Scopes and Fields

By using Aggregation Function, the requests will group by time and Group Key(s) in each scope.


NameRemarksGroup KeyType
nameRepresent the service name of each request.string
serviceInstanceNameRepresent the name of the service instance id referred.string
endpointRepresent the endpoint path of each request.string
latencyRepresent how much time of each ms)
statusRepresent whether success or fail of the request.bool(true for success)
responseCodeRepresent the response code of HTTP response, if this request is the HTTP call. e.g. 200, 404, 302int
typeRepresent the type of each request. Such as: Database, HTTP, RPC, gRPC.enum
tagsRepresent the labels of each request and each value is made up with the TagKey:TagValue in the segment.List<String>

SCOPE Service

Calculate the metrics data from each request of the service.

NameRemarksGroup KeyType
nameRepresent the name of the servicestring
nodeTypeRepresent which kind of node of Service or Network address represents to, Such as: Normal, Database, MQ, Cache.enum
serviceInstanceNameRepresent the name of the service instance id referredstring
endpointNameRepresent the name of the endpoint, such a full path of HTTP URIstring
latencyRepresent how much time of each
statusRepresent whether success or fail of the request.bool(true for success)
responseCodeRepresent the response code of HTTP response, if this request is the HTTP callint
typeRepresent the type of each request. Such as: Database, HTTP, RPC, gRPC.enum
tagsRepresent the labels of each request and each value is made up with the TagKey:TagValue in the segment.List<String>
sideCar.internalErrorCodeRepresent the sidecar/gateway proxy internal error code, the value bases on the implementation.string

SCOPE ServiceInstance

Calculate the metrics data from each request of the service instance.

NameRemarksGroup KeyType
nameRepresent the name of the service instance. Such as ip:port@Service Name. Notice: current native agent uses uuid@ipv4 as instance name, which is useless when you want to setup a filter in aggregation.string
serviceNameRepresent the name of the service.string
nodeTypeRepresent which kind of node of Service or Network address represents to, Such as: Normal, Database, MQ, Cache.enum
endpointNameRepresent the name of the endpoint, such a full path of HTTP URI.string
latencyRepresent how much time of each
statusRepresent whether success or fail of the request.bool(true for success)
responseCodeRepresent the response code of HTTP response, if this request is the HTTP
typeRepresent the type of each request. Such as: Database, HTTP, RPC, gRPC.enum
tagsRepresent the labels of each request and each value is made up with the TagKey:TagValue in the segment.List<String>
sideCar.internalErrorCodeRepresent the sidecar/gateway proxy internal error code, the value bases on the implementation.string

Secondary scopes of ServiceInstance

Calculate the metrics data if the service instance is a JVM and collected by javaagent.

  1. SCOPE ServiceInstanceJVMCPU
NameRemarksGroup KeyType
nameRepresent the name of the service instance. Such as ip:port@Service Name. Notice: current native agent uses uuid@ipv4 as instance name, which is useless when you want to setup a filter in aggregation.string
serviceNameRepresent the name of the service.string
usePercentRepresent how much percent of cpu time costdouble
  1. SCOPE ServiceInstanceJVMMemory
NameRemarksGroup KeyType
nameRepresent the name of the service instance. Such as ip:port@Service Name. Notice: current native agent uses uuid@ipv4 as instance name, which is useless when you want to setup a filter in aggregation.string
serviceNameRepresent the name of the service.string
heapStatusRepresent this value the memory metrics values are heap or notbool
initSee JVM documentlong
maxSee JVM documentlong
usedSee JVM documentlong
committedSee JVM documentlong
  1. SCOPE ServiceInstanceJVMMemoryPool
NameRemarksGroup KeyType
nameRepresent the name of the service instance. Such as ip:port@Service Name. Notice: current native agent uses uuid@ipv4 as instance name, which is useless when you want to setup a filter in aggregation.string
serviceNameRepresent the name of the service.string
initSee JVM documentlong
maxSee JVM documentlong
usedSee JVM documentlong
committedSee JVM documentlong
  1. SCOPE ServiceInstanceJVMGC
NameRemarksGroup KeyType
nameRepresent the name of the service instance. Such as ip:port@Service Name. Notice: current native agent uses uuid@ipv4 as instance name, which is useless when you want to setup a filter in aggregation.string
serviceNameRepresent the name of the service.string
phraseInclude NEW and OLDEnum
timeGC time costlong
countCount of GC oplong
  1. SCOPE ServiceInstanceJVMThread
NameRemarksGroup KeyType
nameRepresent the name of the service instance. Such as ip:port@Service Name. Notice: current native agent uses uuid@ipv4 as instance name, which is useless when you want to setup a filter in aggregation.string
serviceNameRepresent the name of the service.string
liveCountRepresent Current number of live threadsint
daemonCountRepresent Current number of daemon threadsint
peakCountRepresent Current number of peak threadsint

