Configuration Vocabulary

Configuration Vocabulary lists all available configurations provided by application.yml.

ModuleProviderSettingsValue(s) and ExplanationSystem Environment Variable¹Default
coredefaultroleOption values, Mixed/Receiver/Aggregator. Receiver mode OAP open the service to the agents, analysis and aggregate the results and forward the results for distributed aggregation. Aggregator mode OAP receives data from Mixer and Receiver role OAP nodes, and do 2nd level aggregation. Mixer means being Receiver and Aggregator both.SW_CORE_ROLEMixed
--restHostBinding IP of restful service. Services include GraphQL query and HTTP data reportSW_CORE_REST_HOST0.0.0.0
--restPortBinding port of restful serviceSW_CORE_REST_PORT12800
--restContextPathWeb context path of restful serviceSW_CORE_REST_CONTEXT_PATH/
--restMinThreadsMin threads number of restful serviceSW_CORE_REST_JETTY_MIN_THREADS1
--restMaxThreadsMax threads number of restful serviceSW_CORE_REST_JETTY_MAX_THREADS200
--restIdleTimeOutConnector idle timeout in milliseconds of restful serviceSW_CORE_REST_JETTY_IDLE_TIMEOUT30000
--restAcceptorPriorityDeltaThread priority delta to give to acceptor threads of restful serviceSW_CORE_REST_JETTY_DELTA0
--restAcceptQueueSizeServerSocketChannel backlog of restful serviceSW_CORE_REST_JETTY_QUEUE_SIZE0
--gRPCHostBinding IP of gRPC service. Services include gRPC data report and internal communication among OAP nodesSW_CORE_GRPC_HOST0.0.0.0
--gRPCPortBinding port of gRPC serviceSW_CORE_GRPC_PORT11800
--gRPCSslEnabledActivate SSL for gRPC serviceSW_CORE_GRPC_SSL_ENABLEDfalse
--gRPCSslKeyPathThe file path of gRPC SSL keySW_CORE_GRPC_SSL_KEY_PATH-
--gRPCSslCertChainPathThe file path of gRPC SSL cert chainSW_CORE_GRPC_SSL_CERT_CHAIN_PATH-
--gRPCSslTrustedCAPathThe file path of gRPC trusted CASW_CORE_GRPC_SSL_TRUSTED_CA_PATH-
--downsamplingThe activated level of down sampling aggregationHour,Day
--enableDataKeeperExecutorController of TTL scheduler. Once disabled, TTL wouldn't work.SW_CORE_ENABLE_DATA_KEEPER_EXECUTORtrue
--dataKeeperExecutePeriodThe execution period of TTL scheduler, unit is minute. Execution doesn't mean deleting data. The storage provider could override this, such as ElasticSearch storage.SW_CORE_DATA_KEEPER_EXECUTE_PERIOD5
--recordDataTTLThe lifecycle of record data. Record data includes traces, top n sampled records, and logs. Unit is day. Minimal value is 2.SW_CORE_RECORD_DATA_TTL3
--metricsDataTTLThe lifecycle of metrics data, including the metadata. Unit is day. Recommend metricsDataTTL >= recordDataTTL. Minimal value is 2.SW_CORE_METRICS_DATA_TTL7
--enableDatabaseSessionCache metrics data for 1 minute to reduce database queries, and if the OAP cluster changes within that minute.SW_CORE_ENABLE_DATABASE_SESSIONtrue
--topNReportPeriodThe execution period of top N sampler, which saves sampled data into the storage. Unit is minuteSW_CORE_TOPN_REPORT_PERIOD10
--activeExtraModelColumnsAppend the names of entity, such as service name, into the metrics storage entities.SW_CORE_ACTIVE_EXTRA_MODEL_COLUMNSfalse
--serviceNameMaxLengthMax length limitation of service name.SW_SERVICE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH70
--instanceNameMaxLengthMax length limitation of service instance name. The max length of service + instance names should be less than 200.SW_INSTANCE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH70
