Apache Sling CMS Standalone Helm Chart

A Helm template for running Apache Sling CMS as a standalone instance in Kubernetes.

Local Setup

Setup a Sling CMS standalone instance running in a local minukube Kubernetes instance.

Requires minikube


  1. Start minikube in a VM (for ingress support) minikube start --vm=true
  2. Enable ingress support: minikube addons enable ingress
  3. Set minkube to use the docker env eval $(minikube docker-env)
  4. Build the cms image docker build -t org.apache.sling.cms.docker.cms:0.16.3-snapshot ../../docker/cms
  5. Build the web image docker build -t org.apache.sling.cms.docker.web:0.16.3-snapshot ../../docker/webcache
  6. Get minikube's IP: minikube ip
  7. Update /etc/hosts with entries for sling2.apache.local and cms.sling.apache.local for minikube's IP\
  8. Install the helm chart with: helm install [name] .