Apache Sling > Aggregator > Modules > discovery

discovery Modules

ModuleDescriptionModule StatusPull Requests
Apache Sling Discovery API
Support for topology discovery of instances. Build Status Coverage Sonarcloud Status JavaDoc Maven Central discovery Pull Requests
Apache Sling Discovery Base
Contains Connector and Properties support that some implementations might choose to build upon Build Status Test Status Coverage Sonarcloud Status JavaDoc Maven Central discovery Pull Requests
Apache Sling Discovery Commons
Common services related to Sling Discovery Build Status Test Status Coverage Sonarcloud Status JavaDoc Maven Central discovery Pull Requests
Apache Sling Resource-Based Discovery Service
Implementation of Apache Sling Discovery based on Sling Resource providing a ClusterView through resource-clustering (eg jackrabbit clustering) and a TopologyView through HTTP POST heartbeats announcing sub-topologies to each other. Build Status Test Status Coverage Sonarcloud Status JavaDoc Maven Central discovery Pull Requests
Apache Sling Oak-Based Discovery Service
Implementation of Apache Sling Discovery based on Jackrabbit Oak using its discovery-lite descriptor for in-cluster view detection and a TopologyView through HTTP POST heartbeats announcing sub-topologies to each other. Build Status Test Status Coverage Sonarcloud Status JavaDoc Maven Central discovery Pull Requests
Apache Sling Discovery Standalone Implementation
Implementation of the discovery API for standalone instances Build Status Test Status Coverage Sonarcloud Status JavaDoc Maven Central discovery Pull Requests
Apache Sling Discovery Support Bundle
Supporting services for the discovery Build Status Test Status Coverage Sonarcloud Status JavaDoc Maven Central discovery Pull Requests