--endpointNameMaxLengthMax length limitation of endpoint name. The max length of service + endpoint names should be less than 240.SW_ENDPOINT_NAME_MAX_LENGTH150
--searchableTracesTagsDefine the set of span tag keys, which should be searchable through the GraphQL. Multiple values should be separated through the comma.SW_SEARCHABLE_TAG_KEYShttp.method,status_code,db.type,db.instance,mq.queue,mq.topic,
--gRPCThreadPoolSizePool size of gRPC serverSW_CORE_GRPC_THREAD_POOL_SIZECPU core * 4
--gRPCThreadPoolQueueSizeThe queue size of gRPC serverSW_CORE_GRPC_POOL_QUEUE_SIZE10000
--maxConcurrentCallsPerConnectionThe maximum number of concurrent calls permitted for each incoming connection. Defaults to no limit.SW_CORE_GRPC_MAX_CONCURRENT_CALL-
--maxMessageSizeSets the maximum message size allowed to be received on the server. Empty means 4 MiBSW_CORE_GRPC_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE4M(based on Netty)
--remoteTimeoutTimeout for cluster internal communication, in seconds.-20
--maxSizeOfNetworkAddressAliasMax size of network address detected in the be monitored system.-1_000_000
--maxPageSizeOfQueryProfileSnapshotThe max size in every OAP query for snapshot analysis-500
--maxSizeOfAnalyzeProfileSnapshotThe max number of snapshots analyzed by OAP-12000
clusterstandalone-standalone is not suitable for one node running, no available configuration.--
-zookeepernameSpaceThe namespace, represented by root path, isolates the configurations in the zookeeper.SW_NAMESPACE/, root path
--hostPorthosts and ports of Zookeeper ClusterSW_CLUSTER_ZK_HOST_PORTlocalhost:2181
--baseSleepTimeMsThe period of Zookeeper client between two retries. Unit is ms.SW_CLUSTER_ZK_SLEEP_TIME1000
--maxRetriesThe max retry time of re-trying.SW_CLUSTER_ZK_MAX_RETRIES3
--enableACLOpen ACL by using schema and expressionSW_ZK_ENABLE_ACLfalse
--schemaschema for the authorizationSW_ZK_SCHEMAdigest
--expressionexpression for the authorizationSW_ZK_EXPRESSIONskywalking:skywalking
--internalComHostThe hostname registered in the Zookeeper for the internal communication of OAP cluster.--
--internalComPortThe port registered in the Zookeeper for the internal communication of OAP cluster.--1
-kubernetesnamespaceNamespace SkyWalking deployed in the k8sSW_CLUSTER_K8S_NAMESPACEdefault
--labelSelectorLabels used for filtering the OAP deployment in the k8sSW_CLUSTER_K8S_LABELapp=collector,release=skywalking
--uidEnvNameEnvironment variable name for reading uid.SW_CLUSTER_K8S_UIDSKYWALKING_COLLECTOR_UID
-consulserviceNameService name used for SkyWalking cluster.SW_SERVICE_NAMESkyWalking_OAP_Cluster
--hostPorthosts and ports used of Consul cluster.SW_CLUSTER_CONSUL_HOST_PORTlocalhost:8500
--aclTokenALC Token of Consul. Empty string means without ALC token.SW_CLUSTER_CONSUL_ACLTOKEN-
--internalComHostThe hostname registered in the Consul for the internal communication of OAP cluster.--
--internalComPortThe port registered in the Consul for the internal communication of OAP cluster.--1
-etcdserviceNameService name used for SkyWalking cluster.SW_SERVICE_NAMESkyWalking_OAP_Cluster
--hostPorthosts and ports used of etcd cluster.SW_CLUSTER_ETCD_HOST_PORTlocalhost:2379
--isSSLOpen SSL for the connection between SkyWalking and etcd cluster.--
--internalComHostThe hostname registered in the etcd for the internal communication of OAP cluster.--
--internalComPortThe port registered in the etcd for the internal communication of OAP cluster.--1
-NacosserviceNameService name used for SkyWalking cluster.SW_SERVICE_NAMESkyWalking_OAP_Cluster
