Spring sleuth setup

Spring Sleuth provides Spring Boot auto-configuration for distributed tracing. Skywalking integrates it's micrometer part, and it can send metrics to the Skywalking Meter System.

Set up agent

  1. Add the Micrometer and Skywalking meter registry dependency into project pom.xml file. Also you could found more detail at Toolkit micrometer.
  1. Create the Skywalking meter resgitry into spring bean management.
SkywalkingMeterRegistry skywalkingMeterRegistry() {
    // Add rate configs If you need, otherwise using none args construct
    SkywalkingConfig config = new SkywalkingConfig(Arrays.asList(""));
    return new SkywalkingMeterRegistry(config);

Set up backend receiver

  1. Enable meter receiver in the applicaiton.yml.
  selector: ${SW_RECEIVER_METER:default}
  1. Configure the meter config file, It already has the spring sleuth meter config. If you also has some customized meter at the agent side, please read meter document to configure meter.

Add UI dashboard

  1. Open the dashboard view, click edit button to edit the templates.

    Click edit button

  2. Create a new template. Template type: Standard -> Template Configuration: Spring -> Input the Template Name.

    Create template

  3. Click view button, Finally get the spring sleuth dashboard.

    Save template Spring Sleuth Dashboard

Supported meter

Supported 3 types information: Application, System, JVM.

  1. Application: HTTP request count and duration, JDBC max/idle/active connection count, Tomcat session active/reject count.
  2. System: CPU system/process usage, OS System load, OS Process file count.
  3. JVM: GC pause count and duration, Memory max/used/committed size, Thread peak/live/daemon count, Classes loaded/unloaded count.