Apache Sling > Sling CMS > Developers > Creating Plugins

Creating Plugins

The Apache Sling CMS has a robust extension model for extending the core application. This guide will help you to create a structure for plugins to ensure upgrade readiness.

Application Path

Unlike custom applications, plugin code should be provided in the /libs path under names folders. The recommended folder naming is:


This structure ensures that plugins from different providers do not conflict.


The simplest configuration option is to leverage component configuration. If you need a shared configuration, you can create a configuration console by creating a component with the component type ‘SlingCMS-Config’

Extending the UI

To extend the Apache Sling CMS UI, the recommended approach is to use Sling Resource Merger to merge your custom content under /apps/sling-cms/content into the default content at /libs/sling-cms/content.

All content should be exposed under the path /cms and keep in mind the naming conventions to ensure your content does not conflict with other plugins. Be as specific as possible when defining paths to avoid overriding other plugins.