--hostPorthosts and ports used of Nacos cluster.SW_CLUSTER_NACOS_HOST_PORTlocalhost:8848
--namespaceNamespace used by SkyWalking node coordination.SW_CLUSTER_NACOS_NAMESPACEpublic
--internalComHostThe hostname registered in the Nacos for the internal communication of OAP cluster.--
--internalComPortThe port registered in the Nacos for the internal communication of OAP cluster.--1
storageelasticsearch-ElasticSearch 6 storage implementation--
--nameSpacePrefix of indexes created and used by SkyWalking.SW_NAMESPACE-
--clusterNodesElasticSearch cluster nodes for client connection.SW_STORAGE_ES_CLUSTER_NODESlocalhost
--userUser name of ElasticSearch clusterSW_ES_USER-
--passwordPassword of ElasticSearch clusterSW_ES_PASSWORD-
--trustStorePathTrust JKS file path. Only work when user name and password openedSW_STORAGE_ES_SSL_JKS_PATH-
--trustStorePassTrust JKS file password. Only work when user name and password openedSW_STORAGE_ES_SSL_JKS_PASS-
--secretsManagementFileSecrets management file in the properties format includes the username, password, which are managed by 3rd party tool. Provide the capability to update them in the runtime.SW_ES_SECRETS_MANAGEMENT_FILE-
--dayStepRepresent the number of days in the one minute/hour/day index.SW_STORAGE_DAY_STEP1
--indexShardsNumberShard number of new indexesSW_STORAGE_ES_INDEX_SHARDS_NUMBER1
--indexReplicasNumberReplicas number of new indexesSW_STORAGE_ES_INDEX_REPLICAS_NUMBER0
--superDatasetDayStepRepresent the number of days in the super size dataset record index, the default value is the same as dayStep when the value is less than 0.SW_SUPERDATASET_STORAGE_DAY_STEP-1
--superDatasetIndexShardsFactorSuper data set has been defined in the codes, such as trace segments. This factor provides more shards for the super data set, shards number = indexShardsNumber * superDatasetIndexShardsFactor. Also, this factor effects Zipkin and Jaeger traces.SW_STORAGE_ES_SUPER_DATASET_INDEX_SHARDS_FACTOR5
--superDatasetIndexReplicasNumberRepresent the replicas number in the super size dataset record index.SW_STORAGE_ES_SUPER_DATASET_INDEX_REPLICAS_NUMBER0
--bulkActionsBulk size of the batch execution.SW_STORAGE_ES_BULK_ACTIONS1000
--flushIntervalPeriod of flush, no matter bulkActions reached or not. Unit is second.SW_STORAGE_ES_FLUSH_INTERVAL10
--concurrentRequestsThe number of concurrent requests allowed to be executed.SW_STORAGE_ES_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS2
--resultWindowMaxSizeThe max size of dataset when OAP loading cache, such as network alias.SW_STORAGE_ES_QUERY_MAX_WINDOW_SIZE10000
--metadataQueryMaxSizeThe max size of metadata per query.SW_STORAGE_ES_QUERY_MAX_SIZE5000
--segmentQueryMaxSizeThe max size of trace segments per query.SW_STORAGE_ES_QUERY_SEGMENT_SIZE200
--profileTaskQueryMaxSizeThe max size of profile task per query.SW_STORAGE_ES_QUERY_PROFILE_TASK_SIZE200
--advancedAll settings of ElasticSearch index creation. The value should be in JSON formatSW_STORAGE_ES_ADVANCED-
-elasticsearch7-ElasticSearch 7 storage implementation--
--nameSpacePrefix of indexes created and used by SkyWalking.SW_NAMESPACE-
--clusterNodesElasticSearch cluster nodes for client connection.SW_STORAGE_ES_CLUSTER_NODESlocalhost
--userUser name of ElasticSearch clusterSW_ES_USER-
--passwordPassword of ElasticSearch clusterSW_ES_PASSWORD-
--trustStorePathTrust JKS file path. Only work when user name and password openedSW_STORAGE_ES_SSL_JKS_PATH-
