1. 5bb2479 SLING-4904 - Log Config printer should only dump last 'n' lines of the logs by Chetan Mehrotra · 9 years ago
  2. fee8675 SLING-4788 - SlingConfigurationPrinter should use mode aware and only stream the full logs in the zip version and avoid duplicate information by Chetan Mehrotra · 9 years ago
  3. 16902d7 SLING-4788 - SlingConfigurationPrinter should use mode aware and only stream the full logs in the zip version and avoid duplicate information by Chetan Mehrotra · 9 years ago
  4. 99cfff9 SLING-3421 - logback initialization does not initialize correct loggers if there's a single false one by Chetan Mehrotra · 9 years ago
  5. 74b1218 SLING-4764 - ClassCastException when trying to modify properties in custom appender Service by Chetan Mehrotra · 9 years ago
  6. 00460c2 SLING-4840 - Provide an option to disable a set of logger via config by Chetan Mehrotra · 9 years ago
  7. cc31923 set parent version to 24 and add empty relativePath where missing by Oliver Lietz · 9 years ago
  8. 55a25cb Tolerate empty system options for coverage in Pax-Exam tests by Robert Munteanu · 9 years ago
  9. dba0d85 Remove superflous sling.java.version=6 as it's the default now by Robert Munteanu · 9 years ago
  10. 7e94303 Update to Sling Parent 23 by Robert Munteanu · 9 years ago
  11. 19068fe SLING-4726 Log Service: Enable Name Hint for Web Console Log Config Entries by Stefan Seifert · 9 years ago
  12. a2ba855 SLING-4698 - Set parent.relativePath to empty for all modules by Robert Munteanu · 9 years ago
  13. 2b7ad43 Add missing licence headers and excludes for rat by Carsten Ziegeler · 9 years ago
  14. f4a46af [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration by Carsten Ziegeler · 9 years ago
  15. d08c976 [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.apache.sling.commons.log-4.0.2 by Carsten Ziegeler · 9 years ago
  16. ae9f3c5 SLING-4552 : Escape output in webconsole plugin by Carsten Ziegeler · 9 years ago
  17. 1724dfc SLING-4408 - Support setting logger levels to Off by Robert Munteanu · 9 years ago
  18. 0f859f5 SLING-4225 - The root directory for Sling logging should be configurable explicitly by Chetan Mehrotra · 9 years ago
  19. 662f6fd Update to Sling Parent POM 22 with baselining enabled by Carsten Ziegeler · 10 years ago
  20. 587f138 SLING-3813 - Pax-Exam tests fail when executed under Java 8 by Robert Munteanu · 10 years ago
  21. 2e87539 SLING-3813 - Pax-Exam tests fail when executed under Java 8 by Robert Munteanu · 10 years ago
  22. f88dd43 Updated to parent version 20 by Robert Munteanu · 10 years ago
  23. a89fa4b SLING-3705 - Update Logback version to 1.1.2 by Chetan Mehrotra · 10 years ago
  24. bdbc0bc Update to parent pom v19 by Carsten Ziegeler · 10 years ago
  25. d409af9 [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration by Chetan Mehrotra · 10 years ago
  26. 03a7b2a [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.apache.sling.commons.log-4.0.0 by Chetan Mehrotra · 10 years ago
  27. 59ae9d9 SLING-3364 - All rotated log files are not made part of the zip provided through webconsole by Chetan Mehrotra · 10 years ago
  28. 30a884e SLING-3275 - Add Buffered Logging Configuration in "Apache Sling Logging Logger" by Chetan Mehrotra · 10 years ago
  29. d02c382 SLING-3411 - Enable configuring the maxCallerDataDepth in Logback LoggerContext by Chetan Mehrotra · 10 years ago
  30. 14681ef SLING-3410 - Log the Logback initialization related logs to normal log for transient errors by Chetan Mehrotra · 10 years ago
  31. 1313611 SLING-3410 - Log the Logback initialization related logs to normal log for transient errors by Chetan Mehrotra · 10 years ago
  32. c3d5245 SLING-3045 - [logback]Warning logs logged for 'No appenders present in context [sling] for logger' by Chetan Mehrotra · 10 years ago
  33. 2dc97fa SLING-3045 - [logback]Warning logs logged for 'No appenders present in context [sling] for logger' by Chetan Mehrotra · 10 years ago
  34. 05c3802 SLING-3045 - [logback]Warning logs logged for 'No appenders present in context [sling] for logger' by Chetan Mehrotra · 10 years ago
  35. 3629251 SLING-3363 - Make Logback status part of Configuration Printer output by Chetan Mehrotra · 10 years ago
