Updating badges for org-apache-sling-commons-messaging
1 file changed
tree: ff81db1b2a4a990375d4dd68eb3e3c5a9ebdd34c
  1. src/
  2. .gitignore
  3. bnd.bnd
  5. pom.xml
  6. README.md

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Apache Sling Commons Messaging

This module is part of the Apache Sling project.

Simple API for sending message​s to recipient​s.


  • send(String, String) - takes a message​ and a recipient, e.g.
    • send(“A Message to You, Rudy”, “rudy@ghosttown”) - send a mail to Rudy in Ghost Town
    • send(“Hello Apache!”, “+1.919.573.9199”) - send a fax to the ASF
  • send(String, String, Map) - takes a message, a recipient and additional data useful for the underlying implementation to process and/or send the message


  • getMessage():T - should return a serialized form of the sent message