--trustStorePassTrust JKS file password. Only work when user name and password openedSW_STORAGE_ES_SSL_JKS_PASS-
--secretsManagementFileSecrets management file in the properties format includes the username, password, which are managed by 3rd party tool. Provide the capability to update them in the runtime.SW_ES_SECRETS_MANAGEMENT_FILE-
--dayStepRepresent the number of days in the one minute/hour/day index.SW_STORAGE_DAY_STEP1
--indexShardsNumberShard number of new indexesSW_STORAGE_ES_INDEX_SHARDS_NUMBER1
--indexReplicasNumberReplicas number of new indexesSW_STORAGE_ES_INDEX_REPLICAS_NUMBER0
--superDatasetDayStepRepresent the number of days in the super size dataset record index, the default value is the same as dayStep when the value is less than 0.SW_SUPERDATASET_STORAGE_DAY_STEP-1
--superDatasetIndexShardsFactorSuper data set has been defined in the codes, such as trace segments. This factor provides more shards for the super data set, shards number = indexShardsNumber * superDatasetIndexShardsFactor. Also, this factor effects Zipkin and Jaeger traces.SW_STORAGE_ES_SUPER_DATASET_INDEX_SHARDS_FACTOR5
--superDatasetIndexReplicasNumberRepresent the replicas number in the super size dataset record index.SW_STORAGE_ES_SUPER_DATASET_INDEX_REPLICAS_NUMBER0
--bulkActionsBulk size of the batch execution.SW_STORAGE_ES_BULK_ACTIONS1000
--flushIntervalPeriod of flush, no matter bulkActions reached or not. Unit is second.SW_STORAGE_ES_FLUSH_INTERVAL10
--concurrentRequestsThe number of concurrent requests allowed to be executed.SW_STORAGE_ES_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS2
--resultWindowMaxSizeThe max size of dataset when OAP loading cache, such as network alias.SW_STORAGE_ES_QUERY_MAX_WINDOW_SIZE10000
--metadataQueryMaxSizeThe max size of metadata per query.SW_STORAGE_ES_QUERY_MAX_SIZE5000
--segmentQueryMaxSizeThe max size of trace segments per query.SW_STORAGE_ES_QUERY_SEGMENT_SIZE200
--profileTaskQueryMaxSizeThe max size of profile task per query.SW_STORAGE_ES_QUERY_PROFILE_TASK_SIZE200
--advancedAll settings of ElasticSearch index creation. The value should be in JSON formatSW_STORAGE_ES_ADVANCED-
-h2-H2 storage is designed for demonstration and running in short term(1-2 hours) only--
--driverH2 JDBC driver.SW_STORAGE_H2_DRIVERorg.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource
--urlH2 connection URL. Default is H2 memory modeSW_STORAGE_H2_URLjdbc:h2:mem:skywalking-oap-db
--userUser name of H2 database.SW_STORAGE_H2_USERsa
--passwordPassword of H2 database.--
--metadataQueryMaxSizeThe max size of metadata per query.SW_STORAGE_H2_QUERY_MAX_SIZE5000
--maxSizeOfArrayColumnSome entities, such as trace segment, include the logic column with multiple values. In the H2, we use multiple physical columns to host the values, such as, Change column_a with values [1,2,3,4,5] to column_a_0 = 1, column_a_1 = 2, column_a_2 = 3 , column_a_3 = 4, column_a_4 = 5SW_STORAGE_MAX_SIZE_OF_ARRAY_COLUMN20
--numOfSearchableValuesPerTagIn a trace segment, it includes multiple spans with multiple tags. Different spans could have same tag keys, such as multiple HTTP exit spans all have their own http.method tag. This configuration set the limitation of max num of values for the same tag key.SW_STORAGE_NUM_OF_SEARCHABLE_VALUES_PER_TAG2
-mysql-MySQL Storage. The MySQL JDBC Driver is not in the dist, please copy it into oap-lib folder manually--
--propertiesHikari connection pool configurations-Listed in the application.yaml.
