SLING-6585 - Switch to the ASF code signing service

Add the 'codesign' profile, with the codesign plugin commented out for
1 file changed
tree: 801cd4081bd90251643520e7937b682b1903d0d5
  1. api/
  2. api-test/
  3. artifacts/
  4. eclipse-core/
  5. eclipse-m2e-core/
  6. eclipse-m2e-test/
  7. eclipse-m2e-ui/
  8. eclipse-sightly-core/
  9. eclipse-sightly-ui/
  10. eclipse-test/
  11. eclipse-ui/
  12. feature/
  13. impl-resource/
  14. impl-resource-test/
  15. impl-vlt/
  16. impl-vlt-test/
  17. m2e-feature/
  18. p2update/
  19. sightly-feature/
  20. source-bundle/
  21. target-definition/
  22. vlt-wrapper/
  23. .gitignore
  24. .sling-module.xml
  27. pom.xml

Apache Sling IDE Tooling

The IDE Tooling project produces a p2 update site which is installable into a Eclipse runtime. The update site is located in the p2update/target/repository directory.

How to run the Sling IDE tools in a test Eclipse instance

This howto assumes that you are running Eclipse Mars or Later with the Plug-In Development Environment and Maven features installed. You should have previously built the projects using

mvn package

to ensure that Maven artifacts which are not available on p2 update sites are included in the workspace.

To start with, import all the projects in Eclipse as Maven projects. Eclipse might prompt you to install an additional m2eclipse configurator for PDE projects, as it's needed for bridging between Maven and PDE projects.

After the projects are imported, you need to set your target environment to ensure that all dependencies are met and that you are working against the project's declared baseline. To do that, open the following file in Eclipse


In the target editor which appears, click ‘Set as Target Platform’. Once the target platform is set up, you can create a new launch configuration.

NOTE: if you don‘t see a target editor, but an XML editor, try right-clicking on the file and choosing File -> Open With -> Target Editor. If you don’t see that option, you don't have PDE installed.

Now you can use the ‘Sling IDE Tooling’ launch configuration which is present in the project to launch a local instance of Eclipse with Sling IDE Tooling plug-ins picked up from the local workspace.

How to generate a signed release

The build can be configured to sign the generated jars with a code signing certificates. This prevents unsigned content errors from appearing when installing the plugins and reassures the user that the content comes from a trusted source.

Please note that this is different from GPG signatures.

The following steps are needed to sign the generated jars.

  1. Obtain a code signing certificate. At the moment the ASF does not provide such a service, so you will have to obtain one yourself. One free possibility is Certum [1]. Expect at least two weeks of processing time, so plan this ahead of time.

  2. Import the certificate chain into a local keystore. The best approach is to install the certificate into a browser and ensure that the whole certificate chain is present. For Certum that would by the Certum CA, the Certum Level 3 CA and the code signing certificate. Backup the certificates from Fireox and then import them into the keystore, with a command similar to

    keytool -importkeystore -destkeystore keystore_certum.jks -srckeystore
    backup.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12

  3. Insert properties controlling jarsigner behaviour in your settings.xml

                 <!-- needed since we mix packages between projects -->

At this point you can launch a build using

mvn clean package -Psign

All jars will be signed, and should install without any warnings. [1]:,offer_en_open_source_cs.xml