SLING-3049 - Make Logback Stacktrace Packaging data support OSGi aware

Ensure that bundle info is only provided if there is a single owner of
any package. If same package is provided by multiple bundles then no bundle
info would be provided
5 files changed
tree: 80049b092189591f58e5854318cac8a471bcf6c8
  1. src/
  2. .gitignore
  4. pom.xml

Apache Sling Commons Log

This module is part of the Apache Sling project.

The “log” project packages the Logback library to manage logging in OSGi environment. It provide some useful extension to the default Logback feature set to enable better integration with OSGi. The SLF4j API bundle must be installed along with this bundle to provide full SLF4J logging support.

The Logging bundle should be installed as one of the first modules in the OSGi framework and - provided the framework supports start levels - be set to start at start level 1. This ensures the Logging bundle is loaded as early as possible thus providing services to the framework and preparing logging.

For more details refer to the Logging Documentation

Getting Started

You can compile and package the jar using the following command:

mvn package -Pide,coverage

It would build the module and also produce a test coverage report also prepare bundle jar which is suitable to be used to run integration test from within IDE.