--metadataQueryMaxSizeThe max size of metadata per query.SW_STORAGE_MYSQL_QUERY_MAX_SIZE5000
--maxSizeOfArrayColumnSome entities, such as trace segment, include the logic column with multiple values. In the MySQL, we use multiple physical columns to host the values, such as, Change column_a with values [1,2,3,4,5] to column_a_0 = 1, column_a_1 = 2, column_a_2 = 3 , column_a_3 = 4, column_a_4 = 5SW_STORAGE_MAX_SIZE_OF_ARRAY_COLUMN20
--numOfSearchableValuesPerTagIn a trace segment, it includes multiple spans with multiple tags. Different spans could have same tag keys, such as multiple HTTP exit spans all have their own http.method tag. This configuration set the limitation of max num of values for the same tag key.SW_STORAGE_NUM_OF_SEARCHABLE_VALUES_PER_TAG2
-influxdb-InfluxDB storage.--
--urlInfluxDB connection URL.SW_STORAGE_INFLUXDB_URLhttp://localhost:8086
--userUser name of InfluxDB.SW_STORAGE_INFLUXDB_USERroot
--passwordPassword of InfluxDB.SW_STORAGE_INFLUXDB_PASSWORD-
--databaseDatabase of InfluxDB.SW_STORAGE_INFLUXDB_DATABASEskywalking
--actionsThe number of actions to collect.SW_STORAGE_INFLUXDB_ACTIONS1000
--durationThe time to wait at most (milliseconds).SW_STORAGE_INFLUXDB_DURATION1000
--fetchTaskLogMaxSizeThe max number of fetch task log in a request.SW_STORAGE_INFLUXDB_FETCH_TASK_LOG_MAX_SIZE5000
agent-analyzerdefaultAgent Analyzer.SW_AGENT_ANALYZERdefault
--sampleRateSampling rate for receiving trace. The precision is 1/10000. 10000 means 100% sample in default.SW_TRACE_SAMPLE_RATE10000
--slowDBAccessThresholdThe slow database access thresholds. Unit ms.SW_SLOW_DB_THRESHOLDdefault:200,mongodb:100
--forceSampleErrorSegmentWhen sampling mechanism activated, this config would make the error status segment sampled, ignoring the sampling rate.SW_FORCE_SAMPLE_ERROR_SEGMENTtrue
--segmentStatusAnalysisStrategyDetermine the final segment status from the status of spans. Available values are FROM_SPAN_STATUS , FROM_ENTRY_SPAN and FROM_FIRST_SPAN. FROM_SPAN_STATUS represents the segment status would be error if any span is in error status. FROM_ENTRY_SPAN means the segment status would be determined by the status of entry spans only. FROM_FIRST_SPAN means the segment status would be determined by the status of the first span only.SW_SEGMENT_STATUS_ANALYSIS_STRATEGYFROM_SPAN_STATUS
receiver-sharing-serverdefaultSharing server provides new gRPC and restful servers for data collection. Ana make the servers in the core module working for internal communication only.--
--restHostBinding IP of restful service. Services include GraphQL query and HTTP data report--
--restPortBinding port of restful service--
--restContextPathWeb context path of restful service--
--gRPCHostBinding IP of gRPC service. Services include gRPC data report and internal communication among OAP nodesSW_RECEIVER_GRPC_HOST0.0.0.0. Not Activated
--gRPCPortBinding port of gRPC serviceSW_RECEIVER_GRPC_PORTNot Activated
--gRPCThreadPoolSizePool size of gRPC serverSW_RECEIVER_GRPC_THREAD_POOL_SIZECPU core * 4
--gRPCThreadPoolQueueSizeThe queue size of gRPC serverSW_RECEIVER_GRPC_POOL_QUEUE_SIZE10000
--gRPCSslEnabledActivate SSL for gRPC serviceSW_RECEIVER_GRPC_SSL_ENABLEDfalse
--gRPCSslKeyPathThe file path of gRPC SSL keySW_RECEIVER_GRPC_SSL_KEY_PATH-
--gRPCSslCertChainPathThe file path of gRPC SSL cert chainSW_RECEIVER_GRPC_SSL_CERT_CHAIN_PATH-
--maxConcurrentCallsPerConnectionThe maximum number of concurrent calls permitted for each incoming connection. Defaults to no limit.SW_RECEIVER_GRPC_MAX_CONCURRENT_CALL-
--authenticationThe token text for the authentication. Work for gRPC connection only. Once this is set, the client is required to use the same token.SW_AUTHENTICATION-