  36. 4e4cc75 SLING-3037 - IllegalArgumentException in logback Logger by Chetan Mehrotra · 10 years ago
  37. 87ece43 SLING-3344 - adding all classic and core logback packages as exported by Justin Edelson · 10 years ago
  38. a1176f7 SLING-3344 - adding more exported packages to log bundle by Justin Edelson · 10 years ago
  39. f41865b SLING-3341 - [logback] Race condition in configuring Logback by Chetan Mehrotra · 10 years ago
  40. ddd14d6 SLING-3341 - [logback] Race condition in configuring Logback by Chetan Mehrotra · 10 years ago
  41. 9f8dee1 SLING-3251 - Enable Logback ChangeLevelDispatcher by default if JUL Integration is enabled by Chetan Mehrotra · 10 years ago
  42. 3284d46 SLING-3286 - Remove plugin version overrides from poms by Robert Munteanu · 10 years ago
  43. acd158f SLING-3049 - Make Logback Stacktrace Packaging data support OSGi aware by Chetan Mehrotra · 10 years ago
  44. 6407533 SLING-2897 - [LOG] Enhance web console plugin with edit feature by Chetan Mehrotra · 10 years ago
  45. 61f9217 SLING-3257 - Make logback packaging data in stacktraces configurable by Chetan Mehrotra · 10 years ago
  46. c46fda9 SLING-3258 - [regression] Sling log support webconsole no longer links to logger configurations by Chetan Mehrotra · 10 years ago
  47. b1bc1aa SLING-3049 - Make Logback Stacktrace Packaging data support OSGi aware by Chetan Mehrotra · 10 years ago
  48. d0f64ab SLING-3253 Remove checked in Logback related classes before 4.x release by Chetan Mehrotra · 10 years ago
  49. 9e89b74 SLING-2024 - Replace file logger with logback by Chetan Mehrotra · 10 years ago
  50. 2c1d340 SLING-2024 - Replace file logger with logback by Chetan Mehrotra · 10 years ago
  51. 64e9052 [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration by Chetan Mehrotra · 10 years ago
  52. a2ecfe6 [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.apache.sling.commons.log-4.0.0 by Chetan Mehrotra · 10 years ago
  53. 182ce5b SLING-2024 - Replace file logger with logback by Chetan Mehrotra · 10 years ago
  54. 873654d SLING-2024 - Replace file logger with logback by Chetan Mehrotra · 10 years ago
  55. 2198a07 SLING-3049 - Make Logback Stacktrace Packaging data support OSGi aware by Chetan Mehrotra · 10 years ago
  56. f597a0f SLING-3243 Update the Slf4j API bundle to 1.7.5 by Chetan Mehrotra · 10 years ago
  57. ec86f6f SLING-3049 - Make Logback Stacktrace Packaging data support OSGi aware by Chetan Mehrotra · 10 years ago
  58. 70c1ea4 SLING-3242 - Allow referring to OSGi appenders from within Logback config by Chetan Mehrotra · 10 years ago
  59. 9375e02 SLING-3189 - slightly modified version of Chetan's patch which if needed waits for SLF4J in a separate thread by Bertrand Delacretaz · 10 years ago
  60. 4f159dd SLING-3185 - avoid ClassCastException caused by slf4j not being fully initialized. Contributed by Chetan Mehrotra, thanks! by Bertrand Delacretaz · 11 years ago
  61. baa893a SLING-2024 : Make additivity configurable for a logger by Carsten Ziegeler · 11 years ago
  62. 53dd490 Use latest maven bundle plugin by Carsten Ziegeler · 11 years ago
  63. 2faa116 SLING-3069 : Allow attaching an Appender to a Logger without changing its existing Log level by Carsten Ziegeler · 11 years ago
  64. 85c498c SLING-3069 : Allow attaching an Appender to a Logger without changing its existing Log level by Carsten Ziegeler · 11 years ago
  65. dc8f3ea SLING-3069 : Allow attaching an Appender to a Logger without changing its existing Log level by Carsten Ziegeler · 11 years ago
  66. 12b1cfe SLING-3069 : Allow attaching an Appender to a Logger without changing its existing Log level by Carsten Ziegeler · 11 years ago
  67. 2d50f2d SLING-3060 : Enable Logback to use OSGi services for Filters and TurboFilters . Apply patch from Chetan Mehrotra by Carsten Ziegeler · 11 years ago
  68. aeb3063 SLING-3047 - Log message from other loggers get added to error.log by Amit Gupta · 11 years ago
  69. 41befeb SLING-3045 - [logback]Warning logs logged for 'No appenders present in context [sling] for logger' by Amit Gupta · 11 years ago
  70. 63cad9c Update to parent pom 18 by Carsten Ziegeler · 11 years ago