SCOPE Endpoint

Calculate the metrics data from each request of the endpoint in the service.

NameRemarksGroup KeyType
nameRepresent the name of the endpoint, such a full path of HTTP URI.string
serviceNameRepresent the name of the service.string
serviceNodeTypeRepresent which kind of node of Service or Network address represents to, Such as: Normal, Database, MQ, Cache.enum
serviceInstanceNameRepresent the name of the service instance id referred.string
latencyRepresent how much time of each
statusRepresent whether success or fail of the request.bool(true for success)
responseCodeRepresent the response code of HTTP response, if this request is the HTTP
typeRepresent the type of each request. Such as: Database, HTTP, RPC, gRPC.enum
tagsRepresent the labels of each request and each value is made up with the TagKey:TagValue in the segment.List<String>
sideCar.internalErrorCodeRepresent the sidecar/gateway proxy internal error code, the value bases on the implementation.string

SCOPE ServiceRelation

Calculate the metrics data from each request between one service and the other service

NameRemarksGroup KeyType
sourceServiceNameRepresent the name of the source service.string
sourceServiceNodeTypeRepresent which kind of node of Service or Network address represents to, Such as: Normal, Database, MQ, Cache.enum
sourceServiceInstanceNameRepresent the name of the source service instance.string
destServiceNameRepresent the name of the destination service.string
destServiceNodeTypeRepresent which kind of node of Service or Network address represents to.enum
destServiceInstanceNameRepresent the name of the destination service instance.string
endpointRepresent the endpoint used in this call.string
componentIdRepresent the id of component used in this call.yesstring
latencyRepresent how much time of each
statusRepresent whether success or fail of the request.bool(true for success)
responseCodeRepresent the response code of HTTP response, if this request is the HTTP
typeRepresent the type of each request. Such as: Database, HTTP, RPC, gRPC.enum
detectPointRepresent where is the relation detected. Values: client, server, proxy.yesenum
tlsModeRepresent TLS mode between source and destination services. For example service_relation_mtls_cpm = from(ServiceRelation.*).filter(tlsMode == "mTLS").cpm()string
sideCar.internalErrorCodeRepresent the sidecar/gateway proxy internal error code, the value bases on the implementation.string

SCOPE ServiceInstanceRelation

Calculate the metrics data from each request between one service instance and the other service instance

NameRemarksGroup KeyType
sourceServiceNameRepresent the name of the source service.string
sourceServiceNodeTypeRepresent which kind of node of Service or Network address represents to, Such as: Normal, Database, MQ, Cache.enum
sourceServiceInstanceNameRepresent the name of the source service instance.string
destServiceNameRepresent the name of the destination service.
destServiceNodeTypeRepresent which kind of node of Service or Network address represents to, Such as: Normal, Database, MQ, Cache.string
destServiceInstanceNameRepresent the name of the destination service instance.string
endpointRepresent the endpoint used in this call.string
componentIdRepresent the id of component used in this call.yesstring
latencyRepresent how much time of each
statusRepresent whether success or fail of the request.bool(true for success)
responseCodeRepresent the response code of HTTP response, if this request is the HTTP
typeRepresent the type of each request. Such as: Database, HTTP, RPC, gRPC.enum
detectPointRepresent where is the relation detected. Values: client, server, proxy.yesenum
tlsModeRepresent TLS mode between source and destination service instances. For example, service_instance_relation_mtls_cpm = from(ServiceInstanceRelation.*).filter(tlsMode == "mTLS").cpm()string
sideCar.internalErrorCodeRepresent the sidecar/gateway proxy internal error code, the value bases on the implementation.string