receiver-registerdefaultRead receiver doc for more details--
receiver-tracedefaultRead receiver doc for more details--
receiver-jvmdefaultRead receiver doc for more details--
receiver-clrdefaultRead receiver doc for more details--
receiver-profiledefaultRead receiver doc for more details--
service-meshdefaultRead receiver doc for more details--
istio-telemetrydefaultRead receiver doc for more details--
envoy-metricdefaultRead receiver doc for more details--
--acceptMetricsServiceOpen Envoy Metrics Service analysisSW_ENVOY_METRIC_SERVICEtrue
--alsHTTPAnalysisOpen Envoy Access Log Service analysis. Value = k8s-mesh means open the analysisSW_ENVOY_METRIC_ALS_HTTP_ANALYSIS-
receiver-ocdefaultRead receiver doc for more details--
--gRPCHostBinding IP of gRPC service. Services include gRPC data report and internal communication among OAP nodesSW_OC_RECEIVER_GRPC_HOST-
--gRPCPortBinding port of gRPC serviceSW_OC_RECEIVER_GRPC_PORT-
--gRPCThreadPoolSizePool size of gRPC server-CPU core * 4
--gRPCThreadPoolQueueSizeThe queue size of gRPC server-10000
--maxConcurrentCallsPerConnectionThe maximum number of concurrent calls permitted for each incoming connection. Defaults to no limit.--
--maxMessageSizeSets the maximum message size allowed to be received on the server. Empty means 4 MiB-4M(based on Netty)
receiver_zipkindefaultRead receiver doc--
--restHostBinding IP of restful service.SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN_HOST0.0.0.0
--restPortBinding port of restful serviceSW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN_PORT9411
--restContextPathWeb context path of restful serviceSW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN_CONTEXT_PATH/
--needAnalysisAnalysis zipkin span to generate metrics-false
--maxCacheSizeMax cache size for span analysis-1_000_000
--expireTimeThe expire time of analysis cache, unit is second.-20
receiver_jaegerdefaultRead receiver doc--
--gRPCHostBinding IP of gRPC service. Services include gRPC data report and internal communication among OAP nodesSW_RECEIVER_JAEGER_HOST-
--gRPCPortBinding port of gRPC serviceSW_RECEIVER_JAEGER_PORT-
--gRPCThreadPoolSizePool size of gRPC server-CPU core * 4
--gRPCThreadPoolQueueSizeThe queue size of gRPC server-10000
--maxConcurrentCallsPerConnectionThe maximum number of concurrent calls permitted for each incoming connection. Defaults to no limit.--
--maxMessageSizeSets the maximum message size allowed to be received on the server. Empty means 4 MiB-4M(based on Netty)
prometheus-fetcherdefaultRead fetcher doc for more details--
--activeActivate the Prometheus fetcher.SW_PROMETHEUS_FETCHER_ACTIVEfalse
kafka-fetcherdefaultRead fetcher doc for more details--
--bootstrapServersA list of host/port pairs to use for establishing the initial connection to the Kafka cluster.SW_KAFKA_FETCHER_SERVERSlocalhost:9092
--groupIdA unique string that identifies the consumer group this consumer belongs to.-skywalking-consumer
--consumePartitionsWhich PartitionId(s) of the topics assign to the OAP server. If more than one, is separated by commas.SW_KAFKA_FETCHER_CONSUME_PARTITIONS-
--isShardingit was true when OAP Server in cluster.SW_KAFKA_FETCHER_IS_SHARDINGfalse
--createTopicIfNotExistIf true, create the Kafka topic when it does not exist.-true
--partitionsThe number of partitions for the topic being created.SW_KAFKA_FETCHER_PARTITIONS3
--enableMeterSystemTo enable to fetch and handle Meter System data.SW_KAFKA_FETCHER_ENABLE_METER_SYSTEMfalse
--replicationFactorThe replication factor for each partition in the topic being created.SW_KAFKA_FETCHER_PARTITIONS_FACTOR2
