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### Events Report Protocol
The protocol is used to report events to the backend. The [doc](../concepts-and-designs/ introduces the definition of an event, and [the protocol repository]( defines gRPC services and message formats of events.
syntax = "proto3";
package skywalking.v3;
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "";
option csharp_namespace = "SkyWalking.NetworkProtocol.V3";
option go_package = "";
import "common/Command.proto";
service EventService {
// When reporting an event, you typically call the collect function twice, one for starting of the event and the other one for ending of the event, with the same UUID.
// There are also cases where you have both start time and end time already, for example, when exporting events from a 3rd-party system,
// the start time and end time are already known so that you can call the collect function only once.
rpc collect (stream Event) returns (Commands) {
message Event {
// Unique ID of the event. Because an event may span a long period of time, the UUID is necessary to associate the
// start time with the end time of the same event.
string uuid = 1;
// The source object that the event occurs on.
Source source = 2;
// The name of the event. For example, `Reboot`, `Upgrade` etc.
string name = 3;
// The type of the event. This field is friendly for UI visualization, where events of type `Normal` are considered as normal operations,
// while `Error` is considered as unexpected operations, such as `Crash` events, therefore we can mark them with different colors to be easier identified.
Type type = 4;
// The detail of the event that describes why this event happened. This should be a one-line message that briefly describes why the event is reported.
// Examples of an `Upgrade` event may be something like `Upgrade from ${from_version} to ${to_version}`.
// It's NOT encouraged to include the detailed logs of this event, such as the exception stack trace.
string message = 5;
// The parameters in the `message` field.
map<string, string> parameters = 6;
// The start time (in milliseconds) of the event, measured between the current time and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
// This field is mandatory when an event occurs.
int64 startTime = 7;
// The end time (in milliseconds) of the event. , measured between the current time and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
// This field may be empty if the event has not stopped yet, otherwise it should be a valid timestamp after `startTime`.
int64 endTime = 8;
// [Required] Since 9.0.0
// Name of the layer to which the event belongs.
string layer = 9;
enum Type {
Normal = 0;
Error = 1;
// If the event occurs on a service ONLY, the `service` field is mandatory, the serviceInstance field and endpoint field are optional;
// If the event occurs on a service instance, the `service` and `serviceInstance` are mandatory and endpoint is optional;
// If the event occurs on an endpoint, `service` and `endpoint` are mandatory, `serviceInstance` is optional;
message Source {
string service = 1;
string serviceInstance = 2;
string endpoint = 3;
`JSON` format events can be reported via HTTP API. The endpoint is `http://<oap-address>:12800/v3/events`.
Example of a JSON event record:
"uuid": "f498b3c0-8bca-438d-a5b0-3701826ae21c",
"source": {
"service": "SERVICE-A",
"instance": "INSTANCE-1"
"name": "Reboot",
"type": "Normal",
"message": "App reboot.",
"parameters": {},
"startTime": 1628044330000,
"endTime": 1628044331000