Apache Sling > Sling CMS > Getting Started
This guide will give you a quick introduction to getting started with Sling CMS. There are two options for getting started:
This installation is the simplest option for developers or those looking to quickly set up a test instance Sling CMS. To run the Sling CMS on a local envionment:
java -jar org.apache.sling.app.cms-[version].jar
java -jar org.apache.sling.app.cms-[version].jar
to start Sling CMSThis option allows you to install Sling CMS and Apache web server, which allows for a much closer reproduction of a real environment. To install with this option:
Clone the Sling CMS Git repo with: git clone https://github.com/apache/sling-org-apache-sling-app-cms.git
Change directory into the sling-org-apache-sling-app-cms/vagrant directory
Run the command vagrant up
Add the following entries into your HOSTS file: sling2.apache.org cms.sling.apache.org
Open a browser to http://cms.sling.apache.org:8090/ to view Sling CMS or http://sling2.apache.org:8090/ to view the published site