blob: 7c477a37e6d9ab77bd4e7d2dd8b587facef405c9 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
/* groovylint-disable SystemExit */
/* groovylint-disable JavaIoPackageAccess */
import groovy.util.XmlParser
import groovy.util.Node
if (args.length == 0) {
println 'Generates the project tables on the Sling Aggregator project.'
println 'Please provide the Sling Directory: groovy generate-aggregator-table.groovy [SLING_DIR]'
GroovyShell shell = new GroovyShell()
badges = shell.parse(new File('./generate-badges.groovy').text)
String slingDir = args[0]
println 'Aggregator Table Generation!'
println '-------------------------'
println "Updating aggregator tables in ${slingDir}/aggregator"
docsDir = new File(slingDir + '/aggregator/docs')
groupsDir = new File(docsDir, 'groups')
statusDir = new File(docsDir, 'status')
println 'Deleting old groups and status folders...'
boolean result = groupsDir.deleteDir()
assert result
result = statusDir.deleteDir()
assert result
println 'Re-creating groups and status folders...'
result = groupsDir.mkdirs()
assert result
result = statusDir.mkdirs()
assert result
println 'Overwriting module file...'
modulesFile = new File(docsDir, '')
modulesFile.text = "[Apache Sling]( > [Aggregator]( > Modules\n# Modules\n\n| Module | Description | Module Status | Pull Requests |\n|--- |--- |--- |---|"
println 'Loading manifest...'
manifest = new XmlParser().parseText(new File('./default.xml').text)
manifest.project.@path.each { path ->
addRepo(new File(slingDir, path))
println 'Aggregator tables updated!'
void addRepo(File repoFolder) {
println "Adding badges for ${}..."
Map project = badges.parseMavenPom(repoFolder, new File('./'))
if (project != null) {
project.badges = badges.calculateBadges(project).join('')
} else {
println 'No pom.xml found, skipping...'
void writeProject(Map project) {
println 'Writing project...'
String projectStr = "| [${}](${project.folder}) <br/> <small>([${project.artifactId}](${project.artifactId}D%22))</small> | ${project.description} | ${project.badges} | &#32;[![Pull Requests](${project.folder}.svg)](${project.folder}/pulls) |"
if ( {
println "Adding to group file ${}"
File groupFile = new File(groupsDir, "${}.md")
if (!groupFile.exists()) {
println "Creating group file for ${}"
groupFile << "[Apache Sling]( > [Aggregator]( > [Modules]( > ${}\n# ${} Modules\n\n| Module | Description | Module&nbsp;Status | Pull&nbsp;Requests |\n|--- |--- |--- |--- |"
groupFile << '\n' << projectStr
if (project.deprecated) {
println 'Adding to deprecated status file'
File statusFile = new File(statusDir, '')
if (!statusFile.exists()) {
println 'Creating depreacated status file'
statusFile << '[Apache Sling]( > [Aggregator]( > [Modules]( > Deprecated\n# Deprecated Modules\n\n| Module | Description | Module&nbsp;Status | Pull&nbsp;Requests |\n|--- |--- |--- |--- |'
statusFile << '\n' << projectStr
if (project.contrib) {
println 'Adding to deprecated status file'
File statusFile = new File(statusDir, '')
if (!statusFile.exists()) {
println 'Creating contrib status file'
statusFile << '[Apache Sling]( > [Aggregator]( > [Modules]( > Contrib\n# Contrib Modules\n\n| Module | Description | Module&nbsp;Status | Pull&nbsp;Requests |\n|--- |--- |--- |--- |'
statusFile << '\n' << projectStr
modulesFile << '\n' << projectStr