Apache Sling > Sling CMS > Developers > Building Sling CMS

Building Sling CMS

To build an instance with of the Sling CMS, you'll need Apache Maven 3.0+ and Git.

First clone the code:

git clone https://github.com/apache/sling-org-apache-sling-app-cms.git

Next build the code with:

mvn clean install

The JAR will be located under: feature/target/org.apache.sling.cms-{VERSION].jar


To run the Sling CMS, build the code and copy the files builder/src/main/scripts/start.sh builder/src/main/scripts/stop.sh and builder/target/org.apache.sling.cms-{VERSION].jar to a directory. Execute the script ./start.sh to start Sling CMS.


Navigate to http://localhost:8080/. The default credentials are admin/admin.