Enable api-regions runtime support via a framework property

Framework property org.apache.sling.feature.apiregions.regions must be
set to enable api-regions runtime support.
5 files changed
tree: 895f18066fbd872605138d202735136148a60d7d
  1. src/
  5. pom.xml
  6. README.md


Apache Sling API Regions runtime component

The API Regions runtime component is implemented as an OSGi Framework Extension bundle. This ensures that the runtime component is always present early in the startup process.

This component registers an OSGi resolver hook service which enforces the API regions at runtime. The component looks for properties files that provide the configuration of the API regions. The properties files are generated by the org.apache.sling.feature.extension.apiregions component during the extension post-processing.

As the component has no dependencies on any other component, the properties files are looked up via System Properties lookups:

  • apiregions.idbsnver.properties - provides the location of the idbsnver.properties file.
  • apiregions.bundles.properties - provides the location of the bundles.properties file.
  • apiregions.features.properties - provides the location of the features.properties file.
  • apiregions.regions.properties - provides the location of the regions.properties file.