  71. f626108 SLING-3037 : IllegalArgumentException in logback Logger. Apply patch from Chetan Mehrotra by Carsten Ziegeler · 11 years ago
  72. 9062db0 SLING-3037 : IllegalArgumentException in logback Logger. Apply patch from Chetan Mehrotra by Carsten Ziegeler · 11 years ago
  73. 90e2089 Inline EPL1 in the LICENSE file by Felix Meschberger · 11 years ago
  74. f780220 SLING-2024 Apply slightly modified patch by Chetan Mehrotra (thanks alot) by Felix Meschberger · 11 years ago
  75. b99e8a4 [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration by Felix Meschberger · 11 years ago
  76. 505404e [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.apache.sling.commons.log-3.0.2 by Felix Meschberger · 11 years ago
  77. 020825a Remove useless JavaDoc links by Felix Meschberger · 11 years ago
  78. 4b048c2 Update to latest parent pom by Carsten Ziegeler · 11 years ago
  79. 2a3d6cb Correct reactor pom and update to parent pom 16 by Carsten Ziegeler · 11 years ago
  80. bad8b72 SLING-2745 fixed. by Ian Boston · 11 years ago
  81. 30fd820 Update to latest parent pom and use latest releases in launchpad by Carsten Ziegeler · 11 years ago
  82. 1970d61 Use latest releases and update to new parent pom by Carsten Ziegeler · 11 years ago
  83. 9859fc0 SLING-2643 Patch from Dan Klco that disables the tests if the OS and user that is running the tests can still write after they have been denied. ie Windows7 + Administrator user. Thanks for the patch and the analysis. by Ian Boston · 11 years ago
  84. 30900bb SLING-2633 Raised unit test coverage from arround 40% to about 70%. Not everything is covered. I have tried not to be too strict so it doesnt become a maintanence overhead if dependencies change. by Ian Boston · 11 years ago
  85. 7f4fa2a SLING-2149 Attempt to make the test classes build on JDK1.5 even if they dont run. by Ian Boston · 11 years ago
  86. 9f2f9da SLING-2149 Fixed. Added fallback to Stdout on permission denied and added unit tests to simulate the issue. by Ian Boston · 11 years ago
  87. 16ed869 SLING-2397 Update the bundle configuration for dynamic import of the Servlet API by Felix Meschberger · 12 years ago
  88. 53d6b54 SLING-2397 Use ServiceFactory approach and dynamic import of Servlet API to delay creation of the log panel until used. This prevents startup errors and makes the panel available as soon as the Servlet API is available and it is actually used by the Web Console (which in turn also requires the Servlet API) by Felix Meschberger · 12 years ago
  89. 92f25d6 SLING-2614 support numeric log levels for configuration in addition to strings and add unit tests for the level conversions by Felix Meschberger · 12 years ago
  90. e4cffd7 Use released versions by Carsten Ziegeler · 12 years ago
  91. d6186f5 Update to latest parent pom by Carsten Ziegeler · 12 years ago
  92. 11b212b SLING-2480 : Add config for maven-sling-plugin to m2e configuration by Carsten Ziegeler · 12 years ago
  93. e8bcc32 SLING-2395 Fix default value for log file size in metatype descriptor by Felix Meschberger · 12 years ago
  94. 1a29db1 [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration by Carsten Ziegeler · 12 years ago
  95. cce4ed1 [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.apache.sling.commons.log-3.0.0 by Carsten Ziegeler · 12 years ago
  96. 5e32a7e SLING-2374 Update to SLF4J 1.6.4 and improve SLF4J API import to ensure proper version range on implemented org.slf4j and org.slf4j.spi packages by Felix Meschberger · 12 years ago
  97. 8ef7969 SLING-2373 Remove configurator system property again by Felix Meschberger · 12 years ago
  98. 3aa3465 SLING-2373 Unless explicit configuration file or configurator is set in system properties, a dummy configurator is configured and log manager is forced to read it. by Felix Meschberger · 12 years ago
  99. fef5a44 SLING-2243 - adding factoryPid to hand crafted metatype.xml by Justin Edelson · 13 years ago
  100. de88572 SLIGN-2224 Factor OSGi LogService implementation out into a separate bundle and don't embedd SLF4J API, logf4-over-slf4j, and jcl-over-slf4j any longer. Reflect this change in the Bundle Name (the symbolic name is still the same). by Felix Meschberger · 13 years ago