Apache Sling > Aggregator > Modules > auth

auth Modules

ModuleDescriptionModule StatusPull Requests
Apache Sling Auth Core
The Sling Authentication Service bundle provides the basic mechanisms to authenticate HTTP requests with a JCR repository. The algorithms for extracting authentication details from the requests is extensible by implementing an AuthenticationHandler interface. Build Status Test Status Coverage Sonarcloud Status JavaDoc Maven Central auth Pull Requests
Apache Sling Form Based Authentication
Bundle implementing form based authentication with login and logout support. Authentication state is maintained in a Cookie or in an HTTP Session. The password is only submitted when first authenticating. Build Status Test Status Coverage Sonarcloud Status JavaDoc Maven Central auth Pull Requests
SAML2 Service Provider
A SAML2 Web-profile SSO Service Provider (Sling Authentication) that uses encrypted POST Binding for communicating security assertions from an identity provider such as Shibboleth. Build Status Test Status Coverage Sonarcloud Status JavaDoc Maven Central auth Pull Requests
Apache Sling Authentication XING API
Apache Sling Authentication XING API Build Status Coverage Sonarcloud Status JavaDoc Maven Central Contrib auth Pull Requests
Apache Sling Authentication XING Login
Build Status Coverage Sonarcloud Status JavaDoc Maven Central Contrib auth Pull Requests
Apache Sling Authentication XING OAuth
Apache Sling Authentication XING OAuth Build Status Coverage Sonarcloud Status JavaDoc Maven Central Contrib auth Pull Requests