--topicNameOfMetersSpecifying Kafka topic name for Meter system data.-skywalking-meters
--topicNameOfMetricsSpecifying Kafka topic name for JVM Metrics data.-skywalking-metrics
--topicNameOfProfilingSpecifying Kafka topic name for Profiling data.-skywalking-profilings
--topicNameOfTracingSegmentsSpecifying Kafka topic name for Tracing data.-skywalking-segments
--topicNameOfManagementsSpecifying Kafka topic name for service instance reporting and registering.-skywalking-managements
querygraphql-GraphQL query implementation-
--pathRoot path of GraphQL query and mutation.SW_QUERY_GRAPHQL_PATH/graphql
alarmdefault-Read alarm doc for more details.-
telemetry--Read telemetry doc for more details.-
-none-No op implementation-
-prometheushostBinding host for Prometheus server fetching dataSW_TELEMETRY_PROMETHEUS_HOST0.0.0.0
--portBinding port for Prometheus server fetching dataSW_TELEMETRY_PROMETHEUS_PORT1234
configuration--Read dynamic configuration doc for more details.-
-grpchostDCS server binding hostnameSW_DCS_SERVER_HOST-
--portDCS server binding portSW_DCS_SERVER_PORT80
--clusterNameCluster name when reading latest configuration from DSC server.SW_DCS_CLUSTER_NAMESkyWalking
--periodThe period of OAP reading data from DSC server. Unit is second.SW_DCS_PERIOD20
-apolloapolloMetaapollo.meta in ApolloSW_CONFIG_APOLLOhttp://
--apolloClusterapollo.cluster in ApolloSW_CONFIG_APOLLO_CLUSTERdefault
--apolloEnvenv in ApolloSW_CONFIG_APOLLO_ENV- in ApolloSW_CONFIG_APOLLO_APP_IDskywalking
--periodThe period of data sync. Unit is second.SW_CONFIG_APOLLO_PERIOD60
-zookeepernameSpaceThe namespace, represented by root path, isolates the configurations in the zookeeper.SW_CONFIG_ZK_NAMESPACE/, root path
--hostPorthosts and ports of Zookeeper ClusterSW_CONFIG_ZK_HOST_PORTlocalhost:2181
--baseSleepTimeMsThe period of Zookeeper client between two retries. Unit is ms.SW_CONFIG_ZK_BASE_SLEEP_TIME_MS1000
--maxRetriesThe max retry time of re-trying.SW_CONFIG_ZK_MAX_RETRIES3
--periodThe period of data sync. Unit is second.SW_CONFIG_ZK_PERIOD60
-etcdclusterNameService name used for SkyWalking cluster.SW_CONFIG_ETCD_CLUSTER_NAMEdefault
--serverAddrhosts and ports used of etcd cluster.SW_CONFIG_ETCD_SERVER_ADDRlocalhost:2379
--groupAdditional prefix of the configuration keySW_CONFIG_ETCD_GROUPskywalking
--periodThe period of data sync. Unit is second.SW_CONFIG_ZK_PERIOD60
-consulhostPorthosts and ports used of Consul cluster.SW_CONFIG_CONSUL_HOST_AND_PORTSlocalhost:8500
--aclTokenALC Token of Consul. Empty string means without ALC token.SW_CONFIG_CONSUL_ACL_TOKEN-
--periodThe period of data sync. Unit is second.SW_CONFIG_CONSUL_PERIOD60
-k8s-configmapnamespaceDeployment namespace of the config map.SW_CLUSTER_K8S_NAMESPACEdefault
--labelSelectorLabels used for locating configmap.SW_CLUSTER_K8S_LABELapp=collector,release=skywalking
--periodThe period of data sync. Unit is second.SW_CONFIG_ZK_PERIOD60
-nacosserverAddrNacos Server HostSW_CONFIG_NACOS_SERVER_ADDR127.0.0.1
--portNacos Server PortSW_CONFIG_NACOS_SERVER_PORT8848
--groupNacos Configuration namespaceSW_CONFIG_NACOS_SERVER_NAMESPACE-
--periodThe period of data sync. Unit is second.SW_CONFIG_ZK_PERIOD60
exportergrpctargetHostThe host of target grpc server for receiving export data.SW_EXPORTER_GRPC_HOST127.0.0.1
--targetPortThe port of target grpc server for receiving export data.SW_EXPORTER_GRPC_PORT9870
health-checkerdefaultcheckIntervalSecondsThe period of check OAP internal health status. Unit is second.SW_HEALTH_CHECKER_INTERVAL_SECONDS5


¹ System Environment Variable name could be declared and changed in the application.yml. The names listed here, are just provided in the default application.yml file.