Apache Sling Distribution Avro Serializer (deprecated)

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  1. e1220b9 SLING-11709 - Set up Jira autolinks to all Sling Github projects by Robert Munteanu · 1 year, 1 month ago master
  2. 2225798 Deprecate the module by tmaret · 2 years ago
  3. 45cfad6 Deprecate the module by Timothee Maret · 2 years ago
  4. 0c67d24 Revert "Deprecate the module" by tmaret · 2 years ago
  5. e2b196b Deprecate the module by tmaret · 2 years ago

Apache Sling

Apache Sling Distribution Avro Serializer (deprecated)


This module is deprecated. For reference or potential bugfix releases use the maintenance branch, which contains this module's code as it was just before deprecating it.