SCOPE EndpointRelation

Calculate the metrics data of the dependency between one endpoint and the other endpoint. This relation is hard to detect, also depends on tracing lib to propagate the prev endpoint. So EndpointRelation scope aggregation effects only in service under tracing by SkyWalking native agents, including auto instrument agents(like Java, .NET), OpenCensus SkyWalking exporter implementation or others propagate tracing context in SkyWalking spec.

NameRemarksGroup KeyType
endpointRepresent the endpoint as parent in the dependency.string
serviceNameRepresent the name of the service.string
serviceNodeTypeRepresent which kind of node of Service or Network address represents to, Such as: Normal, Database, MQ, Cache.enum
childEndpointRepresent the endpoint being used by the parent endpoint in row(1)string
childServiceNameRepresent the endpoint being used by the parent service in row(1)string
childServiceNodeTypeRepresent which kind of node of Service or Network address represents to, Such as: Normal, Database, MQ, Cache.string
childServiceInstanceNameRepresent the endpoint being used by the parent service instance in row(1)string
rpcLatencyRepresent the latency of the RPC from some codes in the endpoint to the childEndpoint. Exclude the latency caused by the endpoint(1) itself.
componentIdRepresent the id of component used in this call.yesstring
statusRepresent whether success or fail of the request.bool(true for success)
responseCodeRepresent the response code of HTTP response, if this request is the HTTP
typeRepresent the type of each request. Such as: Database, HTTP, RPC, gRPC.enum
detectPointRepresent where is the relation detected. Values: client, server, proxy.yesenum

SCOPE BrowserAppTraffic

Calculate the metrics data form each request of the browser app (only browser).

NameRemarksGroup KeyType
nameRepresent the browser app name of each request.string
countRepresents the number of request, fixed at
trafficCategoryRepresents traffic category, Values: NORMAL, FIRST_ERROR, ERRORenum
errorCategoryRepresents error category, Values: AJAX, RESOURCE, VUE, PROMISE, UNKNOWNenum

SCOPE BrowserAppSingleVersionTraffic

Calculate the metrics data form each request of the browser single version in the browser app (only browser).

NameRemarksGroup KeyType
nameRepresent the single version name of each request.string
serviceNameRepresent the name of the browser app.string
countRepresents the number of request, fixed at
trafficCategoryRepresents traffic category, Values: NORMAL, FIRST_ERROR, ERRORenum
errorCategoryRepresents error category, Values: AJAX, RESOURCE, VUE, PROMISE, UNKNOWNenum

SCOPE BrowserAppPageTraffic

Calculate the metrics data form each request of the page in the browser app (only browser).

NameRemarksGroup KeyType
nameRepresent the page name of each request.string
serviceNameRepresent the name of the browser app.string
countRepresents the number of request, fixed at
trafficCategoryRepresents the traffic category, Values: NORMAL, FIRST_ERROR, ERRORenum
errorCategoryRepresents the error category, Values: AJAX, RESOURCE, VUE, PROMISE, UNKNOWNenum

SCOPE BrowserAppPagePerf

Calculate the metrics data form each request of the page in the browser app (only browser).

NameRemarksGroup KeyType
nameRepresent the page name of each request.string
serviceNameRepresent the name of the browser app.string
redirectTimeRepresents the time of ms)
dnsTimeRepresents the DNS query ms)
ttfbTimeTime to first ms)
tcpTimeTCP connection ms)
transTimeContent transfer ms)
domAnalysisTimeDom parsing ms)
fptTimeFirst paint time or blank screen ms)
domReadyTimeDom ready ms)
loadPageTimePage full load ms)
resTimeSynchronous load resources in the ms)
sslTimeOnly valid for ms)
ttlTimeTime to ms)
firstPackTimeFirst pack ms)
fmpTimeFirst Meaningful ms)