Updates needed to use a Java Keystore from the file system, and the associated items added to SAML2ConfigServiceImpl for OSGI configs
5 files changed
tree: 1105871999cca9f7defebf1f05ee66dc9ca41d97
  1. src/
  2. NOTICE.md
  3. pom.xml
  4. README.md
  5. SAML2-browser-post.png

Apache Sling SAML2 Handler (NOT FOR PRODUCTION)

This project is intended to be a contribution to the Apache Sling project; it has a SAML2 Service Provider Authentication Handler and the associated SAML2 servlets and utilities.
It is a work in progress and not production ready!

SP_POST_Request;_IdP_POST_Response https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SAML_2.0#SP_POST_Request;_IdP_POST_Response

This bundle

  • Will allow Sling applications to authenticate users against Identity Providers (idp) such as Shibboleth using SAML2 protocols.
  • Will sync of user management based on the SAML2 Assertion and OSGi bundle configs
    • Sync attributes from the IDP to the User as specified in the bundle OSGi configs
    • Create the user upon successful IDP authentication
    • Sync user membership of groups as defined in the OSGi configs
  • Packages
    • idp is a test fixture based on the OpenSAML V3 eBook. It will be useful for minimizing setup for testing purposes. Set to disabled for production.
    • sp is the package for service provider classes utilities
    • Helpers static utilities for help using the opensaml library

##Set up JKS
$ cd sling
$ mkdir keys
$ cd keys

Create KeyStore & Generate Self Signed Cert (not for prod)

-keyalg RSA
-validity 365
-alias samlStore
-keystore samlKeystore.jks
-keypass key_password
-storepass storepassword
-dname “CN=localhost, OU=LSA Technology Services, O=University of Michigan,L=Ann Arbor, S=MI, C=US”

Generate IDP KeyPair (not for prod)

keytool -genkey -alias samlKeys -keyalg RSA -keystore samlKeystore.jks