HTTP API Protocol

HTTP API Protocol defines the API data format, including API request and response data format. They use the HTTP1.1 wrapper of the official SkyWalking Trace Data Protocol v3. Read it for more details.

Instance Management

Detailed information about data format can be found in Instance Management.

  • Report service instance properties

POST http://localhost:12800/v3/management/reportProperties


	"service": "User Service Name",
	"serviceInstance": "User Service Instance Name",
	"properties": [
		{ "key": "language", "value": "Lua" }

Output JSON Array:

  • Service instance ping

POST http://localhost:12800/v3/management/keepAlive


	"service": "User Service Name",
	"serviceInstance": "User Service Instance Name"



Trace Report

Detailed information about data format can be found in Instance Management. There are two ways to report segment data: one segment per request or segment array in bulk mode.

POST http://localhost:12800/v3/segment

Send a single segment object in JSON format.


	"traceId": "a12ff60b-5807-463b-a1f8-fb1c8608219e",
	"serviceInstance": "User_Service_Instance_Name",
	"spans": [{
		"operationName": "/ingress",
		"startTime": 1588664577013,
		"endTime": 1588664577028,
		"spanType": "Exit",
		"spanId": 1,
		"isError": false,
		"parentSpanId": 0,
		"componentId": 6000,
		"peer": "upstream service",
		"spanLayer": "Http"
	}, {
		"operationName": "/ingress",
		"startTime": 1588664577013,
		"tags": [{
			"key": "http.method",
			"value": "GET"
		}, {
			"key": "http.params",
			"value": "http://localhost/ingress"
		"endTime": 1588664577028,
		"spanType": "Entry",
		"spanId": 0,
		"parentSpanId": -1,
		"isError": false,
		"spanLayer": "Http",
		"componentId": 6000
	"service": "User_Service_Name",
	"traceSegmentId": "a12ff60b-5807-463b-a1f8-fb1c8608219e"


POST http://localhost:12800/v3/segments

Send a segment object list in JSON format.


	"traceId": "a12ff60b-5807-463b-a1f8-fb1c8608219e",
	"serviceInstance": "User_Service_Instance_Name",
	"spans": [{
		"operationName": "/ingress",
		"startTime": 1588664577013,
		"endTime": 1588664577028,
		"spanType": "Exit",
		"spanId": 1,
		"isError": false,
		"parentSpanId": 0,
		"componentId": 6000,
		"peer": "upstream service",
		"spanLayer": "Http"
	}, {
		"operationName": "/ingress",
		"startTime": 1588664577013,
		"tags": [{
			"key": "http.method",
			"value": "GET"
		}, {
			"key": "http.params",
			"value": "http://localhost/ingress"
		"endTime": 1588664577028,
		"spanType": "Entry",
		"spanId": 0,
		"parentSpanId": -1,
		"isError": false,
		"spanLayer": "Http",
		"componentId": 6000
	"service": "User_Service_Name",
	"traceSegmentId": "a12ff60b-5807-463b-a1f8-fb1c8608219e"
}, {
	"traceId": "f956699e-5106-4ea3-95e5-da748c55bac1",
	"serviceInstance": "User_Service_Instance_Name",
	"spans": [{
		"operationName": "/ingress",
		"startTime": 1588664577250,
		"endTime": 1588664577250,
		"spanType": "Exit",
		"spanId": 1,
		"isError": false,
		"parentSpanId": 0,
		"componentId": 6000,
		"peer": "upstream service",
		"spanLayer": "Http"
	}, {
		"operationName": "/ingress",
		"startTime": 1588664577250,
		"tags": [{
			"key": "http.method",
			"value": "GET"
		}, {
			"key": "http.params",
			"value": "http://localhost/ingress"
		"endTime": 1588664577250,
		"spanType": "Entry",
		"spanId": 0,
		"parentSpanId": -1,
		"isError": false,
		"spanLayer": "Http",
		"componentId": 6000
	"service": "User_Service_Name",
	"traceSegmentId": "f956699e-5106-4ea3-95e5-da748c55bac1"
