Apache Sling > Sling CMS > Administration > Templates


Templates in Sling CMS are used to define the structure, allowed components, allowed locations and fields for pages created in Sling CMS sites.

Creating a Template

Each template is created within a Site Configuration. To create a new template, open Configurations in the left navigation and navigate into the Site Configuration.

In the Site Configuration select +Template. This will open a modal window to configure the new template. Set the title of the template then click Create Template

Create Template

Once the template is created, select the pencil icon to edit the template. There are a number of fields available on the templates:

  • Title - a title for the template
  • Allowed Paths - Regular expressions of the paths under which a template can be created
  • Available Component Types - which component types will be allowed to be added in this template
  • Template - The content of the pages created with the template in JSON format, this can use variables from the Configuration Fields using Handlebars templating This template should at least set the jcr:primaryType of the page node, the jcr:content/sling:template attribute (which should be the path to this template) and the jcr:content/sling:resourceType which is the resource type of the component to render the page

Edit Template

In addition to these fields, there are two other configurations:

Configuration Fields

These fields are used to configure the pages created with the template when the page is created. Values from these fields can be referenced within the template content by name. At a minimum, you will generally have a name and title field.

Configuration Fields

To create a new configuration field, select the + button at the bottom of the container. This will open a dialog for you to select the type of configuration field to add:

Select Field Type

Once you have selected the field, click the Add Component button and then select the pencil icon next to the new field to edit the field.

The different field types will have different configuration values, but generally you will have to specify a title and name for the field.

Component Configurations

Component configurations are used to share configurations values with all of the pages using the template.

Component Configurations

To add a new component configuration:

  1. Select the + button on the Component Configurations container
  2. Select the Component Type Sling CMS - Component Configuration
  3. Select Add Component
  4. Click the Pencil button on the new Component Configuration
  5. Select the component you want to configure from the Component dropdown, this will load the configuration fields for this component

Selecting the Component Type