the following call:
