SLING-9622 : Avoid registration of auth requirements for aliases and vanity paths (#4)

* SLING-9622 : Potential solution using a service resource resolver to resolve the path

* SLING-9622 : Handle mapping within auth.core bundle and update auth requirements when mapping changes

* SLING-9622 : Handle mapping within auth.core bundle and update auth requirements when mapping changes

* SLING-9622 : Handle mapping within auth.core bundle and update auth requirements when mapping changes

* SLING-9622 : Handle mapping within auth.core bundle and update auth requirements when mapping changes

* SLING-9622 : Handle mapping within auth.core bundle and update auth requirements when mapping changes

* SLING-9622 : Handle mapping within auth.core bundle and update auth requirements when mapping changes

* SLING-9622 : Handle mapping within auth.core bundle and update auth requirements when mapping changes

* SLING-9622 : Handle mapping within auth.core bundle and update auth requirements when mapping changes
8 files changed
tree: 5f145425582ea7f1b77bcb4ded3db0cc9ffe9620
  1. src/
  2. .gitignore
  3. bnd.bnd
  6. Jenkinsfile
  8. pom.xml

Build Status Test Status Maven Central JavaDocs License auth

Apache Sling Authentication Service

This module is part of the Apache Sling project.

The Sling Authentication Service bundle provides the basic mechanisms to authenticate HTTP requests with a JCR repository. The algorithms for extracting authentication details from the requests is extensible by implementing an AuthenticationHandler interface.